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Reply to "What a wonderful night! (reviews of NOTS 17)"

it didn't seem have as many young people as I remember (is that the city's crackdown on IDs or the increased admission cost?).

Yes, we all missed the 18-20 year olds that were able to come in at the Knit. Hiro, like all of the venues we considered this year, is 21 and over. I personally had to write to several despondent teenagers who couldn't come, and that was hard!

But, there are so few venues left in NY that can accomodate a show of this size and complexity ON A WEEKEND NIGHT that our hands were kind of tied.

Oh for the days at MOTHER when Kitty could sneak in the occasional 16 year old just by drawing a giant X across their hand so they wouldn't be served! Seems like another century..oh wait a minute, it was!

Anthony I appreciate your feedback very much, and am glad you had a good time!