Dear Sweetie I am very happy you helped hang posters. Do you want a medal for it? My work is my life. Kevin is a drag queen who was bashed; I am a proud drag queen who does not want to hide in the shadows. I walk to work in drag so I am very aware how dangerous it can be for a queen. I choose to march in drag because that is part of who I am. You could have easily come in drag to the event and shown a proud face. Instead you choose to attack people because of certain inadequacy's you are feeling about yourself.
My drag career started in activism in Queer Nation and ACT UP lip-synching on the street to raise money for various causes. So it is a very natural place for me to step back into this role and use the image of Hedda that was created through those amazing days of activism.
The march was a day when everyone, gay, lesbian and transgendered to come out and show there faces. You should not be the arbitrator of how one should appear in front of people. You come across as bitter and misguided. Look in the mirror and see who the boil is. Happy pride.
Hedda Lettuce