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Reply to "Madonna: Swept Away, part IV"

I had to take up her side when I read about the church condemning her show and all. The Vatican can never stop being tired and hideous. If they're so fucking upset why don't they auction off 1/100th of their art collection and feed the entire Third World with the proceeds. (they could, you know) I still remember them all up in arms back in the 80s when she had a black Jesus in her 'Like A Prayer' video. Please.

But it's not like she's covering new ground here. Her art has always revolved around two issues really: religion and her pussy. When audiences tire of one topic, she veers back to the other. In recent years themes about the consequences of fame have crept in to her work, but that motif never seems to catch fire as well, so she sticks to the cross and the vag for guaranteed headlines. But that's a Catholic for you. They spend their whole lives recovering from the trauma of what they're force-fed as children.

When it's all said and done, I still love 'Confessions'. Say what you will about her ... the record rocks.
Last edited by Luxury Lex