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Tagged With "the world"


Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

mr.joe ·
Kelly is truly my sister, my greatest ally. She's a tireless performance artist in every sense, and has done so much work for our community. She worked very hard this summer on the Qwe're Musicfest graphics and logo, capturing the spirit with her own special flair. If anyone needs me to come and retrieve clothes or other supplies they would like to donate, please e-mail me ( or call 212.414.4222. One of my dearest friends on the planet, Miss Webb colors the way I look at...

Re: Adam Ant

bettysgrrl ·
i just saw that adam's recent descent into mental illness is all the attention adam got & feel this must be remedied. (oh right, he's obnoxious & cute too. like i said.) adam took my 11-year-old, boring, suntan-parlors-&-gift-shops suburban world (yes i was raised on LI) & turned it upside down with one viewing of "stand & deliver!" a pretty boy in makeup with pistols & tall leather boots?! GIVE ME MORE!! my teenage self yelled: antmusic for sexpeople, indeed. he's...

Re: The overture is about to start...

ulysses wept ·
I came across this post quite by accident and thought Id bounce it up for history's sake and add a few grey eminence-like thoughts of my own. is the Empress' inaugural post right before the boards opened. A small group of us, maybe 25, were invited in beforehand to seed, and from that group came most of the early and original moderators. It is a great misconception about communities like this that they just happen - this post reminds us that our Empress had a good deal of it in mind when it...

Re: Please help us rename this Forum

TonyaKnudsen ·
heard frequently on the pier in the early and mid ninties on any given Sunday morning from any number of club form, wig-wearing, platform-dangling, clothes-barely still-wearing, wandering wonder (of The World) ... "girrrrlll, last night, oooooooh, the only walk ah shame "

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

colleentv ·
Another spectacular evening and show! The House of Dominantion always rocks and never fails to "titilate" Having the Amster. Red Light district theme added the perfect touch of sleaze to the festivities. Thanks again Chi Chi and Daddy. A New Years Eve Hookers Ball also happens to be a wonderful setting for an artist rendering of a peep show. Tanya did an amzing job, especially considering the amount of time she had to set it up in! And Tanya, where did you get a copy of a 1969 Playboy? Huh...

Re: Tracks NYC

the3 (Guest) ·
trakxs sinful sundays limelight disco 2000 the world and red zone with all that happens the world still turns

Re: Tracks NYC

Luxury Lex ·
Jeepers! Your mention of The World reminds me of the time I went there years ago, basically fresh off the plane from Denver, and there was a man walking around the dancefloor selling drugs off of a tray, like a waiter. No one thought anything of it and the bouncers didn't even blink.

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

ulysses wept ·
I spent part of the New Years at dinner with my friend Yab who had been to Jackie 60 with me a few times. We lamented missing the fun and went out to seek our own at a few drinking contests with friends. Yab is an enthusiastic blogger, and reads more of these than anyone else I know. He sent me this link to a Hookers Ball report, and I think the author, Reive, is a member here (notsure.) Its very well written, regardless, and one more reminder of how small our Brave New World is. Sorry to...

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Reive ·
That was indeed me. Smaaaaall world. [This message was edited by Chi Chi on 01-07-03 at 12:41 PM.] [This message was edited by Chi Chi on 01-07-03 at 12:42 PM.]

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

Chi Chi ·
Judith mistakenly started a topic with this one (no biggie, Judith, just use the "post reply" button, not "post topic")

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

Judith Drasner ·
thank g-d we got new year's out of the way and we can get back to real life! the news is good? the news is bad? i don't know. they're filming an episode of "law and order" outside my window and i'm hoping to see jerry orbach. no matter what is going on in the world, i focus on the important things. especially important is BARBARA JEAN MILLER! keep goin' on, my love, things can only get better!! i think of you all the time but especially when i walk by your doorway. lots of love coming your...


B. Domination ·
Oh, Glammy, you make me positively green with a severe case of envy. I'm not one for admiration, much less adoration, but you've hit my weak spot with the Ladies of AB FAB. As I refuse to be star-struck in this E! Entertainment world, know that I am alternately pursing my mouth and sighing each and every time you spill the beans. More, please!

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
This may be a lead for you, but it's in German, so perhaps, someone can interpret for us ... Perhaps see also ---------------------------------- For the rest of you I've found some new references and perspectives ... And on the Exhibition front ... check out ... "The Fales Library" at the New York University Library - Downtown Collection - David Wojnarowicz Papers And also a great 1986 mention that should not be omitted from this topic ...

