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Tagged With "drag show"


Re: Does Anyone Remember SCISSORS or VHKB at Plaid??

Sera ~>B<~ Penumbra ·
I couldn't possibly forget! Can you believe Garo's show on Sundance? I am a mix of inspired and proud! Also just saw Ms Nicks at the Fillmore, SF a few days ago. During Edge of Seventeen, during her stage walk, I got to hold her hand for a sec, and she looked right into my eyes and said "Thank You!" I have never seen her look more lovely or sound more flawless. That made me think of you, and the good old days. Love to Johnny and all of the magical nightlife luminaries!

Re: Danny Tenaglia's Debut @ District 36 [Sat 10.22]

D36 ·
District 36 Presents Danny Tenaglia Oct. 22nd Danny Tenaglia fans, you're in luck! The Grammy nominated producer is coming to none other than District 36 on Saturday, October 22nd. Danny will be spinning his bold, internationally recognized beats within a 14,000 square foot systemized sound space - the nightclub heart of the Garment District. Step inside District 36 today, it's almost impossible to believe this chic and gorgeous dance club was once a clothing factory. The transformation is...

Re: Todd Tomarrow

Chi Chi ·
In our Nightworld, there are two kinds of artists - those who labor over their own creations, and then those who add their talents to the creation of something larger than themselves. Todd was as brilliant as they come, but his art was in service to the collective, to the creation of club/art/style movements. That is why so many of you won't know his name, but you know his work. I'd like to point out his enormous contributions to the following over two decades - BoyBar (three of his Miss...

Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

bobby Miller ·
What a great line up. So sorry I can't be there this year. xo

Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

Chi Chi ·
Thanks darling - you will be missed!

Re: [Sat 08.20] Evolve w/ Victor Calderone @ District 36

D36 ·
Last Chance To Get $20 Advance Tickets!! Prices Go Up Tomorrow! GET TICKETS:

Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011

Chi Chi ·

Re: September 2012 ~ Deep Space Lineup ~ François K. & Guests Mondays at Cielo

cgmusicnyc ·
Tonight September 17th @ Cielo! Free admission and complimentary vodka cocktails before 11pm with flyer or Show FB invite on your phone

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Night Nurse ·
My favorite night of all has to be the Home Shopping Network, because it was my first night ever at Jackie. I had been told my several different people- "oh, you would love Jackie." So I went one night, and it was packed to the rafters, but when I walked in I was entraced by Marti and Jessica on stage- dialing the phone, teasing each other's hair, etc. Like nothing I had ever seen before. What I wore will not be discussed, though I remember it too well, as such things have long since been...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

kitty ·
i have so many favorie themes-i guess after 10 years we must of had over 500 themes-some i don't remember -and often i didn't see all the shows as i was at the door. sid lives was one of my favories with amanda lepores astounding performance-and johny tingle and jenny genocide as sid and nancy.the witches of the east village with clark,art and eve as the spice girls was a memorable moment.marties shoe dance always made me come off the door to watch the show!!! others i remember fondly bowie...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Billy Beyond ·
We're dying to relive it, except that Betty Badum is no longer reliving anything. I loved her carefully counting the tiny specks of glitter with a pair of oversized joke tweezers from Gordon Novelties (still the best store in showbusiness.) It seemed to carry on for at least five minutes. Fascinating theater! And why the neck brace? Will we ever know? The "Prozac Finale" was all her idea. I remember John telling us cast members just minutes before the curtain...Truley inspired. We never...

Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)

Pops Steiner ·
Club 57 is now a mental health clinic. How perfect for the home of such parties as Putt-Putt Reggae. (This party is mentioned a lot, despite the fact that only 5 people showed up.) I'll write about Pulsallama's first show some time soon. It's a little hard to remember, thanks to Wendy Wild's mushroom punch.

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Poison Eve ·
Who could forget the ill-fated Cuchofritos? I remember going to The Pyramid one Sunday night in the early 90's - just as "Fuck!" was about to end. Being an NYU suck-in-your-cheeks gender-performance snob then (then?), I was anticipating a memorable show. Having read about the legendary likes of Ethyl and the Pyramid ilk, I wanted to be astounded. We were treated to a rather shoddy amatuer strip contest instead. But there was one redeeming factor...Hattie Hathaway and Richard Move MCing the...

Re: Blacklips

hatches ·
Once we did a re-working of Shakespeare's most cursed tragedy. It included a freshly written prologue sending up those unlucky aspects, with Flloydd and Marti whistling in the wing of the stage, the set was all green with peacock feathers and the audience entered the room underneath a ladder that we had strung up over the door. Funny, huh? Well, within seconds of the door opening, the ladder had fallen, almost killing the first customer, and Sissy Fit fell onstage during her scene and broke...

