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Reply to "Swept Away"

I thought she was going to prove everyone wrong last night, but the more she talked, the more I got annoyed.

Especially when she started discounting all her old music as not really having much value.

(I'm paraphrasing) I can look back and see several good songs in there... but I don't really listen to my old work...and then went on to say her favorite dance song that she did was "Music."

So, she's telling us we should stop buying her albums and just concentrate on the music that Mirwais touches.

She's acting very self righteous. I feel enlightened and at the same time empty, so everyone else should have my values.

YET, I bet the ONLY reason she did that live show last night, was to preview the album on the day of release to try to offset all the bad reviews she knew she was getting.

She's coming across as a huge hypocrite. I don't think it is so much her age that is making her ugly I think it's what is coming out of her mouth.