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

Gigi Deluxe ·
My education really went as far as 8th grade- I never made passed the first year of high school, got my G.E.D. later and went to a few semesters of college- left that as well, and everyone thought I was crazy when I received a full scholarship to the Art Institute of Chicago,and said "fuck it- I don't want to go" and it was not because I think there is nothing more for me learn, they just were not teaching the things that I was/ am interested in- (even if I didn't know what it was I wanted...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

daddy ·
I just re-read this entire topic. It's amazing, so much information. Tonya, you are insane... God bless you! And Doug, You're a little mistaken... and going to catch hell from ME! well, that's a whole lot to explain but Warhol & Basquiat are major. Just look at the world around you. Turn on the TV (and don't say "I don't watch TV") It's a Warhol! You may not like it but it's there. And Basquiat's paintings are more beautiful than ever. But this is about D.W. Here is "Hattie as Rimbaud",...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Miss Understood ·
Wow it's such a relief to know that Angel, the 3000 WTC victims, all the millions stricken with AIDS and starvation in Africa, all of the abused children of the world, and the 6 million killed in the Holocaust, all did something wrong in a past life to deserve their predestined fate. I used to feel bad about it. No sense in trying to change things.

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

S'tan ·
Bobby, Hi hons. It is nice to know you are getting some more fats on ya! Did you know fat makes estrogen? That's why ladies of a certain age get their little storage pudge: to make some extra for the long haul through the big M. You can't wig out yet and miss that ride. Sheee-it. I tried to go out today and it was yes, like Antarctica. I was shocked to see Balducci's is boarded up! Well last time I went there I couldn't even find my apricot tea. The new owners botched it, I guess. Can you...


daddy ·
No he's not an actor! HE JUST GOT LUCKY!!!!!! (and yes, I'm bitter). OK, he's a very talented graphic designer, art director, video artist, well OK, artist in general. I'll give him that. But basically he's just a big Ham! A few years ago at Jackie 60 we cast him as Kurt Cobain in a Jackie's Playhouse production. He surprised the world with his dancing ability and his basic hambone personality. OK, he brought down the house but that's neither here nor there. Until then nobody thought of Rob...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

bobby ·
Princess Ra/ No, no black gowns just yet but I would look divine in one, I am at least a size 6. I appreciate your posts sooo much, LOVE Daddy/ What extra pounds? I've seen your icon picture on the boards and I want that same tummy. But I am eatting like a horse and starting to gain some weight. I miss you very much too. And Mommy. LOVE LOVE LOVE Stan/ Balducci's has shut down??? It is the end of the world. But not before that rat basterd Bush does his part to help it. Thanks for your...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

daddy ·
WILL DADDY REPLACE JACKIE BIGALOW AS FISHSTICK! Last night at Cabaret Magique the world watched anxiously as too skinny "Jackie Bigalow" and the very talented "Daddy" duked it out. Fishstick "Glamnerd" looks on in horror. Bigalow insists he is looking for a... He seems to feel the others (Glamnerd and Jersey Tomata) are holding him back. He is threatening a solo career. Mr. Bigalow could not be reached for comment. (Of course I didn't ask him for one but that's neither here nor there). Most...

Re: The Cockettes

Zazoo and Satori ·
OMG. We laughed. We cried. It was better than Cats. Seriously, how inspiring, and discouraging at the same time. They had all the right ideas in '68 - '71... too bad it couldn't have remained pure. We want to go to the alternate universe where the flower children were successful in changing the world. There are 9 extra scenes on the DVD, so those of you who saw it in the theater should revisit it XXXOOO Satori


Eddy ·
Here's a kool message board if any of you are interested. It's on the French and Saunders website, and there are lots of people from all over the world that post there. It's a great way to keep up to speed with whats happening in the fabulous world of AbFab and Jennifer Saunders! Cheers Sweeties!!

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

Zazoo and Satori ·
If Zazoo and Sal-E had their own Broadway show? The World should NEVER know!

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Anna Nicole ·
THe world is a very SMALL place.... I have a VERY good mate of mine who is staying right by you right now! You two must meet! He's a hoot an lovely! Hes a British boy (st8 but very frisky and funny), I have known him since i was 18! He used to be a big executive in the Music industry for Warners working with Madonna and Prince etc etc... he had enough packed it all in and has for over 7yrs now being living in Asia - mainly Bali - i JUST got a msg from him today that he is in Samui! which is...

