Tagged With "Jackie Legend"
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
Looking forward to performing this year for my 5th time!! I love the new forum site! Rock ON!! xoxo
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
Going to be a great theme for 2011! I think Jon Stiers sent you a line about possibly performing - he rocks. Looking forward to see him entrancing the crowd with his voice and piano skills. Can we get Brook Alyson's butt here this year?
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
THE JACKIE FACTORY NYC PRESENTS NIGHT OF A THOUSAND STEVIES 21: THE WILD HEART FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011 THE HIGHLINE BALLROOM 431 WEST 16TH STREET NYC DOORS OPEN 9 PM - 4 AM $20 TILL FEBRUARY 6, $25 THEREAFTER 18 AND OVER, 21 TO DRINK Box Office http://www.highlineballroom.com/bio.php?id=1814 More Info http://www.mothernyc.com/stevie/index.html JACKIE FACTORY Producers CHI CHI VALENTI, JOHNNY DYNELL and HATTIE HATHAWAY are delighted to announce the 21st annual NIGHT OF 1000 STEVIES, back for the...
Here are the drop-off locations for RAGS ARE RICHES Please bring your donations to the following drop-off locations ONLY DURING THE DATES AND TIMES LISTED DOUBLE DOWN SALOON Wednesdays April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Accepting donations from noon-8 PM 14 AVENUE A (1-2nd Street) Leave with bartender ABBY or write "ATTENTION: ABBY" on the bag(s) HOWL ARTS OFFICE Thursdays April 11 and 25 Accepting donations from 3-6 PM 636 BROADWAY (at Bleecker St.) Suite 512 (Fifth Floor) Please call (212)...
Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose
Thrilled about this! I'm one of the fools who didn't purchase Stevie ticket early enough & missed it. So this has just put a smile on my lips & some pep in my step
Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose
Such a choice idea. I think there needs to be a manifestation on the corner of Washington and W. 14th too !
Noted character actor, East Village icon, nightlife legend and panhandler extraordinaire, Rockets Redglare AKA Michael Morra died on May 28, at New York's Bellevue Hospital. He had been admitted to the hospital's emergency room two days earlier after complaining of breathing difficulty. Rockets appeared in many theatrical productions, as well as in scores of films, most recently Penny Marshall's "Big" and Julian Schnabel's "Basquiat." He was 52. An informal memorial will be planned later on...
Re: Tracks NYC
Traxx in DC was major! What a great club. 5th column was good too (we played there) but Traxx DC was legendary in even in NY. (Along with Zanzibar in Jersey and The Catacombs in Philly). I think originally all the Trax clubs were connected but they never made it as gay shopping mall clubs and were sold. I'm not totally sure about this. I was a DJ there in one of the incarnations. I remember Bruce Willis was the bartender. He was so funny. He was an actor always going on auditions. I NEVER...
Re: Mondo Internet
You can tell I get very bored and spend hours looking for this stuff. Here's one of those anime dress-up-people. It's actually known as "cosplay" and it's very big in Japan. Sometimes it's a sexual but often it's just an escapist hobby. The text is Japanese which may just read as gibberish, but just click on the pix and you'll be fine. http://ueno.cool.ne.jp/skonishi/ Got Time? Read all about the amazing but tragic life of drag legend Ray Bourbon. Don't Call Me Madam [This message was edited...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Alot of you Jackie 60 regulars might remember my friend Jane (from the BBC). She was the one in the DJ Booth always with some piece of Latino eyecandy or some exotic Arabian knight. She would usually be the one reaping the benefits of late-night "Party Naked". I recently found out that she keeps a journal of her (s)exploits. I read one chapter about Redline Richie that was incredible. She also has one on Flowrider. I've asked her to start posting here. You will drool! One of her obsessions...
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
Yes, I am Pushpindra's younger brother. So it IS the famous Michael Ford. In my country you are a legend. Young boys grow up hearing tales of your talents. They cannot wait until the day they come to America and drive you home from a party.
Re: Love Machine
It is quite different from Love Machine but you did hear right in a way - Larry Tee ex DJ of Love Machine does a party in Brooklyn on Saturday nights at a punk club called Luxx. Its in Williamsburg and last time I went Dee Finley (J60 butch legend) was working there at the door. Recently known for his "Electroclash" music (which should be familiar to ex-Click regulars its a similar soundtrack to Load Rezenhands) Larry is definitely back on the scene. I noticed from another post of yours that...
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
For two hours last night, a well-aimed jet would have wiped fashion out well into the 2020s. In attendance on the roof of 60 Thompson Street, for Bloomingdale's Big Daddy Cal Ruttenstein's CFDA Lifetime Achievement award dinner- First Brood Vampire and divinity KARL LAGERFELD, Marc Jacobs, Stephen Sprouse, Anna Wintour, Anna Sui, Ralph Lauren, Diane Von Furstenberg, Lauren Hutton, Helmut Lang, Susie Menkes, new designer Zack something who Alba brought to Jackie when he was 12, dysfunctional...