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

hatches ·
Does anyone else remember an early Joey Arias Pyramid show called "Mr. Ginger Rogers Neighborhood"? I believe it was at Cafe Iguana (Whispers sunday night predecessor) circa 1982.

Re: Blacklips

Lily of the Valley ·
Well, Nancy, as I'm sure youare aware, I was in my teen whilst I was a member of said cult. Those were the salad days.....All I ever could aford to eat was, salad. I learned quite a lot from some of my favorite performers. It was quite a magical time, although I believe a bit of an unstable time. I suppose magic and instability go hand in hand. I remember feeeling at different times central to the groups process and at others very peripheral. I suppose thats how things thrived. We all just...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

daddy ·
That was you??? I remember that show, it was genius! "Black like Jackie" was good as was "Fidler In The Hood" but I think we really perfected Blackness in '99 with "Uncle Charlie's Cabin". Truly one of my faves. It was so over the top! It's really hard to shock people today, especially at one of our events but... black total top masters and their white pussy boy slaves in cages and all set in the pre-civil war South had people's jaws on the floor! I remember black stud Joseph all dressed...

Re: Tracks NYC

daddy ·
Traxx in DC was major! What a great club. 5th column was good too (we played there) but Traxx DC was legendary in even in NY. (Along with Zanzibar in Jersey and The Catacombs in Philly). I think originally all the Trax clubs were connected but they never made it as gay shopping mall clubs and were sold. I'm not totally sure about this. I was a DJ there in one of the incarnations. I remember Bruce Willis was the bartender. He was so funny. He was an actor always going on auditions. I NEVER...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

daddy ·
Don't stop now Mother! Did you get through that partition. Did you show that cabby a Flawlessly good time? Was his name Singh?

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

daddy ·
Alot of you Jackie 60 regulars might remember my friend Jane (from the BBC). She was the one in the DJ Booth always with some piece of Latino eyecandy or some exotic Arabian knight. She would usually be the one reaping the benefits of late-night "Party Naked". I recently found out that she keeps a journal of her (s)exploits. I read one chapter about Redline Richie that was incredible. She also has one on Flowrider. I've asked her to start posting here. You will drool! One of her obsessions...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Luxury Lex ·
A few years back I gave up a broom closet share on Seventh Street & First Ave and moved to a huge, two bedroom apartment in Park Slope with a plutonic gay male friend. (I only stayed there a year before deciding I couldn't deal with the commute and fled back to Manhattan). Anyway, my roommate and I agreed to have separate phone lines, and I used a pre-existing one in my bedroom. But my roomie had to have a brand new one installed, so he arranged for a NYNEX guy to come out on a Saturday...

Re: Mondo Internet

daddy ·
You will gag Minerva but I was there when that picture was taken. It was at the Victoria's Secret fashion show. I was DJing. Before the show I went out into the lobby to call my wife. I looked next to me and at the very next phone was a 3 1/2 foot Gary Coleman in a blonde wig! I was trying to tell Chi Chi quietly, "You won't believe this..." Even better than the wig though were the shoes. They were these really ugly old lady pumps with about a 2 inch heel. The best thing was that they were...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
When I was 13, my mother and father took a day trip to Ohio to see my uncle and my brother closest to me in age was suppose to keep an eye on me while they were away. He did a really good job by getting me totally stoned. Later in the evening he had his girlfriend named Andrea come over, and they went downstairs in our family room where my brothers best friend Chris and I could hear her getting the life fucked out of her from where we were upstairs in the livingroom. Well at 13 almost...

Re: Mondo Internet

michael ford ·
gant sent it to me, he wantad to hire her to do a show. she wanted first class roundtrip and $1000.00 and some fierce hotel. how you durrin'?


goblin73 ·
yeah, it's true... lance has checked into the chelsea in the sky. pinto attended (or will soon) his memorial in l.a. i'll see if i can get him to post here. for those who don't know who lance loud was... he was the oldest sibling in the loud family who were made famous in the 70's on a PBS mini-series. the show - AN AMERICAN FAMILY - was the first reality based tv show ever aired. it followed the family in their so-cal house and lance as he moved to new york. he took a room at the chelsea...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
When I said Americans are unsophisticated about food, I meant myself included. I'm still afraid of the Durian. For those who don't know, it's that big spikey fruit you may sometimes see in Chinatowm. It's supposedly delicious, but it smells like a sewer. I'll try to taste it this time. Like I said, you try things and you get over the queasiness. It's like anal sex. I give an exemption to vegetarians. I just find it interesting that those of us who eat meat (I don't eat much of it, but I do...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Thre are a few different kinds of drag shows here. There are the gay club shows, the hooker bar shows, and the huge flashy Vegasy shows referred to as "Cabaret." The huge shows are amazing. While they don't incorporate the intentional sense of irony that we NYers love so much in a show, they are SO excessive and overdone that they don't need it. They emulate big splashy musical and music videos. Every number had over 20 dancers in huge, HUGE, costumes. The set keeps changing like on...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

goblin73 ·
i saw a show that sounds eerily similar... if not the same queen. in a neighborhood bar, packed back room with tables (no chairs) and the stage had stairs leading down to it from the back. i remember she held a pink and green plastic toy microphone in her hand for the lip synch. and that thai voice in the stand up section... i can still hear it in my head. incredible!!

