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The Old Punks Social - Saturdays 6 to 10 in Williamsburg

Hello Motherboards! This new weekly party in Williamsburg aims to be a social gathering of Rock, Indie, Punk, and general good music lovers from all walks; For those looking to grab a cheap drink or 3 before moving on to their respective main events - be it a big live concert, birthday party, or just to hang before Tender Trap's own brilliant selection of night DJs take over the venue. Unabashed music nerd,  old-school Punk from City Gardens (Trenton NJ), and veteran DJ Ted Jacobs (AKA Ted Offensive from Hot Mess @ Teneleven Fame) shows off his musical A.D.D. (and at tmes O.C.D.) prowess spinning Indie, Glam, Punk, Prog, 4AD, Lounge, Disco, Novelty, and many more genres old and new. 6PM to 7PM is always "Album Appreciation Hour" where 1 or 2 classic music albums are played in their entirety (Full disclosure - sometimes vinyl but also sometimes high quality remastered digital, just so there's no confusion over the word "album" it applies to both formats) .  Punk, Hipster, or none of the above; old, young or "no comment"! All are welcome provided they promise not to behave themselves.


Old Punk3.0


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  • Old Punk3.0
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