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Tagged With "something weird video"


Re: New York 1980's Stars

Miss Understood ·
Don't you people know how to Google? Here's a little video clip of Miss Kasten backstage at Mad TV:

Re: Jonah Falcon

thicknpierced (Guest) ·
If you wouldn't mind sending them, I would love to see your nude pics, too....pretty please?! Got any of you shooting a big load - or even video...? Thanks!!

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Michael Madison ·
Ooo ooo ooo! I wanna be Rosie O'Donell! Meanwhile, Madge cries: Liz Smith -- November 30, 2005 -- 'ME AND ELVIS? Are you kidding?! I'm gonna tell my dad. Maybe that will impress him." That was Madonna's reaction when we told the Queen of Pop that she has now tied the King of Rock 'n' Roll with the most top-10 singles ever "” 36 each. (Her latest being the crazily infectious "Hung Up.") M had not heard the news yet. I guess she really does stay away from media! And at 47, touchingly, she...


Glamnerd ·
thanks for the feedback.... S'tan - I know about the dialup slaves and usually try to compensate but for my purposes with this site i had to make it a bit higher-rez. especially with video. Ive always been a bit of a bandwith whore. ha. Seven- thanks for the spelling error, its usual with me but came from a different source this time , ha!

Re: NOTS 16 - STEVIE IN WONDERLAND - May 19, 2006

Merlinator ·
video musac with a little mother in it? LOL. it's always such a family reunion seeing everyone once a year. what'll i wear besides my camera? merlin ain't no rabbit.

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Anna Nicole ·
I have no objection to Madge being up on a cross but i do find it somewhat amusing how she picks her 'targets'. To 'mock' christianity is a much softer target than say the jews or islam or even scientolgy! Remember when she made the 'war' video but pulled it fast (cos she was really scared of the backlash). To me it just de-values any 'art' she wants to do with the cross. u know..? Am sure the show is a brilliant.... but i can't help feeling that people are now paying to see a caberet Madge...

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Luxury Lex ·
I had to take up her side when I read about the church condemning her show and all. The Vatican can never stop being tired and hideous. If they're so fucking upset why don't they auction off 1/100th of their art collection and feed the entire Third World with the proceeds. (they could, you know) I still remember them all up in arms back in the 80s when she had a black Jesus in her 'Like A Prayer' video. Please. But it's not like she's covering new ground here. Her art has always revolved...

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Glamnerd ·
I didnt know about this so i googled it and found what all the "fuss" is about -"Those who don't know what all the fuss is about... Madonna performed the ballad "Live To Tell" while suspended from a giant mirrored cross on Sunday's opening night with images of poverty in the developing world were shown on video screens, while numbers ticked away to represent the 12 million African children orphaned by AIDS. Poverty on the cross with a brand new "Jesus" called Madonna.." Dont you think a...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Mister X ·
Well, Jonah and daddy aren't really the same, Jonah was height. And my big, huge... closet just keeps growing. I did wear the Costume Institute's bequeath-ment yesterday (courtesy of Gennaro, bless his soul) to work, love it to death. Bobby, I miss you terribly. I did want to ask you daddy, remember when Romy Haag performed at Jackie? Did anyone ever video tape (yes, befor there was DV there was video) the performance? I'll pay top dollar for the footage...

Re: GWB and Catch 22

S'tan ·
CATCH-22 IN ACTION -- "MORALS WAIVERS" granted to new army recruits... SOCIOPATHS rendered fit for duty... As per Catch-22.... If you can be declared insane, you are thereupon deemed unfit for duty. But then you're sent back to fly another mission... Why? .... So Yossarian refuses to wear his uniform anymore. He appears at roll call stark naked. He is asked why, and he replies that after one his airmen was shot up in the plane, and his uniform bloodied, he never wanted to wear a US Air Force...

Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century

daddy ·
I'd love to see a secret (Paris Hilton type) sex video with Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter. I'm sure he could never get it up with her though. She would scare him to death. Scare ANYONE to death! Damn! I knew I wouldn't get away with this. The Empress made me edit Ann Coulter's open muff. She said that she was going to throw up. OK, here is the G-Rated version. So much for free speech!

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

daddy ·
This from Lady Bunny:

Re: Puritan Watch

Michael Madison ·
Oh please. And I love that his name is Tony Perkins because you just know he's dressed in his mother's house coat and peeping through holes when he's not raging against porn. Conservatives ask FBI to investigate hotel porn Tuesday, August 22, 2006 Posted: 1809 GMT NEW YORK (AP) -- Pornographic movies now seem nearly as pervasive in America's hotel rooms as tiny shampoo bottles, and the lodging industry shows little concern as conservative activists rev up a protest campaign aimed at...

Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!

Vulgaras ·
Moby asked my dear galpal Saint Reverend Jen Miller to direct a low-budget music video for his new release New York New York featuring vox by Debbie Harry. My big boobie ass can be found in some of the disco scenes at the end The REAL star of this awesomely wacky shin dig is Reverend Jen Junior...... Go here to check it out. Oh and as a side note.... Saint Reverend Jen Miller can be found hosting !BadAss! tomorrow nite! All info can be had @ .

Re: Depeche Mode

andreabicsotti ·
Theres a really cool video for John The Revelator starring George Dubya, and it wasn't far from what I was thinking about when I first heard the song. I saw it on YouTube.

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

andreabicsotti ·
The young people today obviously don't care about AIDS. They think it's cured thanks to the new medicines, but there STILL ISN'T A CURE. And they need to to stop fucking on crystal meth, which is partially responsible for the resurgence of new HIV cases in gay people in America. Give these kids a copy of Close To The Knives, and hopefully they will be more careful. I also think that it's pretty ironic that at the height of the AIDS epidemic in David's time the catholic Church and the...

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Michael Madison ·
Breaking news! (guessing that no one else here gets emails from the Madonna fan club) Madge's 100% commodification was complete a long time ago, but she continues to top herself..latest offerings just in time for xmas: get your "limited edition Madonna canvas painting" and "Limited Edition Holiday Ornament" -- now! Dear Madonna Fans, Christmas is just 18 days away and Madonna has some great gifts for fellow fans. Here are some opportunities you won't want to miss: - Are you ready to add...

Re: Iran executes gay teenagers

Lily of the Valley ·
I've been reading a lot on the subject of religion lately. Two thinkers, Scientist RIchard Dawkins (who wrote the brilliant book, "The God Delusion") and Sam Harris have been trying to raise consciousnes about the mortal danger presented by faith without evidence. In no other area of public discourse do we accept someone prescribing public policy based on the rantings of desert nomads over 2,000 years ago. Would we trust a public official who said he was inspired by Zeus or Appolo? Of couse...

Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985

Littlewing ·
FOUR things 1)I just found this site tonight,and am I thrilled!! Just seeing the familiar names is making me feel at home. It all started by typing Brian's (Hattie)name into Google to find him. 2)KESTUTIS, I have wondered for years what you are up to and would be very happy to offer up what I can for your book collaboration. 3)DANA, I went to Shangai last year for the Guy Bourdin opening at the Shanghai Art Museum and then on to Beijing...What an incredible place . I went to one of the best...

Re: "are y'all from the roxy's?" - Empire Skating Rink, Brooklyn

goblin73 ·
CHASE'S ROLLER RUNWAY (click it to go to youtube video)

Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.

andreabicsotti ·
American radio is shit anyways, unless you have XM Radio or some equivalent thereof. Also too many DJs (not the Soulwax guys)play one type of music and one type of music only. Unfortunately I wasn't there at the Garage (born in the wrong decade I guess!) By the way those 2 many Djs discs are mad! Talk about types of music that don't go together! I mean mad in a good way. New Order and the Clash are punk and they aren't. the Clash became more mainstream as they dragged on and New Order was...

Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.

andreabicsotti ·
By the way the Killers took the name of the fictional band in New Order's video for Crystal. I have the video collection I should know! But that doesn't make me superior to any of you!

Re: My own private East Village

seven ·
LOL Joe, I bet it was a cool million$! Half the cops were probably on overtime! The HA building hasn't had a menacing profile for at least 8 or 9 years. This has been reflected in the very type of bike the guys park out front. Nowadays you can see actual dress bikes on the curb. A far way from the heavy choppers and custom parts-yard vehicles that used to dominate there. And you can be sure you are now on Police video tape down at the 6th precinct Joe!

Re: Kenneth Anger

Zazoo and Satori ·
Amber, We hadn't seen this thread when we saw you up at the Burlesque Festival Labor Day weekend, so when you told us we were shocked. We are so glad you are safe. We've also never had access to any of Anger's films, so have been ignorant of his work until now... This week we went to Shake It Records here in Cincy and Zazoo pics up "The Films of Kenneth Anger (volume one)" off the featured video display rack and says "Look, doesn't that look like Amber Ray? (pointing to the back of the box.)...

Re: Greer Lankton

Zazoo and Satori ·
Thairin Smothers has just released a never before seen video of Greer and her work at 1995 Whitney Biennial Enjoy! XXXOOO Satori

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

arabella strange ·
I don't think Dump Truck's LA Apprentice is doing too well, and Madonna just seems delusional. She looked like Marilu Henner in her sweaty leotards in this last video and the whole blatant attempt at controversy by putting herself on that hideous looking cross was just the worst. Madonna is ovah.

