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Tagged With "ted's dead"


Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)

S'tan ·
I will lend you the DVD if you don't rent it. And I agree on the comparison. I compulsively began reading "Sarah" again last night, and with total pleasure because of the language. I wouldn't venture back into "A. Psycho" because it's just ramshackle and boring. B.E.E. inches towards literature in the last pages, with moody rambles about the vacuousness and meaningless of it all, but as you say, grand meaninglessness is not enough. You have to say it very well, so there's pathos. The only...


Troylegra ·
yes..."Hours" does it make for perfect sunday catnap music but "Heathen" which was released in 2002 showed both maturity and spirit...not to mention that the CD art was well done... I play it now and then... I wonder what drives David Bowie at this point... doing this for so many years what keeps him going? aside from admiring and respecting his work I keep up to see what is next... David Bowie is a master Chameleon... none can compare... Cactus from Heathen Sitting here Wishing on a cement...


Troylegra ·
nooooo... I knew that he didn't write it but I didn't know it was a cover...oh David... but wait... I smell redemption Bring Me the Disco King (written by David Bowie 2003, performed by David Bowie, Maynard James Keenan & John Frusciante) You promised me the ending would be clear You'd let me know when the time was now Don't let me know when you're opening the door Stab me in the dark, let me disappear Memories that flutter like bats out of hell Stab you from the city spires Life wasn't...


dreambot ·
But for a few exceptions, I find the chronciling and passing of lessor knowns way more fascinating then the lives of generic stars of the day. Harold von Braunhut, Seller of Sea Monkeys, Dies at 77 By DOUGLAS MARTIN Published: December 21, 2003 Harold von Braunhut, who used comic book advertisements to sell whimsical mail-order inventions like Amazing Sea Monkeys, tiny shrimp that pop to life when water is added, died on Nov. 28 at his home in Indian Head, Md. He was 77. His wife, Yolanda,...

Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic

S'tan ·
From NY times today... "Mr. Schwarzenegger said. 'In San Francisco it's a license for marriage of same sex... Maybe the next thing is another city that hands out licenses for assault weapons and someone else hands out licenses for selling drugs "” I mean, you can't do that. We have to stay within the law. There's a state law that says specific things, and if you want to challenge those laws, then you can go to the court.' "If Mr. Schwarzenegger's perspective on the law was not popular...

Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic

Merlinator ·
honeys, sit back relax........ now we can watch this show unfold and none of us has to do another thing to push this titanic on its way. it's gonna get so ugly and mean spirited, and all we got to do is sit on the sidelines and watch these social conservative monkey minds fall over over each other in this moment of their public shame they know not. they gonna have us all verbally abused into jail, in hell and/or not allowed to enter by the front door anywhere before they are over themselves.

Re: Puritan Watch

Anna Nicole ·
Dr LAURA ... what a puritan... This was e-mailed to me, thought it was cute.. Laura Schlessinger is a US radio personality, > who dispenses advice to people who call in to her Radio show. On her > radio show recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, > homosexuality is an abomination, according to Leviticus 18:22, and > cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an > open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted >...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Anna Nicole ·
Really enjoyed this article in todays Independent newspaper Here's a snippet Queen of the comeback Icon, lover, mother, mogul: Madonna has done them all and, along the way, defined stardom. As she reinvents herself again (on stage, naturally), Nick Duerden sifts her greatest hits and misses 24 May 2004 Some time later this evening, Madonna will walk out on to a Los Angeles stage, clad only in Chanel and essence of...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Anna Nicole ·
Next to the vacant lot behind Khiels..June 7, 2004 -- A homeless man made a gruesome discovery yesterday when he tried to take an abandoned trunk off an East Village sidewalk, police said. Finding the black trunk too heavy to move from the spot on East 13th Street between Second and Third avenues, the man opened it up "” and discovered a dead woman stuffed inside, cops said. Whats really amazing is that this is hardly in any news reports today... didn't even make the press... I guess Ronnie...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Cautious Lip ·
Robert Quine Found Dead This saddens me. I went through an obssessive Richard Hell phase and Robert's playing was such a vital part of it. His talent will be missed.

