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Reply to "Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!"

Thanks, Sweetie. And I do feel very owlish of late Eek

Regarding the Phelps brigade, that Merlin has mentioned...
It is all too easy to dismiss these obsessive lunatics as inconsequential crackpots because they are obviously nutjobs. After all, they protested at the NYFD headquarters and at soldiers' funerals who died in Iraq because they claim both the Fire Dept. and the Army are run by "fags". However, they always seem to get media coverage-- especially by our friends at Fox-- and the core of their message does filter through. Therefore, our response needs to be bigger. So when they come to your town-- as they will eventually-- we need to get out there and show our displeasure in a bigger way. And this has been happening more and more all over the country.

Even if you cannot make the march on Saturday, do something:

The New York Anti-Violence Project is a very worthy organization that has been doing great work for over 25 years. And their office is centrally located in Midtown. Volunteer to work their hotline. Send them some cash. At the very least, bookmark their site, so you can keep yourself informed...

The NYC Anti-Violence Project

Although our hearts and minds are with our friend Kevin Aviance right now, there are quite a few similar cases in the courts right now, as well as a shocking number of unsolved hate crime-related murders in the New York area.

Tell your friends:
Cut and Paste the information for Saturday's march (available on AVP's site) and email it to your list. (Gorgeous and glamorous rabble rouser, Sweetie has already done this. Bless you, girl!) You might wanna remove everyone in this topic from that list first because, well we know already. Here's the press release:

AVP Press Release

Contact Your Elected Officials:

It's simple. It's easy. And it's effective. Even if our president cannot be bothered to read his email, our local officials do! Email your council person.

Email Your Council Person

While you are at it, email Rosie Mendez from District 2-- it was in her District that the Aviance attack occurred. She would definitely like to hear from you.

Councilperson Mendez

And the Mayor:

Email Mayor Bloomberg

Why not? He's got a big enough mouth when he wants to use it. He's already made one statement and needs to make more.

One note... when emailing these guys, be short, to the point and somewhat polite. Save the rude language and the diatribes for the live demos, where it's more appropriate. And tell them who you are-- that's very important!

Write To The Press:

OK, it takes a bit of work, but you are all riled up now, right? Write to your favorite paper or magazine (The Nation.) Or your least favorite (The NY Post.) There's a knack to doing it, and a million sites with suggestions to increase your chances of publication. Here's one:
Tips For Writing Letters To the Editor

Oh and always include your phone number. They don't publish anything they cannot confirm.

And finally, remember that when it comes to stopping the violence against us, silence does equal death... literally.