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Tagged With "malcolm mclaren"


Re: Sigue Sigue Sputnik

Anna Nicole ·
Ok goes....(although I think u 2 are taking the piss out of me now! Can't help it if i worked in the industry in the 80s - how sad is that!) Nah Actually i never knew them!!! How about that! Although ran into them a few times... Tony used to live with Janet Street Porter (big TV executive in the UK)... From what I understood (and correct me anyone who knows different) the whole concept of the band was that all of them were rather square and blue colar in 'real life' and thought they...

Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza

Mister X ·
Ooh, I'll have to dig up some pictures from that era! One of the great things about that night was Hattie's genius idea to situate a bar on the stage! It pandered to all closet exhibitionists...James Murphy would never leave the stage of course. never . I remember Lucianna (of Derek Jarman's Jubilee/painter/photographer/McLaren muse) being there on opening night, just a few months before she passed away.

Malcolm McLaren

daddy ·
From the New York Times: Malcolm McLaren, Impresario and Rock Music Manager, Is Dead Malcolm McLaren, the impresario, promoter and self-promoter who once claimed to have invented punk rock, and who assembled and managed the youthful, unruly members of...

Malcolm McLaren (Chi Chi)

SpacEbabY ·
Chi Chi, i was just curious...I was just listening to McLarens album with the Bootzilla orchestra 'Waltz Darling' and i noticed that on the 'special thanks to' page, he gave thanks to Chi Chi Valente (with an E, i know you're name is spelled with an...

Re: Area

daddy ·
A few of Area's themes were more curated than constructed. Ironically, Eric Goode recalls, art didn't hold up that well as a theme, but artists had a field day. David Hockney flew in to do the pool. Michael Heizer put his meteorites on the dance floor. Warhol did T-shirts and an invisible sculpture. Keith Haring painted something on the dance floor. Barbara Kruger painted something on a wall. Basquiat, Alex Katz, Jenny Holzer and Tom Wesselmann all did windows. Larry Rivers did a great...

Re: Willi Ninja: Long Live The Queen

daddy ·
This was posted by Karl Xtravaganza:

Re: Malcolm McLaren

Chi Chi ·
Its funny, with all the great work that Malcolm has done, the song I keep singing since I heard of his death is from his last masterpiece, PARIS. From Jazz is Paris, R.I.P.

Re: Malcolm McLaren

seven ·
Him and Sid in the Afterlife. Both bashing Nancy. The netherworld will never be the same.

Re: Malcolm McLaren

Chi Chi ·
According to his wiki page,

Re: Malcolm McLaren

Chi Chi ·
Incredible pictures of Malcolm's funeral in London today

Re: Malcolm McLaren

mr.joe ·
Fierce, Chi Chi. Thanks!

Re: Area

Drama Queen ·
Thanks, your high serene fabulousness, for spinning the legend of Area out for me--I mentioned the Butterfly Ball to my s. o. and he gasped, "ohmigod, that's right, I'd forgotten all about that!" I'm working on an _American Fabulous_ related project, and knowing the right dates and music makes a big difference. As for the wave? freestyle? "dance music" (aka late disco?. The McLaren reference gives me a clue. Now I'm not expecting responses about the music...seems to me that Daddy...

Re: Malcolm McLaren (Chi Chi)

bettysgrrl ·
i'd highly recommend 'the wicked ways of malcolm mclaren' to anyone interested in 80s anything (culture, music, fashion etc). it's a great read.