Wow ladies and everyone, it is too bad more people can't read this thread. To understand, to disagree, to relate and finally to enable them to think outside the "little" box that we all have in our heads. The one that we so neatly try to place the people we encounter in. Even as a gg I never fit neatly in a box with a label and I never will. I don't know anyone here except Colleen *smooch*, who invited me to check out QMB. Thank you. Please accept my comments with that understanding.
Activism in any community is never easy and usually thankless. It just isn't as sexy as say inviting someone to a party. But when you have someone who is willing to fight for your community, support them in any way you can. The G&L community will only understand and include transgender issues if someone points them out; the more voices there are the greater the inclusion. You know the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
One of the things that resonated so deeply within me about this thread was fact that people said that they refused to carry labels about their behavior and identity. It is so much easier to prejudge someone by how they look; we do it all the time. We try so hard to fit into predefined categories because life is much simpler when we do. Thank you to those people who have pointed out that life is so much richer when you don't. When you don't prejudge and when you don't let others define who you are. Not easier but definitely richer.
That being said, is a TV/TG/CD less if they only dress up in front of their mirror at home? Part of what activism and self-definition allow is freedom. The freedom to do as we please, the way we chose to do it without anyone's judgments.
Back to lurking (I am really not as serious as this post sounds). BTW this board rocks. This board shares resources like few I have seen.