Her name is Michaela Bercu. So yes, the spelling is on the money. She has one of the greatest success stories, ever. Elite brokered a deal to have her on billboards around the country for an unknown jeans label called Bonjour. Just like all of Elites youngest, they decided to screw her saying that she couldn't get paid, but that her name would go on every ad and billboard that she was in. This had her name in everyone's mouth, and she became bigger than life in the fashion world. The weird thing about Michaela is that she was scared to death of runways, and the only time she would do them is during fashion week here in the city. She was total snapshot gal.
You were very close, the movie she was in was Francis Coppola's "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and it was with Miss Keanu Reeves. She played one of his 3 wives.
It's odd that you mentioned her because a friend of mine who is with Elite, mentioned to me last week, that she had spoken with Michaela very recently. She lives in Paris now with her husband and kids and travels to her native Romania to do television commercials once in a blue moon. Like all hot chicks, she landed a man with big money, so she probably has a great cushion to fall back on.
Now that I count back the years, she has to be damn near 40. Can that be true?