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Tagged With "the world"


Re: Occupy Wall Street

seven ·
Now that the adolescent Drudge Report view of the world (delusionally preoccupied with thoughts of scabies, defecation, deviant sex crimes) has been exposed irrevocably as lies, it is interesting to see Bloomberg now expose himself as being completely unmayoral.He's fine when he's chaperoneing a multi-billion dollar mega development of the west side rail yards in Chelsea or cutting massive tax breaks for his cronies on Wall Streeet. But when he has to deal with a social dilemma he outs...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Night Nurse ·
My favorite night of all has to be the Home Shopping Network, because it was my first night ever at Jackie. I had been told my several different people- "oh, you would love Jackie." So I went one night, and it was packed to the rafters, but when I walked in I was entraced by Marti and Jessica on stage- dialing the phone, teasing each other's hair, etc. Like nothing I had ever seen before. What I wore will not be discussed, though I remember it too well, as such things have long since been...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
The thought of being a NYC expatriate has crossed my mind many times as of late. I too was at the Winter Music Conference in March in sunny Miami, and I had some of the best club experiences I have EVER had in my life. Powerhouse DJs and clubgoers from the around the world brought back many fond memories for me of the NYC club scene in the late 80s when I first moved here. In particular at Miami's Club Space and Crow Bar, I was surrounded by a glamorous, friendly, diverse, international...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Barbara Diamond (Guest) ·
Though not a seasoned world traveler or New Yorker, I have lived in San Diego, Los Angeles, the Central Coast of CA, Paris FR, Mexico City, and many other parts of the U.S. as a traveling IT whore. It's still New York. It's still the capital of the World. I still feel like I'm in Peoria when I leave Manhattan. Don't you wonderful people dare desert me for some mirage. Stay and make it better.

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
Yikes! I didn't mean to imply that I PREFERRED Miami to New York, simply that I enjoyed its club scene, and it WAS a lot of fun. There is an element of sleaze and hedonism in the city's nightlife that reminded me of how things used to be here. Even Iggy Pop agrees on that. Of course, I was there during the Winter Music Conference when all the best and brightest DJs and clubgoers from around the world converge on the city, so undoubtedly I experienced the creme de la creme. Under ordinary...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Luxury Lex ·
I missed that! You know I am practically on the floor laughing as I read your description of it! Those plantation scenarios! You know I have a gay male Jewish friend who's totally NOT involved in the club world and he LIVES for black and latino studs, she even bought a brownstone in HARLEM. I try to explain sometimes to him all the Jackie themes and gatherings and why I love it so much, but he's kind of uncreative and doesn't really get it. But WAIT until I tell him all you've just told me!

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Suzie Miles/Madame Forsythia bryan walsh Ralpy Boy / World Grind Federation love Kylie xoxoxox

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Chi Chi ·
Kylie dear - We are NOT going to let a mere terrorist catclysm stop us, rest assured. Thanks for your love and concern - we will continue to post here as everyone is heard from. We have heard from Kitty Boots (whose film production office was a block from WTC so we were concerned) Johnny and I are okay but deeply shaken - the first plane flew within feet of our roof I am told. Besides this topic and the other one here - to all our friends, I have deleted some topics that should have been...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Chi Chi ·
Kitty made it home recently - they are letting people walk over the Williamsburg bridge it seems. Thanks for those who emailed to offer shelter for her. Rob, who also works way downtown, is fine. Johnny's ex DJ assistant Angel who works in WTC made it out from the 28th floor- he is totally shellshocked of course. 7 World Trade has just collapsed...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

daddy ·
From Baby Dee: Baby Dee asked me to delete the name of her friend because of her concern for her privacy. (She left her World Trade job by the way and is fine). [This message was edited by daddy on 10-04-01 at 01:12 PM.]

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

daddy ·
Did these people that you are concerned about work in the World Trade Center or do they just live in New York? Please, we don't need tragedy queens! Look, alot of people are missing but not everyone who lives in New York was up at 8:45 AM and at work in the World Trade Center. I know if you are watching all this on TV from far away it must be hard but don't over react. There are millions and millions of people in New York. Most are fine. If you know someone that worked there and you are...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Jade ·
kylie - its surreal around here - feels like someTHING has taken a huge bite out of New York. I understand your feelings completely. People I havent spoken to in years have called to see if I was ok. My business took me through World Trade (Path Station) all the time but I did not work in the buildings.

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

daddy ·
Dressy, Please help bring our Islamic brothers into the fold. I think you owe it to the world. You are the bridge!

