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Reply to "Barcelona: Sammy Jo's Ai Caramba Adventure!"

Well it's getting down to the final days of my trip here en Espagne. Last week I got a bit depressed but now I'm just excited to get home and see everyone and then in 2 months hopefully return to Barcelona in my new apartment that I'll share with Keyan. Today he and I are going to look at a few places. "Any little rat-hole on 10th Ave..." is my apt hunting motto but Keyan has standards. He he he.

This past weekend I popped up to London to visit some friends and do some record shopping. I got to go to Duckie (my fave London party at the Vauxhall Tavern) where Dina Martina was the performer. I had never seen her before and she was quite amazing and had the crowd in her hands. She started with a version of "Devil Went Down To Georgie" as if it were being done by Dianne Weist. And then a sick medley of Greatest Love of ALl/You Spin Me Round which I believe is floating around on youtube.

At 1:30 I bid adieu to the Duckie gals and hoppped over the road to Fire to meet, yes you guessed it, Frenchie! He just so happened to be in London for one night the weekend I was there. Odd, huh? Well, always a glutton for punishment I had to go meet him at one of the most drug-fucked parties I've ever been to. Fire is a whole lotta fun....once or twice a year. I don't know how those queens do it every week, and a lot of em aint younger than me. AT 5:30am I scraped myself off the dancefloor kissed Frenchie goodbye and headed home to sleep before going back to BCN. Here are some pics....