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Reply to "Air Travel is shite these days....."

That's one little thing I like about BA. I can get JD's for free because most their clientele will order something like Cutty Sark for a whiskey. When I ask for JD, often times I'm given a double dose.

In the old days you could also smoke on the plane.

These days going to the airport, I just have to laugh it off most the time. You have to have all your wits about you, know exactly what to say to get action out of all the different levels of personnel, at the same time try to be inconspicuous (now THATs a trick for everyone on these boards) so as not to get singled out for special treatment by security, and basically not take any shit from anyone. Its just survival of the fittest. A whole separate topic here could be the whackyness of just getting to the airport.