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Reply to "JC Leroy (as Terence put it)"

Thanks for the dialogue!
Roman a clef always has been with us. 'Liaisons Dangereuses' is a great example. That book was a total scandal and banned when it appeared. The author was forced to write a book on the Joys of Marriage or some such drivel to clear his name. (That book was NOT a best seller...)

In any event, what happened with Truman is he
wrote in a 'fiction' (Answered Prayers) the details of a murder of a high society gent, by his wife, one of the grandes dames... The lady had gotten her name cleared, but Truman basically blew the whistle on her. When she learned 'her story' was the material for his book, she killed herself.

She might have killed herself anyhow from guilt. In any event, Truman broke confidence as they say and no one forgave him for it.

JT's divas might be thrilled, but then again may also turn against him should he ever use them for material. All I was saying is that with all the chatter about whether he is going to burn out, or not, etc., it makes sense that he will use what he now is learning about and involved with for material. And that these dames probably aren't too aware of that possibility.

Or he could continue to mine the whore thang from now until the TV series.

Anyhow this is WH Auden's quote that's used to such good effect in the Capote bio:

"No writer is a gentleman."

In other words, all is fair game with one of us
Recording Angels.

Iceberg LeRoi, moving up and out from flat-backing, to turning out a gaggle of truly highclass ho's. The success is enviable and
I am sure his shrink is thrilled with the abreaction, i.e. the transformation of painful material into something of value.
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