He's in good spirits. He's making jokes and stuff like that, trying to keep it light, and keeping his head up. He's in some pain, but coping
He goes in for the operation tomorrow at 6:30 am, It will take about an hour. They keep him for about an hour after for observation.
He'll then be going to stay with his friend Ron for a week while he heals (We'll have the number if people want to call) and then will go in on the 20th to talk about starting some new meds.
He may come down and stay with us (in Cincinnati) for a few weeks after that to get away from everything and relax ('cause Cincinnati is away from EVERYTHING)

He just got a new ROCKSTAR haircut. Jeffrey at Milio's cut off all his hair (he's saving it for a doll or Victorian shadowbox project) his cut is very Ziggy Stardust, a turquoise chop job

Send out lots of love an positive energy for him tomorrow.