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Reply to "Beams To Bobby Part 2"

Hey hons, Just got back from having a MRI ( a surreal ride in a tube that x-rays your brain) in Hyannis. Every day seems to make me a little clearer and stronger but I am still feeling this meningitis. Wierd and strange my dreams are full of friends and angels and I wake up in the middle of my sleep convinced that there are aliens in the room. Funny thing/ When they took me to the hospital in full straight jacket ( yum) and admitted me to the hospital, It was recored that I was an acute delerium. Little did they know that is my normal state. I want a t-shirt from Daddy that sez A Cute Delerium.

Thank all of you for your continued support and postings. These boards make me laugh and cry. I miss you all.And the 10:00pm stop and think on Bobby is so powerful I can feel it. Who is doing the singing? I hear someone singing.
