YEAH Madge! mushy grayshes for the shining review of her many sterling qualities. *Dominatrix* as rent-a-cop, *Dominatrix* as nurse for the mentally challenged. She's over-qualified to say the least.
My old neighbors on West 26th are beseiged by construction types checking the basement daily for signs of imminent cave-in. I wish to hell my favorite lady would move out, fuck the buy-out, I feel she is a sitting duck for a real-estate grab-disaster...
Miss Marti sent me NY Post clippings about Western Beef disappearing (I know you will be happy about that Madge.) But that place fed alot of poor folk! The developers were oozing, "We're sorry we didn't buy the whole place when we had the chance..." that is, the entire Meat Packing District. Oh just go cover the world in steel and glass, assholes!
I feel bad for my friends being in a place where money rules everything.
Meanwhile back at this'ere ranch, after several glasses of local Gruet Rose Champagne, Jackie Bigelow got back on her broom and is flying under moonlight under the radar to Tennessee with multiple Faeries in her glittering wake. All the Love Weed was dispersed, she will be safe through Texas.
Father Paul is still picking the shards of Fiestaware out of her hairs, in the wake of the Hell Hotel blowout on Monday.
Daddy, I picked up a (hot pink) flyer for you at the Madrid General Store:
Green Couch
9 foot long
sits five folks
for when y'all open a nightclub out here.
PS: MERLIN! honey you are invited with all the vintage Samsonite you can lug. I've got plenty of pasture to put y'all out in.