Re: Swept Away part 2

Michael Madison ·
Say what you will about poor ticket sales and deep discounts, but Madoo-doo is doing alright compared to many this summer. From MTV:

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Luxury Lex ·
MARLON BRANDO DIES AT 80 One of the greatest actors of our time is dead. Though he ruined his good looks fairly early in life, in his day he was quite the hottie. Marlon Brando Dies at 80

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Cautious Lip ·
Arthur "Killer" Kane Dead I love The Dolls, so this saddens me.

Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!

S'tan ·
No, seven, I never saw your post til now, and I am fed up with this hee-haw-snicker-snicker attitude that Republicans will actually walk out onto the sidewalks of Manhattan, to visit restaurants, movies, plays or any form of sex worker! Everyone I know is staring into dead air. Everything is going to be called into their hotel rooms! (Or rather, smart sex-workers are already booked into the hotels!) No, no-one's dainty foot need touch the ground... Here in the 20-30s between 6th and 7th...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Luxury Lex ·
It's always been a pendulum with her, forever swinging between the two themes that have defined her entire career: Religion and her Pussy. (all her various sub-themes that drip out i.e. the dead mother/motherhood, feminism, etc can all be traced back to one of these two gaping holes) Right now she's wrapped up in the former subject. Were it not for her children we could count on her to eventually swing back to the other topic and faithfully spread her legs for the world to see as she has...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Anna Nicole ·
am still in major shock about this.... I worked with John for many years but actually met him when I was about 16yrs old... He used to come to my house in Liverpool when he came up for the football match (soccer) and my mum used to make him dinner and he for some odd reason hebefriended me. I went on to produce and present at the BBC Radio 1 and was given an small office right next door to the office Peel,Walters and Andy Kershaw all shared in Egton House (BBC) which was no bigger than the...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Anna Nicole ·
Kersh just sent me this... its to appear in the British press (independent I think...) 'He was the most important person in British music since the birth of rock 'n' roll' By Andy Kershaw It was like I had been hit by a hammer. Jenny Abramsky, the BBC's controller of network radio, called me and said: "I've got some bad news for you, and I think you ought to sit down." As soon as she said that, my mind just raced and in a flash, before she had said it, I thought "Peel's dead". John had died...

Re: Puritan Watch

seven ·
This is a long two page article from the NYTIMES but it is spot on target regarding some aspects of the mass delusion being incubated by the Little Bush Idiocracy. And it took some backbone for Rich to write it. Curious as hell though that the Times put it in the Arts section and perhaps it is a little delusionally symptomatic that an article about censorship in the news is written about for a cultural context. The main point though, that the political administration in power proclaims that...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

daddy ·
The idea of Jay McInerney & New York Magazine proclaiming the Meat Market dead is so laughable... it's not even funny. Jay McInerney was always the most hideous yuppie scum. Now he's trying to come off as some kind of 80's bohem. He was a yuppy! I was there. I remember. Jay McInerney and his yuppy friends at a party were always a sign of doom. How dare he write about "The Anvil". He was never there. He was at Jackie though, I'll give him that but it always made me nervous. And New York...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

S'tan ·
Didn't NY Mag declare the Meat Market the hottest thing ever less than five years ago? And that was just a real estate scam, we know that. JM saying it's "dead" is just palaver. Bottom line about his loathesomeness: he is both too old/not wealthy enough to attract the women that now go cruising in the bars down there. That's no doubt why he'd like it to be dead. If he could go down there and get laid he would be all for it. My landlord has 7 buildings in Chelsea and just sold all of them to...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

S'tan ·
I am not a bloodie Rainbow person that I think I can (or do I want?) to live without money. What I am talking about is the emphasis that is placed on the profit motive - as being more important than anything else. To the point that no-one recognizes any other reason for doing anything. There are plenty of interpersonal relationships that are all about "do for me, gimme". Lovers and spouses degenerate into money-sucking. The art world is seriously infected with money-grubbing... that was what...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

bobby ·
I remember the 80's and the east village and the junkies and everyone mentioned but I had enough sense at the time to stay in the west village with the rest of the fags. Of course I can tell tales about lotsa dead people but I think I'll save it all for the book. I still want to see the EV show when I am in NYC in Feb.