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
So great to "see" you both here! Lulu, thanks for the amazing DCI donation - we are honored!!! Though we'll miss you terribly, I think what you are doing rocks! PLEASE keep us posted here in JACKIE LEGEND or ELSEWHERE if you can find the time. Julian, you're not leaving too are you? The Westwood store would have to close if you did!
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
When you really begin to delve into the Mayfair Witches books, you may also become obsessed by the Talamasca, the secret society of vampire/witch protectors and researchers that permates the books, and eventually spills over into the later Vamp Chronicles as well. Their motto: Investigators of the Paranormal We watch And are always here. There are certain similarities between the Talamasca and our extended tribes- From a Talamasca site I have heard that Anne plans to do a whole book on the...
Re: Page
Dear Page, i will be miss you my darling and always have the fondest memories of you. you are a true NYC legend. you will always be an inspiration to me. a big kiss.
Re: Page
Johnny- You may use the Page image w/ my blessings, and hers, for the sole purpose of extending the legend as far out into the stratosphere as your cyber-skills will allow......... JA
Re: Pittsburgh
Have been several times to Pittsburgh when Johnny has DJed at the Warhol Museum. Always really enjoyed it - definately one of those up-and-coming cities where the bohemian lifestyle seems still possible. Had a great experience the last time we went - think it was 1998 or thereabouts. At the big Warhol fiesta at the museum Blacklips/Jackie Legend Sissy Fitt was there in detourned Liza Minelli drag (fab!) We had a blast, and he introduced me to many local lights. One rather unassuming guy he...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
SLC punk has nothing on Siouxicide City Iowa (also known as Sewer City). Last night had great run in with a punk legend in these parts as well as others, long-lost cracker of my ribs in high school in the mosh pit, Pete Phillips, who actually was playing at CBGBs around the time of the Hookerball 2. Apparantly, the Jackie crowd left quite an impression on him. And this is no small feat! Saw four amazing acts last night, and forgot just how talented these kids are out here. white soul I think...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
They say whatever you are doing at the second a New Year begins is what you'll be doing for the rest of that year. This is the first year I honestly hope that's true. Everything was perfect; who could wish for much more (besides more of our friends in the same room)? So, if legend holds, I'll be toasting and laughing with friends and strangers, kissing and dancing with the one I love, listening to the best music for my ears, and looking forward to much, much more! Thank you Chi Chi and...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Many thanks to Chi and Johnny for having my "art" ;-) Additional thanks to the staff at CBGBs -- and to Haseena Napier and D. -- for manning and man-handling my craftmanship. Miss Maki you must have been tipsy as I swear you did not ruin a thing ... About those playboys, I think D. has more to say on that ... Now I must return to bed, I've been having an on again/off again relationship with the flu that i've just about kicked to the curb, but shall be taking it easy for the next week or two...
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
DH --- article in UK telegraph newspaper heralding Ms Harry as the Queen of all CARS (!?) Her legend goes on... while Madonnas slides turd like..further down the pan...........read on.... Car culture: A feast fit for the man from Mars (Filed: 05/04/2003) The Subaru Forester might be an ugly beast that breaks all the rules, but it is also among the best cars in the world, says Stephen Bayley Blondie's great album, Autoamerican, was recorded at Hollywood's United Western Studios in 1980. One...
Nina Simone, whose deep, raspy, forceful voice made her a unique figure in jazz and later helped chronicle the civil rights movement, died Monday at her home in France, according to her personal manager. She was 70. - I don't know if you ever caught her live, but she defo invented the term DIVA... when i saw her she walked off the stage till the audience went wild with applause then she finally returned... this was after only one number!! Bless 'er! Amazing distinctive voice, a true legend
Re: Pepper LeBeija
was given a thoughtful send-off today on 1010 WINS - that traffic radio station! I believe they mentioned that "he" was a New York legend as on of the originators of ball culture. It was well done, although they kept pronouncing his name "la baya".
Re: Pepper LeBeija
In The Cape Cod Times: ( from The New York Times) The performer who used the stage name Pepper LaBeija as a glamourous queen of The Harlem drag balls immortilized in the 1991 documentary "Paris Is Burning" died on May 14 at Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. She, as she preferred to be called was 53. A woman who answered the telephone at her mother's home but who would not identify herself said the cause of the death was a heart attack. LaBeija ( pronounced La-BAY-zha) appeared proudly in...
Re: Pepper LeBeija
That Times piece is major. My mother (Angie Xtravaganza) would GAG to see her name in The Times like that. I hope she sees it. I also saw on the CNN clicker at the bottom of the tv screen... "Harlem Ball House legend Pepper LeBeija dead at 53 of heart attack". unbelievable. There are only a couple of the old girls left. They will be at Pepper's memorial I'm sure. I guess Candi LeBeija is the reigning queen now. I think that Miss Pepper's memorial is going to be June 12 at the Gay &...
Sandman Sims, 86, Tap Dancer and Fixture at the Apollo, Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (text from The NYtimes accuracy under scrutiny) Sandman Sims, the celebrated tap dancer and Apollo Theater legend, died on May 20 in the Bronx. He was 86, although he long maintained that his age was "a matter of opinion." For decades he was "executioner" at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, chasing unpopular acts off the stage on amateur nights, sometimes with a toy gun. He told disconsolate losers about how he...
