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The Supermarket of Style: The Danceteria Topic

Two things happened in the last 24 hours to make me start this topic. First, yesterday morning I had a dream about Rudolf for the first time in maybe fifteen years. I asked Johnny why he thought I had dreamed of Rudolf and he said "It must be the boards, they are obviously dredging something up"

Then today a certain "original" friend of mine found his way to the motherboards and posted a rather lovely post that I wish I had written myself. As he and I first became acquainted at the seminal bar where he, David Ilku, Clark, Cathy Underhill, Fetisch, Deb Parker and I all worked at various times on the third floor of Danceteria, I thought I would get things rolling here.

Though at the time we certainly were inconvenienced by Rudolf's genius, I have to pay homage here to his invention of so many things that became modern in clubs.

In this Year of Eighties Retro, the legacy of this club should be noted, and the fact that some of America's Most Wanted and most Haunted worked here at one time, including original elevator child Michael Alig and doormaestro Haoui Montaug. I believe the first Batcave in NY was here circa 1984 or 5. And so on..
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