One has to watch the BBC or any non-US news agency to get news like this, but I just saw on the BBC World that Fidel Castro has offered to send 120 Cuban doctors to the disaster site. The US is not responding to his offer (no big surprise).
Loved the headline on todays New York Daily News: "SHAME ON U.S."
Bush went to Biloxi today and Alabama, but never set foot in New Orleans. He is a VERY lame duck. What was that all about? THat was the main hellish scene. He went to friendlier, safer sites with the destriction in Biloxi as a backdrop so that the nation saw him down there, but he never actually went to New ORleans at all. If he was a genuine leader of this nation he would have went right to that convention center. THEN I might even believe a little. But there was no way that was going to happen. Lincoln would have gone there, CLinton would have, Jimmy Carter would have. This administration is a big hoax.