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

PrinceHank ·
2 Fridays ago I found a horny cabbie, but, sadly, I had guests from Delaware in the backseat and they jut wouldn't understand. Dressy, we can save America! I'm in! I can rid the world of terrorism with my right hand and a tube of WET!

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
The food here is amazing. There are many levels, but even the cheapest stuff you get on a streetcorner amazing. See, everything's cheap for what it is. If you eat in a cute cozy place that has an atmosphere, you can get a great meal, and I mean with seafood and all, from $3-$5. If you want to go for luxury, which I really don't do, You can pay up to like $20, I guess maybe even more, and eat in some palatial gourmet restaurant that would cost $100 back home. But on a streetcorner, well,...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
When I said Americans are unsophisticated about food, I meant myself included. I'm still afraid of the Durian. For those who don't know, it's that big spikey fruit you may sometimes see in Chinatowm. It's supposedly delicious, but it smells like a sewer. I'll try to taste it this time. Like I said, you try things and you get over the queasiness. It's like anal sex. I give an exemption to vegetarians. I just find it interesting that those of us who eat meat (I don't eat much of it, but I do...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

michael ford ·
well that's why the people of india only eat with their right hand. you will never see them using their left to eat. i think it's great to bring this out in the open. i didn't know about this until adulthood. we think it's a small world but in so many ways it's not. we are unaware of how so many cultures live.

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
I'm writing to you from the fancy bathhouse. It's one of those places you could never leave. But I will. I'm not THAT pervy. I am being a little more pervy this year though. At home I would be wayyy too self concious to walk around in a towel. I hope Chelsea culture stays away from here forever! They do have some reverse body image issues here. They'll have perfect flat abs and then think they're too skinny! You know here, the country not just the bathhouse, they would never think of making...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

daddy ·
There is a topic like that in The Versailles Room called bibliofile. How do you post? Internet cafe? I'm always amazed how wired the world really is. We have been in some pretty remote places and they always seem to have some sort of Internet cafe. (always with teen age kids online buying Hip Hop clothes)

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Actually M. Ra, as I was reading that book all I kept thinking about was how you would live for it! It gets sicker as it goes on but I won't spoil it for you. If Todd ever finishes "My face for the world to see" this should be his next film! I won't embarass anyone by name, but you should see some of the emails I get from certain Asian queens in NY. You sometimes forget that people with limited English will write the way they speak. It's very cute, it's always the "L" and "R" switch. But...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

goblin73 ·
your travelogues are incredible, missy. they remind me of my trip to thailand and point out to me all the great things i missed. keep on rockin' in the "kinda" free world. when you head up into chang mai, you'll be wooed into hill treks to see these tribal people in their native environs. they're really just human zoos. i was grossly (and i do mean GROSS) disappointed... the akha women were hostile to us when we didn't wanna spend money on their crappy trinkets. they would yank their kids...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
They got here okay. We went to the Bangkok Weekend Market. It's probably the best shopping place in the world! So many interesting and colorful things. I got some green silk to have pants made. Between the silk and the tailor it'll cost about $24. How could I ever go back to buying off the rack??? I'm still a little heartbroken over the end of my 5 day relationship in Chiang Mai. At home I go very long periods of time without getting that close to anyone.

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
This trip ran way longer than I had planned. I need to return and pick up the pieces of my life. I'm trying to enjoy all the cheap little "spa" treatments before I leave. I got a haircut; they chopped too much off. I had a 2 hour Thai massage. It was AMAZING! You know that feel of relief after taking a big dump or having a good orgasm? Well after a really good Thai massage you feel that all over your whole body. I must add that a 2 hour massage in NY would generally run you $120. Here, in a...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Jackie Bigalow ·
There's so much to share, which will come in time, but a quick note on DJ Sammy Jo planting seeds for a Universal harvest-- who knew he was such a skilled gardener: Pickles managed to filter "Edge of Seventeen" through his speakers in the very early morning hours, perhaps precisely one week before The Battle of A Thousand Stevies. That moment still pulses through me as I prepare for Friday night. He and Rob electronically channeled so many of our faerie friends into that party-- we welcomed...

