Dear S'tan, I do not see a general apathy for concern about gender-based violence. There are thousands and thousands of private, community, non-gevernmental and governmental organizations around the globe, admittedly very small organizations, that have for many many decades combated the same conditions Ensler also opposes. So she did not invent her cause. She made it though a cause celebre. And of course she is very deserving of gratitude and support. What I see is a widespread complacency of the majority of people for stopping violence altogether. I very much appreciate your admiration and support for Eve Ensler. And there is nothing wrong or downgrading about her being a socialite and certainly a dilletante when it comes to social work, a very wealthy, and with some, a very influencial dilletante with a committment to make changes. Yes, good, she's done well. What I say is, we need to have a change to the way of life that produces violence as a routine. Being a dilletante social worker producing entertainment fundraisers and consciousness raising events to fund clinics and a kind of self-esteem pep rally obviously doesn't accomplish that. This doesn't mean those activities are wrong, useless or unimportant, on the contrary. There is a very very long cultural traditon for those methods of involvement. There sure should be a very large population of followers mobilized to speak out against gender-based violence and involved with financing efforts to treat the effects of that violence. But there needs to be an effort to change the nature of the society and culture that produce violence altogether. I hope saying so does not get me in to trouble with you.