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

goblin73 ·
well, it was no marc jacobs show, BUT... i saw sally jesse once at a fried fish & clam shack in p-town. she was so h.a.g. positive that we didn't even recognize her. i thought that all the hoopla around her was 'cuz she was an old waitress from the joint and we happened in on her retirement party. (no red glasses, sweetie.) you may have been sitting right next to her. trust.

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Glamnerd ·
Hey Gobs, I wore your "Glamour Goblins" T-shirt to an A-list fashion party, sweetie darling, hoping to have it featured like you requested. I was sitting next to Monica Lawinski, no photos were taken but maybe it will end up in Page Six or something. Alas no Hilton sisters though! But I bet you next year the Dolce & Gabanna show will be featuring rhinestone encrusted "Glamour Goblin" T-shirts

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

katrina ·
From: "Noah" Subject: Paris's Bday, Reebok MAGIC Event, Valentines Day, Presidents Day at Tao, Limelight Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:20:12 -0800 If your looking for something to do or tell your friends about this weekend, check out the following events Jason and I are hosting for Presidents Day Weekend. New York: Thursday Feb 14th: "Valentines Day" at Suite 16, 127 8th Ave at 16th St. Expect: Fashion week party, lot's of pretty people in red. Friday Feb 15th: "The Last Dance" at LIMELIGHT,...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Actually M. Ra, as I was reading that book all I kept thinking about was how you would live for it! It gets sicker as it goes on but I won't spoil it for you. If Todd ever finishes "My face for the world to see" this should be his next film! I won't embarass anyone by name, but you should see some of the emails I get from certain Asian queens in NY. You sometimes forget that people with limited English will write the way they speak. It's very cute, it's always the "L" and "R" switch. But...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Wow. I went to Pattaya to see the drag shows. We went to two, "Alcazar" and "Tiffany". While they were both dazzling, Tiffany, which started in the 70's, blew Alcazar out of the water! While the photos on their website look great, they don't begin to translate all the glitter and texture of the costumes, nor the kinetic grandeur of the sets... but go take a look around anyway: Tiffany Website On the "show preview" page, give it time to load and it becomes a little roll-over-the-photo...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

goblin73 ·
your travelogues are incredible, missy. they remind me of my trip to thailand and point out to me all the great things i missed. keep on rockin' in the "kinda" free world. when you head up into chang mai, you'll be wooed into hill treks to see these tribal people in their native environs. they're really just human zoos. i was grossly (and i do mean GROSS) disappointed... the akha women were hostile to us when we didn't wanna spend money on their crappy trinkets. they would yank their kids...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews of those Hill trecks. Supposedly the system has been reformed to space those groups from eachother, but there are so many of them I don't know if that's possible. I've been to Chiang Mai twice but I've never done the treck. I did, by car, visit 2 of those human zoo/villages. One was that pushy trinket situation. Then, at the longneck lady place, they just ask a fee before you go in. I think it's a bit more honest and less stressful. Look, they know you want to...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
I took a one day Thai cooking course. They actually cover a hell of a lot in one day! I'll soon be the green curry queen of NYC! So this guy I'm dating here in Chiang Mai, Wat, the one who had the circle jerks with the monks, he's really great to hang out with. I feel like a biker chick on the back of his motorcycle! He's entering graduate school to become a teacher. He's a bartender in a very odd location. At this three level flea market type place there is a weird long hallway on the side...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
You're lucky. Jewelry is sooo much easier to ship! So we went to this straight club called "Hollywood." It's set up like a NY dance club, a big room w/a stage, lots of lighting, and very loud techno. The difference: the room, even the would-be dance floor, is filled with cocktail tables. You either sit or stand at your table. Maybe 15% of the crowd will dance next to their table. Most people tend to get a bottle and mixers. We do that every night we go out drinking here. It's dirt cheap,...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Nancy Isla ·
I am sorry this post is a long and scattered but since it is fresh in my mind everything came out all at once. My tenses are screwey, and my spelling is a bit off, so patience please... Hey Mom, You would have loved it all! I am by no means a camper, and I dealt with it just fine. I was afraid it would be 200 homos huddled around a habachi (sp?) cooking an eggplant, but they have the system DOWN! Meals are regular 3 times a day. People are asked to participate any way they feel...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Nancy Isla ·
I GAVE you that gig! If you recall Rob, the question was "Will you show your ass, NANCY?" I said, "Hell no, get that tramp Domina to do it." Now there's egg all over my face. Or is that ovum?