Re: Provincetown
For any Provincetown or Boston-based Motherlovers, or any fellow vacationers don't miss this rare bit of New York.. THE NY SHOW Sunday, June 8 at 11 PM Bubbala's Commercial Street, Ptown. Readings and performances by John Kelly, Bobby Miller, Chi Chi Valenti, Andy Horowitz, Matthew Benedict and Kim Rogers. Suggested donation $5. And Jackie Legend Billy Rene is bartending. Whoo-whoo! Should be lots of fun. Hope to see you there..
Re: Provincetown
NYC Legend Lisa Jackson has taken Ptown by storm. Three shows at The Vixen and the winner of Showgirls last night to the tune of a $500 cash prize. Now the bitch can afford some decent shoes. Having a ball with madame rockstar. Missing everyone in NYC. Love and kisses. Bobby
Re: International Chrysis
While still living in DC in the early 90s, Split: Portrait of a Drag Queen played at the American Film Institute at the Kennedy Center, and I went to see the film, but not knowing much about it other than it was about a drag queen, I dragged my friends to come with me. Well, we all loved the movie, and I was fascinated with her oh-so-glamorous life (or so it appeared on celluloid), yet throughout the story the theme was her rising up and above any perceived pain or misery. Being a showgirl,...
Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER in London Sept. 20
Hi there! Unfortunately the modest budget precluded us bringing the glorious Hattie this time around. We will miss her desparately! The figures quoted are in pounds, and unfortunately our guest list is getting rather big already, to our delight and surprise. But why dont you email me off my profile and tell me a bit more about yourself and if you are a big old Jackie legend Ill see what I can do.. No promises! Time Out London is also running something on the Jackie visit, so I think between...
Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER shows and updates
For those of you who don't read in Elsewhere, here are the details for our London show this Saturday September 20 at RETURN TO NY. We are doing some fab stuff using the CABARET MAGIQUE as the theme, and will time-travel from the 1880s to 1930s.. If you are a Jackie legend, email me for possible guest list. Here's the details: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 JACKIE 60 FURTHER IN LONDON Arthur Baker, Sean McLusky & Culturecide Promotions present RETURN TO NEW YORK @ THE GREAT EASTERN HOTEL,...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Holly woodlawn is in a coma... at Cedar sinai after collapsing in her LA home... they say its due to alcoholism... beams to Holly... -I digress- Holly Johnson from Frankie Goes to Hollywood stole his name as homage to the above ms Woodlawn fyi... sure y'all realized that.. (his real name is Billy Johnson or ...Billy Hollygay) Get well Legend Holly Woodlawn!
Re: Jonah Falcon
I don't really need a topic of my own, but if anyone wants my nudie(s), let me know. My homepage is G-rated (and still under construction.) I barely qualify as a legend, though -- am pretty much a latecomer (and late-cummer).
Re: Jonah Falcon
Oh, you're certainly a "Jackie Legend" Jonah. In fact, we would love those infamous spandex shorts for The Downtown Costume Institute. And I want the nudies! daddy@mothernyc.com
Re: Jonah Falcon
if your into swapping jonah i will give you my pandex betsy johnson dress with matching snood i wore to barbara stresands birthday that james brolin threw up on in return for those shorts deal? messy_carly@yahoo.com
Re: Jonah Falcon
Here's a serious question: where's the cheapest place to get a full-length mirror?
Re: Jonah Falcon
Forget it Jonah, one full length mirror won't get it all in. And thanks for the nudie pics.
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
In his personal life legend has it that Brando was a complete sexual freak who tried everything, including man-on-man action. Somewhere I used to have an infamous photo from the 50s, supposedly of him, in profile sucking a big dick. When I saw it I was convinced. If it wasn't him it was an exact replica-clone. (one can dream, right?) "A Streetcar Named Desire" is one of my favorite films. But you MUST see Brando in John Huston's 60s cult classic "Reflections in a Golden Eye" in which he...
Re: Jonah Falcon
It's about time jonah got hs little corner of the legends corner, and I completely agree that those spandex shorts should be in the Downtown Costume Institute, but which color? I remember the white one quite vividly.
Re: Jonah Falcon
Julian my love- Miss you very much.. Re Jonah's bike shorts, its the royal blue rayony ones that I cant forget, unfortunately. Please erase this vision for me!
Re: Jonah Falcon
Hello Mother!! I know it's been a while...but I'm still here. I guess the the blue ones were the ones worn the most. Perhaps the reason I remember the white ones were because they were at eye level as I was lounging on the chaise (underneath the big mirror) in the Versailles Room one evening.
Re: Jonah Falcon
I was wondering how I would get in on these pics of my favorite superhero Jonah? Thanks, DannyBoy
Re: Jonah Falcon
interact? oh...yeah..GAG..Choke..interact? Is that what you're calling it now Daddy?
Re: Jonah Falcon
That's what I called it the first time I met Jonah... AT YOUR HOUSE BOBBY!!!!! Bah!