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

TonyaKnudsen ·
**Tonya blown off her stool at school this morn by all that is Zazoo & Satori, JoJo & Gigi, and what you are making of this world** I am taking the guise Paula Abdul (per American Idol last night) and taking a stand to clap my hands at the performance (well, visions) I am viewing!

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

Johnny Gato ·
This is being forwarded around, and it seems rather heartfelt and has some bracing thoughts in it, but it also seems to belong in a category with the "Hang in There" cat poster and "Love is..." cartoons. Also I don't know if any of the statistics in it are true or not. SPAM FOLLOWS: If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following: There would be: 57 Asians 21...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Well, no one's been accusational towards me personally, but the whole world seems to really be hating Bush right now. They also see American News networks on cable, and they're horrified by the biased coverage. If Bush DOES start WWIII, I don't think we'll end up with many allies. They'll all be blaming us and they'll probably group up against us. Maybe we'll be lucky and they'll do what America allegedly does: take over and put in a democratic government. That might not be so bad. Well, if...

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

Anna Nicole ·
even better would be an 'anything goes' where another bloke could recommend his ex to a girl or a guy..... now yer talking Janes-world! I would be after all of Messy Bonnies ex boyfriends!

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Hi Snook, I have a lovely pigeon head for you! I just took a 2 day bus tour through the Mekong Delta. Lots of waving children and conical hats. I'm outta here soon. I just need to stop in BKK and pick up costumes. I forgot to mention what a fabulously international trannie meeting place those costume stalls are! Every day some wacky queen from somewhere in the world is loading up on gear. I met a queen from Paris who is VERY surged and pumped, but still 24-7 male. I met another one who's...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

MasonGrace ·
Having lived in Miami for almost a year, i think i went to the beach about 4 times. 3 times at night. Sorry, they have not came out with the spf 284 that i would need to wear.....the sun would need the shades i'm so white... The state of how the US lives is amazing, espically since i got to know alot of people from latin america that just came here recently, and how different things are in every way from here to there. But,there's a big catch 22 about the rich and poor vs. the who's right...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Well, my friend may start a furniture importing business, which could mean piggybacking on his quantity (cheaper) shipping, so there's always hope. While on this trip I read Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men". To all of you out there with any concern about what's happening in America, it's very important to go get this book. It's full of humor and easy to read and it REALLY fills you in on the creepiness of the Bush family and exactly why this is all about oil and money. It's getting too...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Anna Nicole ·
Fantastic! This is totally what I keep saying... but as a Brit in the US... I keep getting told by Americans to shut up or go home... and again we are in the land of the free... In some Bizarre way Sept 11th (and no doubt other terrorist acts after) have and will sadly show that America is not the King of the World and every other country does not want to be like America... People only learn this fully when they travel...MOST Americans DON"T travel! And, if they do they visit Club Med...


dreambot ·
Never got to know this fella but he sounds like my kind of wheeler dealer: (***nytimes pay per view link removed 5/23/03) Colin de Land, a New York art dealer whose ambivalence about commercialism was reflected in an art gallery that sometimes resembled an anti-art gallery, if not a work of Conceptual Art, died on Sunday at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. He was 47. The cause was cancer, said Dennis Balk, an artist represented by Mr. de Land's gallery, American Fine Arts. With little...

Re: Michael Moore

Merlinator ·
Watch the crowd as they decide how to react in the kodak theatre. watch the crowd as they decide how to ridicule MM, acting startled at first. Watch the crowd as they gain momentum against the speaker. there is a similar fear in the eyes to those famous and rich people, that one sees in th eyes of those around sadam, like they must behave and say and do the right thing or else. that natural thought and gut reactions are not possible. such honesty would only reveal the lack of power any of...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Anna Nicole ·
DH --- article in UK telegraph newspaper heralding Ms Harry as the Queen of all CARS (!?) Her legend goes on... while Madonnas slides turd like..further down the on.... Car culture: A feast fit for the man from Mars (Filed: 05/04/2003) The Subaru Forester might be an ugly beast that breaks all the rules, but it is also among the best cars in the world, says Stephen Bayley Blondie's great album, Autoamerican, was recorded at Hollywood's United Western Studios in 1980. One...

