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Group Show 2004 – Deadline December 31 2003: One of my founding constructs of ArtMakerNYC is to produce a yearly special/social event to build this community and its resources: i.e., a new group show each year. Arcadia! was a great success and it's future by no means a closed book, or program, as the case may be. Arcadia! Updates will be posted once everyone is recharged and ready. Don't worry, the door to continuing Arcadia! remains wide-open: ideas and opportunities often times present themselves, and the best direction, perhaps, is yet to come.

While in Chicago next week for Wear Structure, I hope to solidify the budding relationship I have at current with the show's curator, Melanie Adcock, as well as, meet and contribute alongside the artists there. She and I are quite like-minded and we are both interested in joining forces to build national sponsorship interest for a joint-city 2004 project.

I would love it, if ArtMakers would contribute concept ideas here for review in January 2004. I do have a working concept, which I sort of need to have at this point, but this is a group show and it's concept best if mutually arrived upon.

Working Theme /Title: Demigods (perhaps signaled as DeMigods)
- BaSE greek mythology of God/Man hybrids (i..e, not of this earth, alien)
- current iconoclash realism [fashion, religion, technology, Z-factor]: individual interests and internalizations and expressions at odds and in league: defining a new inner-space world online and onstage
- superhero league-ism and villains (you know you're out there, scare tactics anyone?)
- DM (as signaled) for all you sci-fi role-players as well as bluelight (and lipped) dungeon masters, mistresses and mattresses out there Razz
More Art Media – would live for a Museum collaboration – a panel discussion? and documentation structured to garner future not for profit funding/investment for future productions.
Location/Date: TBA/June 2004
No more than 10 artists (perhaps 12 if I handle 6 and co-curator handles 6): each with a fully realized, multi-disciplinary demi-god character / construct to create and become.

I have developed this initial direction to include the identifiable interests of some of the most active ArtMakers at present (yes I know, the forum has slowed during Arcadia! but non-Arcadia! ArtMakers probably don't realize we built an entire Arcadia! forum during this ArtMaker downtime, pretty cool!) 2004
As we approach the first anniversary in September, there are a few suggestions I'd like to present for feedback (before I schedule any meetings – we all need a break from that!).

Addition/Nominations of/for a co-mod?

A new sponsor (for both the ad banner on the URL and the event)? I have just started a new development project with a new partner (sorry can't specify yet, who might be perfect for such a direction/production), but before I even think to look outside the boards ... I just did the calculations and I did benefit financially from the investment I made last year buying the ad space on ... I made three direct sales of prints and garnered two high-paying design clients who saw the ad and requested my book. I would like to allow others on the boards the opportunity to sponsor the forum before looking for outside support. Additionally, I will gladly renew the ad if no other sponsor surfaces, however both my sponsoring and moderating might be more of a detriment to the forum's continued evolution. And my own ad dollars may be better-spent drawing interest from local publications (by placing ads there) for the 2004 group show.

Things for ArtMaker founders and users to mull over during the next few months. Tonya-Out (peronally i'm thinking I'd make a good Shatneresque DeMigod ... Wink )
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