Tagged With "Benny Soto Presents"
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Wow. I went to Pattaya to see the drag shows. We went to two, "Alcazar" and "Tiffany". While they were both dazzling, Tiffany, which started in the 70's, blew Alcazar out of the water! While the photos on their website look great, they don't begin to translate all the glitter and texture of the costumes, nor the kinetic grandeur of the sets... but go take a look around anyway: Tiffany Website On the "show preview" page, give it time to load and it becomes a little roll-over-the-photo...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
or, a day late and several dollars short. okay, if any more time goes by without me throwing in some stories here i'll have forgotten. so here goes... i arrived over two weeks early. i REALLY loved being there with fewer people, plugging in to the bigger pre-gathering projects - cleaning out the goat boutique, building pavillion benches - and the other stuff that just seems impossible during the frenzy of the fete. i even endured a seven day fast drinking nothing but water and a lemon juice,...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Sweetie - I love you - you always say the darndest things and I often find myself nodding 'uh-huh' with my mouth open. You also wouldnt be the first to wonder why 'we' cant find some common ground to stand on - at least one or two nights of the week anyway. Rose - that was a caustic little note - but I agree with the spirit, if not the letter of it - No one likes a hint of Male Privilidge - like "Liz is back in Bloomingdales" musking up the TG landscape. HOWever - as a 'transgendered' person...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
Actually the film "The Night Porter" is just a zesty retelling of Romeo and Juliet. Just two star-crossed lovers held apart by the divisiveness' of others. The conflict could not be resolved in their relationship because as in Romeo and Juliet the social abyss was set too wide. Mind you their love was genuine and true, it just could not conquered their extreme circumstances. A very important film in my opinion because no one gets off easily. Just like life. The Night Porter was at the...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
this is basil confirming the merlin as producer line bobby was so present at cabaret magique last-last night the scent of roses and all
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
yesss indeed, our lovely, out-of-this-world, sonic-burger slappin' profetess was present. She appointed me yet another name when she announced me for my BoyBaby burlesque number in the No-Talent Show, "Welcome to the stage, ANGLES!!!"
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
I work at a shop on Bleecker St. near Christopher in the West Village. I am really getting irked by the number of tourists who stick their head into the shop and ask me where the nearest Starbucks is. They are searching blindly for a Starbucks amid a plethora of privately owned gourmet coffee and espresso bars and cafes with their own unique decor etc. Why are these people even leaving home in the first place? Everywhere in the U.S. seems to be destined to be like everywhere else, no matter...
>thought this needed to be added to the sector<<BR> from the archival crypts @nytimes: Edith Bouvier Beale, 84, 'Little Edie,' Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (2002) Edith Bouvier Beale, once a successful model and aspiring actress who later lived a gothic life in Grey Gardens, a dilapidated 28-room house in East Hampton, N.Y., with her mother and dozens of cats, raccoons and opossums, was found dead in her small apartment in Bal Harbour, Fla., on Jan. 14. She was 84. Her nephew, Bouvier...
I loved Bewitched as a child as well. My first time seeing the show was going down the street to Maria Falvey's house and watching it at noon with her mother on the tv in the kitchen, so that must have when I was 5 or 6. She too would make us soup and sandwiches and we would watch. Alas, my flamboyant nature even at that age eventually fried Mrs Falvey's Catholic nerves and I wasn't allowed to play with her anymore (though not understanding this at all at the time, I just thought she was a...
Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER shows and updates
For those of you who don't read in Elsewhere, here are the details for our London show this Saturday September 20 at RETURN TO NY. We are doing some fab stuff using the CABARET MAGIQUE as the theme, and will time-travel from the 1880s to 1930s.. If you are a Jackie legend, email me for possible guest list. Here's the details: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 JACKIE 60 FURTHER IN LONDON Arthur Baker, Sean McLusky & Culturecide Promotions present RETURN TO NEW YORK @ THE GREAT EASTERN HOTEL,...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The new clubs reported to be gearing up in Chelsea are more a reaction of opportunism. Although I am sure some backers and producers are really inspired and want to bring the city back to life partywise. The club going in to the old Twilo space, which is supposedly going to be called Spirit, would be the most different concept being put to the test, is actually a franchise from its Irish flagship, and if you ask me its ammenities ( a raw food restaurant, a resident dance company ) are a kind...
yes... great work that many did not get... that is when I started to see David in the present musically rather then in the past... I did not hear the thin white duke phase as much as see it on mute -- http://MetropolisNYC.com feed the fire of your desire...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
Unfortunately Sandoval County, New Mexico has now ceased to issue same-sex marriage licenses after receiving a letter from the NM Attorney General stating, "It appears that the present policy of New Mexico is to limit marriage to a man and a woman." The letter also invalidated the previously issued licenses. It remains to be seen if this ruling will be challenged in court. It is not clear whether this decision stems from actual state law or is simply a matter of NM public policy. State...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
LUXURY LAPPING: Revenge of the Titty Bars? A resurgence of name brand Las Vegas-style strip bars in midtown seems to be signaling a new era of "respectability" for the titty-twirlers and for New York. Not quite as sleazy as their Times Square predecessors, these new clubs are sleeker, bigger and more corporate in their approach, but it beats having no titty bars at all. Does this mean the Big Apple's sphincter is finally loosening again after so many years of Guiliani's attacks? Or is the...
Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City
I thought that this was a very good cartoon pertaining to the present topic. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to post it here, so I did the next best thing. You'll have to click on the link. http://www.uclick.com/client/nyt/tt/
Thank you Chi Chi and Bobby, it was my pleasure to share that. That's so true Anna. This show was so much better than those big productions of the past. It was just Bowie and his band pulling it all off song by song. Between songs he was so funny and present with everyone. He reminded me of a Rock 'n Roll Richard Dawson in his humorous manner with everyone. And yes, he does look HOT!!!! He still has such sexy moves too, such grace and style.
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
This just tonight -its gonna be a great week- Check this link for all the news- http://nyc.indymedia.org/
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
Wow! the Shut-up-a-thon was fierce! I didn't see you Hattie, but it was easy to miss people. I stayed until a little after 5 when it started to disperse. "Fox Lies. People Die" "SHut the Fox up." "Don't tell me what to think. Fox News you really stink!" I wish I could could remember some of the other chants. The cops were really good. They have to be so on edge now, and they're doing a super job of staying cool, and managing the flow of the city amid the Chaos. THey are actually accomadating...
Re: Swept Away part 2
BREAKING NEWS! Madonna plans Spears' honeymoon Pop beauty Britney Spears has accepted Madonna's invitation to spend her honeymoon at the Material Girl's British country estate, pals claim. Madonna and her director husband Guy Ritchie phoned the Toxic singer to congratulate her on last Saturday's wedding to dancer Kevin Federline, and thrilled the 22-year-old by offering her a break from the American media at her $16m (€13.2m) Wiltshire home, reports Britain's The Sun newspaper. Spears'...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
am still in major shock about this.... I worked with John for many years but actually met him when I was about 16yrs old... He used to come to my house in Liverpool when he came up for the football match (soccer) and my mum used to make him dinner and he for some odd reason hebefriended me. I went on to produce and present at the BBC Radio 1 and was given an small office right next door to the office Peel,Walters and Andy Kershaw all shared in Egton House (BBC) which was no bigger than the...
Re: Puritan Watch
This is a long two page article from the NYTIMES but it is spot on target regarding some aspects of the mass delusion being incubated by the Little Bush Idiocracy. And it took some backbone for Rich to write it. Curious as hell though that the Times put it in the Arts section and perhaps it is a little delusionally symptomatic that an article about censorship in the news is written about for a cultural context. The main point though, that the political administration in power proclaims that...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
If Badass is doing Christmas I hope Santa hits my place BEFORE, cause after he stops at the show no goody goody is going to have a present delivery the rest of the night.
