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These are a few of my favorite things.....about New York

Reasons to be cheerful part 1
We are all feeling very mercury retrograde lately and down on our hoods and the suburbanization of Nooo Yawrk.... (me included) (see Wigstock/Howl section et al). Thought we needed to re-address it all and realize that things aren't THAT bad (as also Miss Understood reminded us)... it's only when you actually spend a day to two OUT of the city and in the suburbs that make your realize... so (in no order) here's my cheer up section to remind us of some of the fab things why we are still stuck here...

The food here is still the best and more diverse (Believe me each weekend when i am stuck as my f-buddies in the boonies in NJ...I a reminded how crap the restaurants are in the burbs).

You can live here without a car (rah rah rah)

I can get a ONE HOUR Tui Na massage on 14th at a Chinese Herbalists for only $40. Infact there are SO many lil massage places on every corner (try finding those in Levitt town)

There is still community - even though my greengrocers and fish mongers is gone... i still know my neighbours and enjoy running into folk on the street (yeah like that would ever happen in LA!)

Cultural Diversity.... Sat i took my 3yr old to the CHILDRENS West Indian Day Carnival which pissed all over a Julie Taymor performance... costumes, music, food and jolly-jolly...on Sunday he and I had dim sum in chinatown.

There are still places in the city to discover... I recently enjoyed feeding the turtles in the ponds in Central Park... and 'just' discovered the Angel Orensanz 'church/space' - every day you can discover smth new.

Love it that in NYC that me and it seems all my pals are using Andy Warhol stamps! Wonder how well they are selling in Idaho.

[This message was edited by Chi Chi on 09-02-03 at 06:39 PM.]
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