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Reply to "Dynasty"

Today the world stopped dead. Time froze as if suspended within cracked ice glazed over with winter's frost. Housewives all over the world dropped soapy dishes to linoleum floors in a shattering burst of exploding glass, dishtowel slung over a tired shoulder. Gay men from all over the globe shook with anticipation, arm hair standing on end, rigid chills wracking at the insides of their abdomen, sucking in and holding a long, deep lungful of air while clutching at leopard printed armchairs until their knuckles turned white.

It was the day Alexis Carrington-Colby arrived on Dynasty in re-runs on TV's SoapNet.

I remember watching that show as a little kid and idolizing Alexis. I know for me (and I'm sure a lot of other gay men as well) Alexis was the ultimate role model back when shows like Will and Grace didn't exist like they do know, there was Alexis, the only one to take in and befriend her gay son Steven. There were no gay MALE role models back in the 80's (Steven didn't count, he was confused as fuck haha), so we embraced Alexis in all her bitchy glory. I don't miss Dynasty on SoapNet..everyday like clockwork I'm recording it on the VCR.
And some people wonder why gay men and drag queens alike can easily rip morons a new asshole...we grew up with and learned from the queen of them all! LOL