Re: New and News, Part 6

Michael Madison ·
Sisters are doing it for themselves! I love this story, and good for these ladies for sticking it to this fuck face. [from today's Post, of course.] ATTACK OF THE KILLER LESBIANS MAN 'FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE' By LAURA ITALIANO GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed him. GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed...

Re: HyperGender Burlesque

JZ Bich ·
HyperGender Burlesque presents BYTCH! Have issues? Like to vent about said issues? BYTCH will present 6 ladies who have something to say and are not afraid to strip down to pasties and g-string to get their point across! Themes will be religon, love and relationships, politics, body issues and more! Hosted by AgentN and JZ Bich AND.... Featuring the beautiful and awesome talents of: AgentN JZ Bich Dottie Lux Lady Rigel Gal Friday and video by Anti-Social BYTCH presents their vent-lesque only...

Re: Amy Winehouse

arabella strange ·
I think experimenting with your look is a pretty typical thing to do in your early 20s, she is only 23. She does look ghastly in the street pic, its sad that she is bordering on anorexic now. She does have a major talent and I would rather see her than a cookie cutter Britney look-a-like any day, contrived or no. All of that persona shit in the end is contrived, there are few who come to a look these days that isn't derivative of someone. To me the bottom line is about the music and there is...

Re: HyperGender Burlesque

Agent N ·
HyperGender Burlesque presents SOLO! Masturbation Done The Burlesque Way We ALL do why not come out and see 7 lovely ladies perform their very intimate acts of pleasure through burlesque for you! You know you like to watch...... Solo explores the beautiful theme of masturbation for the May 5th installment of Hypergender Burlesque. This NC-17 rated show will make sure you definately have a great time and see acts that will make you cry, laugh and shock you all at the same time.

Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")

Chi Chi ·
BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for that brought a much-needed laugh. I have just finished editing the tribute video for NOTS of the legends past..That reminded me to mention that the original concept for NOTS actually was presaged in 1981 when Gennaro Palermo staged a Stevie lip-synch performance of mine for Haoui Montaug's cabaret. Talk about people being appalled, they really were at the time. Yes, amazingly, I never heard about your famous Pyramid show till the very early years of...

Re: What a wonderful night! (reviews of NOTS 17)

Cathy ·
Hi everyone, The Hohos have just recovered from Friday nite - what a wonderful time in our wonderful new venue - loved it! The Hohos had some backstage drama pre-show, when our dear friend/Mick Fleetwood aka Wilder Selzer got in a subway accident on his way to the show and ended up in the hospital - which we found out 15 min before showtime! We ended up recruiting a cute, tall audience member to fill in as Mick (we can't make this stuff up...) and here is the video of our performance of...

Re: What a wonderful night! (reviews of NOTS 17)

Nancy Isla ·
Ok, I worship at the Ho Ho altar! The moment in the video when the dancer blows glitter straight into Jill Ho's face is priceless. Whether or not it was planned it is genius. Bravo Cathy and Jill for another fierce performance.

Re: What a wonderful night! (reviews of NOTS 17)

EZMoney ·
Hi thanks. Does anyone know if there is video online of Sweetie's performance?

Re: HyperGender Burlesque

JZ Bich ·
It's time for HyperGender again!!! The queer, twisted burlesque show presents Seven Deadly Sins on Saturday, June 16th. WOW Cafe Theatre 59-61 East 4th st starts somewhere between 9:30 and 10pm, seating is first come first served unless you politely ask us to hold a seat for you... late comers will be seated if space permits so if you want to make sure you are not sitting on the floor come early $10 unless you are a burlesque, drag, queer ... performer, for you it's $5 email...

Re: HyperGender Burlesque

Agent N ·
HyperGender is BACK again for one more round of mayhem and madness!!! HyperGender Burlesque Presents: AHOLICS ANONYMOUS The session begins July 14th So many many stripteases! This new crop of HyperGender inductee's will take you into the world of ADDICTION! Topics include POT, DANCE, CHOCOLATE, WIRE HANGERS, RELATIONSHIPS, TRAVEL, NON-KOSHER FOOD, & good ol' fashioned ALCOHOL! The therapy sessions begins on July 14th! Featuring the beautiful and awesome talents of: Agent...