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

seven ·
I'm sorry but you are completely wrong about me. And most of what I've said here, which of course you have so delightedly misinterpreted for the purpose of your displeasure. That in itself has a certain charm. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the view that a whole scene could be overpopulated with people bent on self-preservation, economic viability, finding a place to seek whatever pleasure was to their liking, while producing art that for the most part wasn't really so momentous, but...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

daddy ·
I'm speechless. This is so funny it's not even funny. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead and suffering in Asia but these turkeys from New Jersey (sorry Debbie) can spend a thousand dollars to get into Webster Hall! I wonder if they think they are going to see Jennifer Lopez there. Or maybe dance on a table with Paris Hilton or do coke with Tom Cruise. Oh wait, no drugs. Just when you think things can't sink any lower... they do. So let's just go to "Cain" and call it a day.

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Zazoo and Satori ·
DOA Tribute Album party opportunity. The artists involved in: Rocket - The Dead Or Alive Tribute Album Are looking for clubs/parties interested in hosting a CD release party in March. If you are interested in details contact: XXXOOO Satori

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

S'tan ·
Aspen Times article: Hunter Thompson dead Seminal gonzo journalist kills himself By Eben Harrell and Chad Abraham February 21, 2005 Hunter S. Thompson, legendary author, political commentator and "gonzo" journalist, died Sunday night after shooting himself in the head with a handgun at his home in Woody Creek. He was 67. Thompson's son, Juan, found his father's body in the kitchen around 6 p.m. By 6:30 p.m., Thompson's home at 1278...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Anna Nicole ·
I LOVE that this section has dogs and celebs .. but nobody has mentioned The Pope! LOL I have to just say...that i am totally loving the macabre way they are trapsing the Pop around all dead on a board... just think its brilliant... i bloody well hope that when I pop me clogs that you lot will do the same for me too! Take me round to all the ex-boyfriends houses.. piss everyone off.. I have never seen a corpse so much as ole John Paul! would never happen in Bloombergs NY!

Re: SEX in Jackie 60

S'tan ·
hatches, I knew you never had a tryst with Gnome but Chi and I liked to imagine Gnome would one day get lucky. You made such an cute couple. Particularly when you were in Victorian and he wore his bloody meat market apron. Not for most, but for me this was totally sexy: One night Genesis and I were at Click for a Jayne County show (standing at the edge of the stage, looking straight up her dress the whole time.) We left and were wandering about the neighborhood, then so great! deserted and...


Merlinator ·
the messsage has to change for each new group, some say it's generational? phft. we saw this when we made ourselves happy chating details and nuance before the election, only to realize the topic was us and not what we were talking about - they made it gays against religion. LOL, can you imagine they won with that one? can you imagine they won election at all? so when everyone is shouting something, what's left to promote anything? when all loudness is called rude unless you charge and are...

Re: SEX in Jackie 60

seven ·
Oh, yes, I forgot one of the Empress' all time most hilarious lines that had the whole house delirious with laughter. After the young paddlock-pierced twink tossed his metal-bobbed member back into his pants. Chi Chi asked the crowd if there were any more entries who wanted to walk on stage and vie for the best modification prize. There was about thirty seconds of totally dead silence from the still crowd. And then Chi Chi says with a particularly victorious leer, "That's right everybody, if...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

hatches ·
Gay Rights Pioneer Jack Nichols Dead At 67 5/03/05 Long before Stonewall, Jack Nichols, along with Frank Kameny, founded the Washington D.C. Mattachine Society in 1961. They took the name for their organization from Harry Hay, who had founded the first Mattachine Society in Los Angeles in 1950, and who later went on to found The Radical Faeries. Nichols was responsible for some of the first Gay Rights demonstrations in this country, most notably the famed March On Washington in April 1965.

