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Reply to "AIDS turns 20"

Gay Gotham
Gay & bi men who come together to raise awareness of HIV prevention and GM health.

Proyecto P.A.P.I.
Latino gay and bi men creating spaces for a future without HIV.

Soul Food
Black gay and bi men keeping brothers safe fom HIV by valuing their sexual lives, "We do it with Flava."

House of Latex Project
Giving life to the Ball children, the mostly black and Latino gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trasgender youth (ages 15-25) that are part of NYC's House and Ball Community.

Gay Men's Health Crisis

The Tisch Building
119 West 24th Street
1(800)-AIDS-NYC... Hotline
(212)645-7470..... For the deaf


[This message was edited by Rose Royalle on 12-27-01 at 03:13 AM.]
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