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Reply to "Swept Away, part III"

What is with all this worship of hard work? Who bloodie cares?
Lazy bums who become successful are alot more interesting.
It's more irritating and mysterious!
Any egomaniac can obsess over themselves and promote their "thimbleful" ad nauseam. Can you spell OCD.

As for "when", Daddy, Divine Retribution is due, I looked into my crystal ball and the Astral Rabbis were saying somewhere... right before Hannukah... or if the currents aren't right then, definitely about the time Menopause marches in.

By then she and Anne Rice will have teamed up, together with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, to save our collective rotten souls with a symphonic blast of religious iconography.

Or rather we'll be compelled to BUY that salvation...

Find me completely missing it on velvet cushions mysteriously doing absolutely nothin' in The Remote Location. Which is not Michigan.
Last edited by S'tan