Re: Keith Haring's Pop Shop Closing - A Personal Rememberance

Karl X. ·
Yes Daddy, just what we need - another NYU Dorm. I did "do" Keith once but not at Jackie. It was at the 2nd Pat Field Ball at Roxy (or was it 1018 then?). The category was "Impersonating a Dead Legend". Keith had died just a few months earlier and I was able to borrow his glasses, wallet, and baseball jacket and I had a bag full of shirts and buttons from The Pop Shop. You were the DJ that night - you played "Pop Music" when I hit the runway. I got Grand Prize, of course.

Re: My own private East Village

Anna Nicole ·
I wonder what this was about..... East Village Man Is Fatally Shot at Home By THE NEW YORK TIMES Published: May 23, 2005 A 35-year-old man died last night after being shot in the head in his East Village apartment, the police said. A gunman and a second assailant shot the man inside his sixth-floor apartment at 85 East 10th Street about 6 p.m., the police said. The two, described as being in their 20's, then fled east on 10th Street, the police said. No suspects were in custody last night.

Re: Kenneth Anger

Amber Ray ·
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...

Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza

daddy ·
OK, I'll try. "Grey Gardens" was basically Hattie Hathaway (Hatches) and my thing. Hattie thought of the name (Hattie also named "Mother" BTW, it came to her in a wet dream about Jimi Hendrix but that's another story) It was every Saturday night at Irving Plaza, after the rock shows ended. The Irving Plaza staff (who were incredible) cleared out the drunk college kids faster than one of Messy Bonnie's farts. And in about 20 minutes we (about 15 people) transformed the theater into this eery,...

Re: Puritan Watch

seven ·
ME TOO. That library is lucky to get any archival anything you deign to provide to them. I think, about the time it comes to pass that your building is demolished, I will pass by very late one night to salt the fallow property with a fair amount of pork. Or just nail some to whatever construction site fence they errect. It will in part be an homage to the 12 year old girl whose name means 'Full of Beauty' who, when developers demolshed the performance space known as the Gas Station on B and...

Re: Greer Lankton

S'tan · Here is another great doll.... Teri Toye... Zazoo and Satori, on the first post, the link on it is now dead, maybe we can find more things about Greer.

Re: Beams to New Orleans

romy and pilar ·
This came today, so I'm pasting it in here: news from the front- pass on if anyone finds this kind of first person report interesting. thanks Clayton When the threat of Katrina was realized, he sent his wife and two young girls to Jackson, MS where his parents live.. but he stayed behind. He is a pathologist and had checked into the Ritz for a medical convention -- which presumably would be safe. That's where he remains. ****************************************************** Thanks to all of...

Re: Beams to New Orleans

Anna Nicole ·
This to me just reads like a movie its so unreal! BBC NEWS COVERAGE ------ Victims' desperation The New Orleans riverfront has been hit by a series of massive blasts, and fires are raging in the area. Details are sketchy, but the blast is believed to have involved a chemical factory. A large cloud of acrid, black smoke is drifting over New Orleans. The news came as extra troops were sent to quell lawlessness in the city, where thousands are stranded without food or water in Hurricane...

Re: Beams to New Orleans

seven ·
It is so out in the open. As Africans I know say about the governments in their supposed 'democracies' "we live in a vampire State." The government is taken over by what amounts to ordinary criminals and crooks who set up their cronies -as per Little Bush's FEMA director- so they all can just rob the citizens blind. Now we get to live the Little Bush regime's neglect holocaust. Senator Clinton and a few others have begun calling for independent investigative committees. Carl Rove's Big Lie...

Re: Beams to New Orleans

S'tan · "Speaking of Katrina, Sumiko Tan, a columnist for the Sunday edition of The Straits Times in Singapore, wrote: "We were shocked at what we saw. Death and destruction from natural disaster is par for the course. But the pictures of dead people left uncollected on the streets, armed looters ransacking shops, survivors desperate to be rescued, racial divisions - these were truly out of sync with what we'd imagined the land of the free to...

