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Reply to "East Side, West Side, All Around The Town"

One would hope that these clubs might construct themselves somewhat accordion-style with rooms that could be open or closed depending on the night of the week, which might have a better chance of working.
The one that seems to have the most promise IMHO is Crobar which seems to be modeling itself on the legendary Area and may actually have the guts and gumption to pull it off. They have hired both Michael Tron and Gilbert to oversee and that can only be a blessing, as they are both geniuses.
However, Avalon, with its hiring of absolute nobodies like Eve Salvail at $500 per night to be "taste-makers" (what?) is way off-mark and reeks of crooked money-laundering and wastefulness.
I suppose all of them will be sniffing around Wonder Bar and Magique very shortly for new and fresher ideas!
At the very least, this trend should bang the final nails into the Meat Market's financial coffin. Bye-bye Rabin!
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