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Reply to "9/11 unfolds on the Motherboards: Waiting for the End of The World"

Dearest Chi Chi,

Just wanted to let you know that our thoughts are with you and your extended family from here in London. Watching this tragedy unfold on TV... it's a Ballardian hyper-real nightmare screenburning itself onto the global retina, an appalling moment that changes everything. We have all lost our innocence, not just America... Soon, we will really be tested on what we believe in.

And I just pray to the god/ess/s/one mind/thing that we come out of this somehow with our belief in co-operation, not domination culture intact. The future lies ultimately with the chalice, not the blade...

The bravery and dignity of New Yorkers right now is truly humbling.Simon, Neil, Robert and David and all the Salon Kitty crew send their love and thoughts, as do the Skin Two family.

I shall raise a glass to you noble freedom fighters tonight. Are you taking donations at all? Credit cards?

Michelle x x x