Re: Greer Lankton

Rose Royalle ·
I saw her big titted sculpture at a Whitney Annual which included more G&L artists than ever before, curated by an exceptional gay artworld celeb, Klaus Kertess, and was delightfully surprised that a trans-artist was included in the show, especially in an art climate that was and still is, although administered by art fags and women, in many ways predominantly macho,(compare prices of male artist's work with that of females-- even after women's lib!) I was anxious to see more of her work...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

April (Guest) ·
Myself I don't care for labels since they suggest a digital (e.g. binary!) world. Humans are so analog (continuous and varying). "I would really like to know if you feel we could FOSTER GENUINE SUPPORT for ANY PERSON has had been made to feel different or ashamed or scared about who they are in terms of gender. " After reading the whipping post in the tea room targeted towards Gloria Wholesome I have my doubts. In fact I have received the most support from Gloria! She has been an advocate of...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
I love it! I love it! I find this all so very fascinating. I loved April's post, especially her views on "gender expression". And on some weird level Bobby's need to assert his manhood in this room was just as valid. I have heard Bobby speak briefly about his time on hormones, and find it mind boggling that he always percieved himself as POSITIVELY male. I guess I can only speak from my experience. And thinking back when I felt my first pangs of womanhood, I certainly would not have...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Urban Femme ·
As a genetic New York Jewish girl, I want to say that I love this community. I've only recently discovered it--thank heaven you all exist!!! I've been to Cheez Whiz a couple of times and think it is the coolest, most welcoming spot in NYC. Thank you Sweetie! I met my girlfriend on 'altmatch' and she is the most beautiful, sweetiest tgirl in the world (I could go on and on, but it gets very mushy). The bad thing is that she lives in Chicago and I live here, but hopefully we can live together...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
All I can do is nod in agreement and say "so well stated." I think I know what you mean, Sweetie, about not having a focused point, but I think that there is one there somewhere. This is a difficult topic to really tie together for some reason. I obviously have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's a flaw of character on my part, but I still haven't much sympathy or patience for anyone who is scared to death to show their colors in this world. Maybe that's where support is sorely...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

daddy ·
I can't easily jump in (being the world's ugliest gender-variant "thing" to come down the pike as most of you know) but this discussion is so smart & riviting. I've been around the drag world for years. It started at G.G. Barnum's in Times Square where I was a go go dancer. One day I got caught in the G.G. dressing room. The "girls" asked Miss Peter- The Sweetie of her day, "Can we keep him, Can we keep him Miss Peter?" They did. Never a tranny or a chaser I always appreciated "the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Lisa Jackson ·
I have been out in the world as Lisa for about two years now but only a few times have I stepped into daylight. I know that the courage to do this will have to come from myself just like the courage it will take for the trans communite to be a real part of the world will have to come from the trans persons themselves. I am still alittle scared to get involved with a TG support group becuase that just puts me one step closer to my truth and that can be scarry, but I need that support and I...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
The recent diologue in this topic has absolutely blown my mind. The selfless sharing of tg experience and history (good or bad) is exactly what ALL OF US of all gender variants need to read and understand. How can we let go of some of our prejudice disposition if we don't "know" the person we canott identify with. Stacy I found your comments and sharing so on the money. I hope you do know that some lurking, frightend, alienated person, trapped in their own skin might read your post and take...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
I have been reading everyones posts with such enthusiasm and interest. I would like to share a few things with several of you: April: I know something of the feelings that you are going through about family and transitioning. I remember how much angst and fear that caused me. Once I knew there was no turning back for me any longer, I actually remember having thoughts of wishing my family dead so that I would be able to live. As insane as that sounds (and is) that's a good example of the...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
Thairin Smothers from World of Wonder's site Research?

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Jade ·
I must say its a shame their sorry lives will be the focus of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of film, talent and energy. There seems so much more worth showing the world than troubled souls trying so desperately to have a good time. Maybe its what people need to see, I dont know. It certainly has fascination - in a 'how low can you go' kind of way. One thing's for sure, its definately a New York story. I wonder if this film will reveal the disconnection, the desperation...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
This subject is always so polarizing, and we've tried to steer clear of it ... While all of it was going on, we were being good little students and getting our education at Ohio University in the middle of nowhere. Zazoo did go to Limelight and Club USA in '92 (or ˜93) and had a blast. The Little Professor bookstore on campus carried "Project X" but that was the extent of our knowledge of the scene in NYC. When Chi Chi posted Michael Wilkinson's note above, we debated for over a week. When...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

daddy ·
World of Wonder $3 million Macaulay Culkin $1 million everything else $1 million ---------------------------- $5 million "Sorry, I guess there is no budget for costumes. Can you do it for free? It will be good for you." By any chance did the conversation go anything like that?