Re: Beams to New Orleans

Chi Chi ·
Oh my apologies first, dear friends and Mboarders - I have not been so absent here in any month since we went live over four years ago. This topic has just MOVED from the VERSAILLES ROOM forum to GOT ISSUES forum, as the many issues raised by the hurricane and its continuing dramas will probably keep us posting for months if not years to come. Here are a few updates: MY BROTHER My brother Dave returned home to the Marigny Saturday after 5 weeks of exile in Shreveport, Houston and then Dallas...

Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic

Michael Madison ·
I haven't read Anne Rice since Servant of the Bones, but this sounds like it could be quite good. The Gospel According to Anne The queen of the occult has been gone awhile. What's Anne Rice been up to? Getting healthy, finding God"”and writing her most daring book yet. By David Gates Newsweek Oct. 31, 2005 issue - Sometimes Anne Rice won't leave her bedroom for days on end"”and neither would you. Glass doors open onto a terrace that looks over the red-tiled roofs of La Jolla, Calif., to the...

Re: The Cincinnati Connection

Zazoo and Satori ·
Thanks ...but we can't take credit for the zipper graphic... We recycled (stole) that from the cover of a Dead or Alive side project. LOL Satori

Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century

daddy ·
What a gay topic this is! I just told The Empress that Bobby met her wank Anderson Cooper at John Dowd's house. She gagged! I said, "Are you dead? Don't you even read your own boards"? She said, "Can't you see I'm busy River Dancing". I looked over and sure enough she was doing her holiday jig to some Celtic Christmas song that only her and Hattie Hathaway could listen to. (I know a lot of you know this dance. It's very similar to the one she does when she performs with "Les Sisters...

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Anna Nicole ·
I heard they offered that spot to (Boy) George first.... as always Pete gets Georges sloppy seconds LOL That show looks fab!! Michael Barrymore is also on ...he's an ex-Tv Game show host whose marriage ended when one of his coked up rent boys was found dead in the family swimming pool! An then theres also Dennis Rodman!! I would love to watch that show.... bugger American TV is shite

Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985

daddy ·
It's true. Hattie was just the messenger (the only one still sober enough to dial a phone at 2 in the afternoon). And it's also true, I would probably still be there playing the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack if Hattie hadn't fired me. (But not at "1984" thank you very much!) You see, I was into this "Disco as Retro" thing, I LOVED Disco. The tackier the better. I used to wear these stretch Jordache jeans and blow my hair out like Denny Tario (He was the star of this TV show called "Dance...

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Zazoo and Satori ·
GREAT Article! ----- Inside the bizarre world of Pete Burns -- Jan 9 2006 PADDY SHENNAN on the weird and wonderful life of Big Brother's Scouse celebrity Paddy Shennan, Liverpool Echo ONCE seen never forgotten, Pete Burns used to walk around Liverpool wearing outrageous black PVC outfits, black contact lenses - and human bones in his hair. "Nobody was as wild as me. Some people used to laugh, but I knew one day I would show them all." This was the Dead or Alive frontman, now 46, talking to...

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

daddy ·
What a nut! Ya' gotta love him. I remember he wanted (Dead or Alive) to play at Jackie 60 (for free). I thought that would be fun. Then he demanded that I paint the ENTIRE club white for the night (or maybe it was just the stage, I forget). Anyway, that was way too much work and I had to decline. They were there every night anyway putting on shows.

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Cautious Lip ·
Anna Nicole, most of the people I've spoken to are young girls who think Pete is a bully for picking on the other girls in the house and they are all around appalled by George(is that the older comedien?). Apparently Pete said he was bored and it relieved his boredom to attack Traci, etc.Not to sound catty, but if I was stuck in a house with those people...I'd be getting insane. I think I'd pull a Bez and try to escape for me to cope. The girls watching the show have started calling...