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Reply to "RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)"

I was shocked to read that Stephen Sprouse has moved on to another dimension, and at such a youngish age. So sad, of course, but from the press, I never get the medical details on the course of illness & cause of death, which are always of interest to me as the nurse. If it was heart failure secondary to lung cancer, then a quick end to that story is the best (a slow death not being able to breathe is horrible- as I have witnessed on more than one occasion in my business) and hopefully he was properly medicated (more morphine please nurse) to make his transition peaceful. His passing serves as a reminder to each of us to live for today, because who knows what card we are dealt tomorrow. Anyway, he has had his moments in fashion history, and he will go down as a great visionary (alas though not the greatest in business for himself)- among so many of his pieces (the LV bags were a great success but under Marc Jacobs umbrella), his jacket for Cher at her Letterman appearance with Sonny was brilliant- God Save The Queen!- in safety pins & sequins. I still have a simple and plain black jean jacket of his from his store on Wooster from the 80s.
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