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

hatches ·
No Daddy, it would be something like this: World Of Wonder: $.5 million + % of profit Macauley: $.5 million Everything else: $1 million The corporate octopus involved: $3 million + % of profit of film, 100% on lunchpails & other film- related merchandise. And you would think that after $5 million came in that WOW would begin to go into percentage and see some more money, right? Wrong. The "break-even point" on a film like this could be as much as $10 million, after the corporate entity...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Sheril Veniger ·
For so many years I was closeted to the point that I was losing my sanity, I was virtually scared to death to go out in drag. The first time I went out it was to Click and Drag at Fun, and I was a mess, I was so scared I couldn't even hold my drink and it spilled on the floor breaking the glass, but by the end of the evening I was having a wonderful time and the barrier I had for so long battled to overcome was over. After that Click and Drag closed. The second time I went out to the...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

derrickinadress ·
I remember slurping on backwash it was after last call My dress was a couture pattern of stains from a variety of spilled alcohols.. I clinched me cellphone but hadn't received a single number to call. Then I woke up on the sidewalk, missing one of my brand new 8th street heels Searched for it in my thriftstore purse as I stepped in, what felt like "oatmeal?" THAT was just the beginning of the "Kinky Pakistani Cabdriver Ordeal". The night time city street was swirly as hundreds of "off-duty"...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
The last couple of posts unfortunately totallly veered away and lost this topic. Let's try to make sure our verbal masturbations are relevant to the topic at hand. Anyone care to comment, or pick the ball up where we left off. Hoping for insight and feedback about inner prejudice in the "tg" ie.... transsexual, transvestite, drag, cross dressing, gender variant world. We have had soooo much REAL sharing, it would be a shame to let this little room die. Read from page one and comment. Such...


Rose Royalle ·
Widely publicized and with a NYMag article to come out Holly died last week. She had been my art dealer from 1974-1980. Everything the many NYTimes obits said about her and Grace Gluck's full biography is true. She treated artists like friends, supported many many talents, and went with her gut feelings no matter what the odds. My personal memory which I'll never forget was the crazy summer we drove up to Lake Placid with a stationwagon trunk full of white wine and returned with a...


daddy ·
Holly was a steam roller. She paved the way. She had one of the first galleries in SOHO. When SHE moved downtown EVERYONE moved downtown. Holly started so many people's careers. Too many to mention. She was often the first person to give an artist a break. Most of the household name artists of the 70's, 80's, 90's and beyond got their start somehow with Holly. Holly, subsequently, had one the best art collections in the world. Going to her apt. (57th Street) was like going to the Museum of...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
I must agree that trans-discrimination has been phenomenally irrational and intense, but I have seen wonderful changes for the better. I have experienced just about evey kind of abuse over the years. It's important to keep ones center and not take any o f that harshness inside of oneself, but to recognize it for what it is and let it go. Yes, it has often seemed that too many people believe that a Transperson is nothing but something to point at, laugh and gawk. Many young men and some not...

Re: Page

Rose Royalle ·
Uncommon talent, very decent human being, kind, considerate to me always. I would have to call Page a lady in every sense of the word-what a world it would be if we could all be exquisite, inventive, well mannered and generous. [This message was edited by Rose Royalle on 07-22-02 at 07:10 AM.]

Re: Page

Lily of the Valley ·
When I first arrived in the Blade Runner 'esuqe city that New York was in 1990, I remember seeing this tall "Woman" with a bleach blonde flatop, horned rimmed sunglassed, in the dark of night, and glitter red lipstick, while dressed in a retro new wave look about 10 years before anyone thought it was cool to bring that back. She waltzed up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Page...who are you ?" My eyes opened a little wider and what was possible in this life became a little broader and I saw the...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:


goblin73 ·
so far... goblin73 glamnerd anyone else?? lurkers?? the glamour goblins ghetto has been slightly renamed the glamour goblins GROTTO (or G3) in keeping with this year's theme - the floating world. i expect to see LOTS of mermaids and pirates and other aquatic creatures. also, the G3 is now part of woonami village. which includes the forementioned woowoo field. confusing, yes. but the change in nomenclature is just a growing pain of our recurring temporary community. what started out as 30...

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

Zazoo and Satori ·
A bit of explanation... Mark Twain is said to have once wrote: "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always 20 years behind the times." This still holds true. We were asked to host a night at a local gay club here in Cincinnati about a year after Zazoo was "born." we agreed, but only on our terms... What did this mean? Well... 1. Good music. 2. No crappy Drag Queens badly lipsyching to 3 year-old songs. 3. "Freaks" got in free They reluctantly agreed to...

Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker

TonyaKnudsen ·
Was out last night at a renegade punk bar in Billyburg (i.e. Williamsburg, the Brooklyn art mecca) tossing back stale beer / listening to Sepulatura with a newly migrated New Yorker who came to us via London from Chicago. Indeed, I am growing quite fond of this witty, brazen and beautiful girl who aspires to wrestle more than anything in the world. We were talking of the windy city and I mentioned you had joined the ArtMaker forum. And such a smile came across her face as she told me how...