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

daddy ·
I saw The Jazz Passengers with Debbie last night at "The Knitting Factory" They were great! I especially loved their twisted Ska / funk version of "The Tide Is High". As much as I loved the show however, I couldn't help but think that something was missing. The musicians are brilliant, Debbie's voice is better than ever, she looks incredible... I just kept picturing two skinny little bookmark dancers on each side of Debbie doing interpretive Isadora Duncan-esk dance moves. Food for thought.

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Jackie Bigalow ·
Around 3pm this afternoon, our cab whoosed by a hot young skinhead wearing a full-length black rubber jacket with all these pilgrim-esque metal buckles shining in the sun. Now THAT'S London, Sweetie. Thanks for the love and well-wishes, Mommy and Daddy. We wish you were here! ps-- Jersey Tomato looked GORGEOUS last night on the Graham Norton show in her spiked patent-leather boots and skirt. Look for Glammy and I in the audience. And don't even ask us about the (multiple) Jayne County...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
Last night was amazing, packed house,sold out show(2,000 people), crazed fans. Deb sounded amazing. Total rock show, down to the stalker who jumped on stage in the middle of "Hanging on the Telephone" while Garrett and I were slam dancing around her.Security knocked him to the ground and we just kept slam dancing around them.They said in all 10 years of doing this night no one has ever done that(jumped on stage)...the power of Debravation. I stayed out with the 2 cuties we met on the Graham...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
I did an edit myself. Sorry Gobs , didn't think of that. good point. btw- I wore your Glamour Goblin t-shirt on the Graham Norton Show here in London , I think it might have been on camera...

Re: Greer Lankton

Rose Royalle ·
I saw her big titted sculpture at a Whitney Annual which included more G&L artists than ever before, curated by an exceptional gay artworld celeb, Klaus Kertess, and was delightfully surprised that a trans-artist was included in the show, especially in an art climate that was and still is, although administered by art fags and women, in many ways predominantly macho,(compare prices of male artist's work with that of females-- even after women's lib!) I was anxious to see more of her work...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
well, we are on our way back today. it will take us 24 hours to get home but boy do we have some stories for you. Hong Kong was totally insane. We have been so busy that I had no time to post. but we have met some of the most amazing charecters on the planet....I have finally had the "Blade Runner" fantasy I have dreamed about for years. The first night I walked off the plane was like something I wished for as a teen. All the streets were wet reflecting the TONS of neon signs,I walked around...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Messy Bonnie Raitt ·
Why don't you guys leave that blonde bitch and come work with me. I got a show too you know. Could use a couple of beefy hunks like you guys. What do you say?

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
Hey all, we made it to London, 3 hour layover and then...home. Jade- we perform to DAT tracks. no live band.But a lot of the songs are remixes for nightclub dates. Wait till you hear about the Hong Kong show! Bill Clinton and this water sweetie. We brought Jaiko and Viva to Hong Kong to perform with us because the venue was so huge. It was an enormous convention center built in the harbor,huge stage, 2 huge projection screens,lights....yadda yadda. The whole thing was so sick. We performed...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
All I can do is nod in agreement and say "so well stated." I think I know what you mean, Sweetie, about not having a focused point, but I think that there is one there somewhere. This is a difficult topic to really tie together for some reason. I obviously have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's a flaw of character on my part, but I still haven't much sympathy or patience for anyone who is scared to death to show their colors in this world. Maybe that's where support is sorely...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

daddy ·
I can't easily jump in (being the world's ugliest gender-variant "thing" to come down the pike as most of you know) but this discussion is so smart & riviting. I've been around the drag world for years. It started at G.G. Barnum's in Times Square where I was a go go dancer. One day I got caught in the G.G. dressing room. The "girls" asked Miss Peter- The Sweetie of her day, "Can we keep him, Can we keep him Miss Peter?" They did. Never a tranny or a chaser I always appreciated "the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Rose Royalle ·
Well, my mind expanding Sweetie, this drop the bomb topic has been running around my already busy brain for days. I'm very happy to see people expressing themselves and shedding their experiences. (Stacy, welcome home honey, I've often wondered how you were doing.) A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman! A transgendered woman is not a man! A transgendered woman is not a woman! (Repeat chorus) Bobby Miller and I are friends. I love him as a human being and as...