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Reply to "Dynasty"

Back in the day, I LIVED for Dynasty - - though I lived for Dallas first and when Dynasty premiered I initially dismissed it as a less-clever imitation. I was quickly won over however by the much more glamourous Carrington mansion, the gorge - and gay - Steven #1, spoiled rich bitch Fallon #1 who put Lucy Ewing to shame in the slut category, and the outrageous gowns and ludicrous pagentry of it all. As an added touch it took place in Denver, where I grew up. (several gay bars at the time had weekly Dynasty nights when crowds would gather to watch new episodes) My stepfather used to chide me for liking such "girly garbage" but I paid it no mind ... at that point of my adolescence I was already living for daytime soaps All My Children, General Hospital and One Life to Live during summer vacations. The first year was interesting, but things really kick off on the season finale when a suited and veiled Joan Collins waltzes into the courtroom in a gigantic wide-brimmed hat during Blake's trial and Fallon gasps, "that's my mother!"

Lately I've been seeing Dynasty posters around town, but I never noticed when it ran. I'll have to try and tape it or catch some of it when I get home from Webster on Saturday nights. Can't wait!