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Reply to "9/11 unfolds on the Motherboards: Waiting for the End of The World"

Together we weave Magical and truly beautiful Art. A Tapestry that is continuously Woven. We are threads of different colours. Some threads be shinier or darker hued. Flecks of gold and silver run through it. We weave this together. We weave the tapestry in revelry and happiness. Brought together together with all the pains and disappointments. We are healed by the weft that is the common experience.

Suddenly, this fabric of our shared consciousness is raveled. The Tapestry becomes frayed. The scattered threads grasp and try to find a purchase.
We seek the familiar. The understanding of this shared experience. we watch in isolation. we attempt to communicate what words cannot convey. We look for the thread we look to the loom. We seek out threads.


Digging in the rubble would be much more preferable than listening to the silence.