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
when is that gonna be? i had so much fun on sun. beautiful girls are my favorite christmas present!!
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
January 8th, 2005 (and every Second Saturday of the month) The Club Creatures present: " Clusterf#¢k! " Zazoo and Satori spin the very best in Electro and current Alternative with clusters of: New Beat/Acid House, Industrial, (early to mid) House, Hip-House, Glam Rock, New Wave, Disco, Techno, 80's Electrofunk, Progressive, Breakbeat, 60's Psychadelic, Bubblegum and whatever else will get your ass on the floor. The infamous Empira State's one "woman" show at 10pm. The dancefloor opens...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Mao tse Tung did the five C's and then some. It is just another subterfuge to call NWO a management system. As originally instituted as a pragmatic social system it was just called Totalitarianism. The key component is as Comte wrote but in later studies was more specifically called "a closed inner world (of the individual mind)." There in effect is no such thing as an individual anymore. The highest crime is to have a 'private thought.' But the huge difference between the original...
Re: Puritan Watch
I wonder how this version would present the story of Lot's daughters having sex with their father.
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
True that, Bobby. I think the world is much smaller than it is big -- a potentially comforting reality which our present government makes more disastrous every day!
Re: Conspiracy Theory....
This from todays Popbitch... The Queen has sent Camilla Parker Bowles a nice present to say sorry for not attending her wedding. A trip to Paris with a car and chauffeur...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
S'tan you were sporting a very Vincent Millay look back then! Or perhaps Karen Blixen on the coffee plantation... Anya in the Kamali or is it her own? Duncan of course I was frightened of, though he was gorge. John Tucker, the first Pyramid barkeep, would speak of him in glowing terms constantly. Bobby, your archives are a treasure trove! S'tan I have seen that book, and the maps of the whorehouses always amazed me because they were located exactly where our present day hotspots were. Ah,...
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
Someone emailed this to me, so Not sure what rag its from. Interesting, no?
Re: SEX in Jackie 60
Damn! This topic is exploding like Robert Flowryder's Birthday present to me on stage at Cheez Whiz! Hmmmmmmm So Hattie never did Gnome HUH... WELL THIS PITURE BEGS TO DIFFER!!!!!!
Re: Beams to New Orleans
This is the first time I've felt compelled to write to my representatives: "Dear Senator Clinton(Senator Schumer), I urge you to lead the way in calling for a congressional hearing on the present disaster in New Orleans and the gulf region and to call for an investigation into the incompetence of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. I urge you to call for the resignation of FEMA Director Mike Brown and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff . I urge you to support impeachment...
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
OK, you asked for it! And here it is again. Dean Johnson and James Coppola present The original TRIPLE XXX "The filithiest party in nyc" FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25th Siberia 358 w40th st. (btwn Eighth and Ninth) open bar 10 -11pm admission 20 dollars for more info: http://www.velvetmafiatheband.com Doors open at 10pm and space is limited so GET THERE EARLY! **********
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
New Year's Eve 2005-2006 Zazoo and Satori Present: "Something Old, Something New" Duran Duran vs. Franz Ferdinand Blondie vs. Gwen Stefani Soft Cell vs. Fischerspooner Tom Tom Club vs. Gorillaz Kraftwerk vs. Ladytron PIL vs. Bloc Party Siouxsie vs. Goldfrapp Sonic Youth vs. The Raveonettes Madonna vs. Madonna 4029 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 (513) 591 - 2100 DANCEFLOOR @ 9pm - It's New Year's Eve come early! Leave the Resolutions at home.
Re: JT LeRoy
JT LeRUSE ! _____________________________________________ The Unmasking of JT Leroy: In Public, He's a She NYTIMES 1/8/06 By WARREN ST. JOHN Published: January 9, 2006 It has been one of the most bizarre literary mysteries in recent memory: Who, exactly, is the novelist JT Leroy? An answer, at long last, is taking shape. Mr. Leroy's tale was harrowing in its details and uplifting in its arc. He was a young truck-stop prostitute who had escaped rural West Virginia for the dismal life of a...
