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Reply to "Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic"

This disturbed girl repeatedly slams the very same gay activists who fight for her human rights, excoriating "lunatic AIDS activism" and the "neo-Stalinists who run San Francisco" while decrying gays for making sex "central to the culture", as if her own bareback internet activities don't point to the same thing. Her attacks on AIDS researchers who dared to release studies about the rise in unsafe sex and HIV infection rates among gay men (after she declared the AIDS epidemic "over" as a health crisis) were destructive and morally reprehensible.

Now after years of bashing us we are expected to read her maudlin editorials favoring gay marriage and get misty-eyed. Please. If it had been left up to her and disgusting ilk, gay rights would never even be on the discussion table AT ALL. I find her attempt to sit at that table now an affront to the real gay liberationists who have fought and paved the way. Even in her rare moments of clarity, she still misses the fundamental point that we deserve those rights because we are human, not because we are "just like everyone else" or because we are "mainstream" or "ready to assimilate" into some elite WASP club as Miss Sullivan would have it. I just want my equal rights whether I chose to marry or not, and I don't give a damn what anyone thinks of my lifestyle.

While she is – for once – correct in her call to action that Lily posted, her belated cultural war talk will ultimately mean nothing because in the end she will vote for Bush anyway like the Devil's Handmaiden she is. Miss Sullivan will remain on her knees swallowing the poisonous jism of Dubya and his goon squad, who will surely ship her back to the ghetto once they've shot their loads and plundered her purse for her tax dollars and campaign contributions. But meanwhile in the delusional cess pool of her brain, scientists and health advocates who've studied AIDS for 20 years are "doom-mongers" and co-conspirators in a plot by "AIDS organizations eager to hit up donors for more money".

Miss Sullivan needs the government to love her because she clearly doesn't love herself. She has deeply internalized the homophobia of her upbringing, and it's sad. I would even feel sorry for her were it not for the dangerous power she holds as an influential public figure to wreck cultural havoc, sabotage our community and irresponsibly play out her personal demons in front of today's gay youth who might actually believe her rhetoric.

I urge all self-respecting gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans to ignore this repellent, back-stabbing queen and forge on with the fight for your rights. Pity her if you must, but shun her at all costs.
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