Re: Farewell Charming Olde New York, part 4

Anna Nicole ·
I went on a date on Sat - the geezer took me to Katsa - a morroccan tapas lounge - beautiful place. But filled up with B&T folks by 11pm (it ws a Sat!) But what shocked me more was the location bowery/Prince and how packed it was of a Sat night and how many lil spots there were there. Awful monster 'luxury condo's' but still allot of Bowery bums on the sidewalk - one was classic, in a beach chair with a small color tv playing a video game! - how he hooked that up and where I have no idea...

Re: HyperGender Burlesque

Agent N ·
HyperGender Burlesque Presents: GENDER OR ELSE!!! The session begins August 4th HyperGender goes back to its roots as it explores the world of GENDER PLAY! See this amazing performers strip, and redress themselves in a variety of amazing feats. Featuring video presentations by some of NYC's great queer videographers! Come play with us on August 4th! Featuring the beautiful and awesome talents of: AgentN JZ Bich ROSE WOOD Sequinette Switch N' Play Legs Malone & La John Joseph Bunny Nose...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
Come see the video i directed for Debbie's new single Two Times Blue , at Lotus on Tuesday.

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
Here is the video if you have not already seen it. or widescreen version

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

Hapi Phace ·
Robert Coddington, who is the archivist for Nelson Sullivan's videos, wrote and asked me to let you all know that he has been posting clips of Dean on youtube. This is a link to a video of Dean & the Weenies performing "Teri Toye" at the 5th anniv. of Pyramid . . . TERI TOYE

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

Lily of the Valley ·
I've just been reading these pages, staring at Dean's myspace and watching countless youtube video's of his performances for days. I found some old emails he sent me with pictures from homocorps and some myspace messages we'd sent each other a while ago. The last message he sent me was filled with so much love. I hadn't seen Dean in a few months and I regret that. Anytime I would see him, it would always make my day. It's just another reminder that people dissapear, important people you...

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

rocko ·
Attitude by Dean Johnson A dishy, dishy, dishy dishy, yea yea yea! One day back in thirty b.c. A Roman named Mark Antony led his legions down the Nile To give Cleopatra a smile- Cleo said: drop dead! I would rather kiss a snake instead She said: Go tell Mark I'm not in the mood Cleopatra had an attitude she had ceasar poppin,________ attitude Back in the 18th centuy The peasants of France were tres hungry They went to Versailles to see what they could get From a big queen, named Marie...

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

ex-teen demi-god ·
Alright...I've been lurking and reading all the amazing and touching posts since I put up the montage of Dean photos (on the second page of this thread). Thank you to all of you for your memories and photos, and especially to Lisa for her video of Dean laughing. It was always the laugh with Dean...the laugh and the lyrics. Thank you to Chi and Johnny for making this pace available to us. Johnny you were right in saying how incredible it is to see everyone from the old crew show up...and meet...

Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century

Miss Understood ·
See a "trashy" video starring Anderson Cooper and a few guys with fists up their asses: Click Here

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

rocko ·
Hi Regina - i remember you booking us for that gig - i was Dean's drummer at the time. i found a few tapes from Weenies' gigs and a video from what may be the very first rock and roll fag bar. I would also be very interested in any Weenies' live tapes you may have and would be happy to share. Anyone interested please post - i want to get it all digitized and posted up as a tribute to the most talented person i ever had the pleasure of being connected with. thanks Rocko

Re: HyperGender Burlesque

JZ Bich ·
Tonight, Saturday, at 10pm HyperGender attacks yet another fun topic - villains! Some are imaginary cartoon villains like Cruella De Vil and Maleficent (presented by Pandora and Jz Bich), some come from comic books like Typhoid Mary and Joker (presented by Agent N and Lady Coco Larue), some are literary villains like Lolita (presented by Jezebel Express), others are historical characters like Bloody Queen Bathory (presented by Belle M. Baudelaire), or those often accused of villainy like...

Re: Politically Incorrect VI

bobby ·
Oh those republicans and their sexual antics! Another GOP Closet Case Caught with Panties Down By: ANDY HUMM 11/02/2007 Washington State Representative Richard Curtis, an anti-gay Republican, got more than he bargained for when he engaged hooker Cody Castagna, 26, when they met at the Hollywood Erotic Boutique in Spokane on October 26. KXLY reported that after being seen seen wearing women's lingerie in the sex video store and having oral sex with another guy, Curtis agreed to meet Castagna...

Re: Politically Incorrect VI

Darla Diamond ·
What happens if you find a great deal on a lower receiver for an AR-15 rifle, but it still needs all parts installed in it? No problem, just build it yourself! This video will show you step-by-step how to assemble a stripped AR-15 lower receiver into a functioning receiver that you can use for your next AR-15 rifle.