Re: JT LeRoy
This modern worship of the writer as a person is an illusion and has killed many major talents. Because in the end whoever the hell you are does not matter. What you wrote and left behind does. If you are a writer, you are actually nobody. All the blather about WHOM here is just noise and filler and irrelevant in the hushed halls of the great literary ghosts. Will JT Leroy live as more than an amusing footnote in the fin-de-siecle "transgressive tradition"? If JT is in truth an unglamourous...
Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985
Excuse the gift for gabbing (i'll be good) It's nice to know.....that however small our "tech budget" was ..we were able to present a "multi media event" nightly using 'cardboard,broken 8mm & slide projectors, "a sealed beam pin spot" as a followspot and 3 mirror balls. I was shocked to see that here in China ... they are clueless to "inventive ideas" The clubs i've worked at here don't have professional staff. They press one button and the lights never stop. Nothing gets CLEANED (we...
Re: JT LeRoy
OUTED! Kind of a low beginning to the end of the deceptions. If you go to the article in the Times there is a nice picture of all three of the protagonists in the scam, all looking massively neurotic and spooked under the cameraflashes. Kind of sociologically perverted that novels done from the persona of a gay hustler end up in a totally hetero personal conflict. I like how, much more than just making a nom-de-flimflam, they created a media virus that once it infected the literary and...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
My boyfriend started to read Anne Rice's new Jesus novel but put it down after 50 pages, disgusted. (he actually bought the book for me as a Christmas present but I haven't gotten to it yet). He declared the prose "simple and dull, dull, dull" and refused to waste anymore time on it when there are stacks of other books in our kitchen from his "To Read" list that are still unread. A tepid bore, according to him, and it's no accident that it's printed in giant font. Haven't picked it up myself...
Re: Grey Gardens: The Musical?
I'd definately see this show too. Big fan of the film. Also Rufus Wainwright wrote a song called "Grey Gardens"--it has a quote from Little Edie, the line about it being very hard to distingush between the past and the present. I't on his second album. DouG Wright is awesome, never saw I Am My Own Wife, but I have the script. One actor did all the roles! Awesome, demented, schizophrenic, fabulous!
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
Fly Life in Today VILLAGE VOICE Eulogies for Fabulousness Two club legends, Willi Ninja and Adam Goldstone, pass in the same week by Tricia Romano September 12th, 2006 1:19 PM Adam Goldstone, way ahead of the curve photo: Tricia Romano See also: R.I.P., Willi Ninja The legendary vogueing star of 'Paris is Burning,' age 45, passed away on September 2, 2006 Fly Life Gallery: by Tricia Romano When voguing legend Willi Ninja and house music DJ-producer Adam Goldstone, both longtime fixtures in...
Re: Provincetown 2
More from that article... about Tennessee's "MEMOIRS" -- ...Mr. Kaplan, whose book, "Tennessee Williams in Provincetown," is also coming out next month from Hansen Publishing Group, said he suspects "The Parade" wasn't produced during Williams's lifetime because of the antigay climate. Mr. Kaplan compares the Provincetown premiere of "The Parade" to the posthumous publication of E. M. Forster's novel "Maurice" and to Paul Cadmus's openly homoerotic paintings. "These are different people...
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
And no I present to you---a poem! On the nature of lies and bullshit! Because everyone tell lies, admit it! RAZZLE DAZZLE Money makes the world go round, NO Bullshit makes the world go round Everybody lies to make themselves look good I someone spits in your eye You better expectsome sort of retaliation in return in the future All people including celebrities are fake Fake as snowon a Hollywood set Fake as the nose on Micheal Jackson's face Fake as the domes on Pammela Anderson's chest Money...
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
Clitmas Poem -After Messy Soon-Yi It popped its hood like a present unwrapping itself