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BUTT BANG! a pre-pride concert featuring three wild new bands from different parts of the country and all from different genres of music/underground scenes. Salem are a goth-juke-synth band from Chicago who have a full length coming out at the end of the year (their latest EP YES I SMOKE CRACK, is sold out), Hunx and his Punx are crazy classic Shangri-La's style queerpunkers (fronted by Hunx from Gravy Train!!!), but most exciting to our minds are SISSY NOBBY AND BIG FREEDIA, two of the biggest stars in the wildly popular (among straights and gays) "Sissy bounce" hip hop scene in New Orleans. Both artists love to shake their butts and sing about boyfriends, bottoming, and eating dick. If either of you are in town and want to attend, please let me know!

BUTT BANG! is a pre-pride Gay Friday, June 19th at the Knitting Factory in NYC at 8:30PM. Tickets are available on

Videos from Hunx, Salem and Sissy
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