Re: Michael Moore

Joel ·
Being a hedonist, I am into sex and pleasure and beauty, so I have no political or socio-economic views whatsoever. I judge people on how they look, nothing more and nothing less. I know nothing whatsoever about this documentary film maker, Michael Moore (I am into documentary film makers more akin to Kenneth Anger, simply because these are the kind that give me great sexual pleasure). This Michael Moore may be the best documentary film maker in the world, but this does not concern me at...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Wasn't sure where to post this as it doesn't exactly qualify under the "nightclub crackdown" forum. This little club sounds intriquing ....

Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker

jo-jo baby ·
yup one of my kids.....very very crazy....when he gets into make-up it changes you....sal-e just turns up the when i get into make-up it changes me . i'm alot more out going and alot freeer with my toung .not afraid of what the world brings you...its like putting the shelds up.i can be anyone or anything.a sceen stealer as chi-chi says .....give me a freak anyday of the week ....mirror mirror on the wall who the biggest freak of all.

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
Located on Short Mountain Tenn. in a pre-civil war Barn, The Goat Boutique is the mountains most exclusive shopping experience. Getting its name from the adjacency to the lovely Goat pen and all its noisy inhabitance, the Goat Boutique is open 24 hours a day. Once entering the lavish 3"x 3" hole in the wall one is overwelmed with the vast collections of couture from around the world. Walking through the straw carpet one can't help pulling out house dresses from NJ, tutu's from high school...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

.tangle. ·
yesss indeed, our lovely, out-of-this-world, sonic-burger slappin' profetess was present. She appointed me yet another name when she announced me for my BoyBaby burlesque number in the No-Talent Show, "Welcome to the stage, ANGLES!!!"

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Anna Nicole ·
Watch Where You Sit It appears the city budget crunch has reduced the NYPD to writing some rather absurd tickets. A Bronx man claims he was given a summons for sitting on a milk crate outside the hair salon where he works on the Grand Councourse. The ticket says "unauthorized use of a milk crate." Is this all getting more an more Pythoneque... wonder if i will get a ticket for sitting on the WBC World Champ.... hummmmm ?

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
Well, none of these sites have been updated lately: The Distribution Company The Official Site World of Wonder Although, one of my co-workers mentioned to me that she saw an article in this month's "Rolling Stone." Thanks for checking out our site Anna XXXOOO S

Re: Michael Moore

dreambot ·
The important thing I think we seem to be forgetting is that if everyone else who received an award acted like Mr. Moore, seizing every potential opportunity to browbeat us with their personal political views, wouldn't it eventually erode and demean the purpose of the event and the achievements of all involved? Will we go away from this remembering which actor/director put a year or two of their life into some project or that Mr. Big Mouth got into a shouting contest with his peers? Sure...

Re: Diamanda Galas

Dubois! ·
yes, from what i understand, Diamanda's one of the very few singers in the world who can hit such glass-shattering octaves(& range). the only album i have of hers is "The Singer"...i was purely freaked!! her cover of the late "Screamin'" Jay Hawkins' "I Put A Spell On You" sent shivers up & down my spine.. ...not to mention other goodies on there like, "Judgement Day", "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord", & Balm In Gilead/Swing Low, Sweet Chariot". ..who'd of thunk negro...

Re: Pepper LeBeija

bobby ·
In The Cape Cod Times: ( from The New York Times) The performer who used the stage name Pepper LaBeija as a glamourous queen of The Harlem drag balls immortilized in the 1991 documentary "Paris Is Burning" died on May 14 at Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. She, as she preferred to be called was 53. A woman who answered the telephone at her mother's home but who would not identify herself said the cause of the death was a heart attack. LaBeija ( pronounced La-BAY-zha) appeared proudly in...

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

Anna Nicole ·
"The Internet Archive, a US not-for-profit company, has already catalogued many personal sites in its online library at, devoting a section to web pioneers. It has early pages from Yahoo!, which was created as a personal site in 1994 by two US computer students and was originally called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web. People can search for other early pages using the archive's Wayback time machine".

Re: Nina Simone

daddy ·
I'm just getting up (still drunk). You two are killing me a little too softly a little too early. first: Seven, You worked for Olatunji? I'm gagging. And he just died? Such a loss. "Drums of Passion" changed the world! and Joel: I lived in Buffalo for 6 months so I know what you say is true. What an incredible place. You go into a bar and there is "Leadbelly" or "Blind Lemon Someone Or Other" just hanging out getting drunk. And your mother was a stripper? And Screamin' J. Hawkins? wait... I...