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Reply to "Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend"

I'm with you on that, musicboy. It doesn't even match the tox results previously reported - unless Ultram contains oxycodone. And obviously, the amounts in their system would clear up any confusion on that matter. And for God's sake, I wish they would stop using the word "suicide" in these milquetoast articles and coroners' reports. Who the hell would go to DC to off themselves? And Dean might have been a lot of things, but actively suicidal isn't one of them; I would bet the same could be said for Jeremy. As best I can tell, Dean was loving his life - as he damn well deserved to - foibles and all. Whatever happened to the grand American tradition of the "wrongful death lawsuit" in civilian court? If it's good enough for OJ, then this Saleh dude definitely qualifies. Pissed at the Post, B-