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Reply to "Barcelona: Sammy Jo's Ai Caramba Adventure!"

Alright so where were we? Oh right, ex wife gone, Del arrives...

Well, last Thursday my friend Del arrives from NYC and thus begins a weekend of booze, boys, and bailar-ing. Also in town was Mykl (aka Purple Pants), Riccardo, 5 of his Italian friends, Jaynie, her gf Helen so now that everyone has left I'd like to climb into a cave and sleep for 3 days. It was a fab weekend beginning with Thursday night going to this cute party called Boombox at the Apollo. It is sort of Barcelona's answer to the Misshapes. Me and Reuben were definitely the oldest people there by 5 years. But you know it's good to be around that young innocent energy. Hopefully we can suck up some of their life force to be used at a later date. Friday night Del and I djed in the Pop Bar at Razzmatazz. The Pop Bar is just as it sounds, anything goes musically. So we composed a playlist of all our guilty pleasures and some fierce stuff as well. The crowd seemed to really enjoy it although there were a few "Huh???" moments, I must confess. Let's just say playing the Bad Boy remix of "Fantasy" by Mariah Carey in the Pop Bar does not have the same effect as playing it for 6 strippers at the Pussycat Lounge. But hey, nothing ventured nothing gained. Here's a few pics from the night. They're a bit blurry because the flash on my camera is pretty offensive so I hate to use it.