Tagged With "Vampire Ball"
Leda of the Pack
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
my favorite jackie theme would have to be the ball at ascot 1900. to me that was the most beautiful night. i loved getting to work and seeing the entire staff dressed and ready to entertain. other highlights were walking in and not being recognized or having to ask "who is that" someother very special events would have to include, california uber alleys, please kill me, low life, men, women and drag, i'm not a coke whore; i'm a model,telemundo 60, the absinthe drinkers........ what i miss...
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Remember the "water part". That's the one I always forgot. I really makes quite a big difference. Oh and speaking of... I saw Perfidia @ Field Ball. She confessed to being a big lurker. She has been reading all of this so be careful what you say.
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
funny I was just talking jackie with some friends who were visiting from London. Then 24 hrs. later I find this topic. I probly only went to 20 jackies but I had many favorite themes like shoe ball, geisha nite with DEBBIE HARRY and the Lillith Fair. alltime favoriet and my first jackie was cokewhore -I still have the flyer on my wall.
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
I can't easily jump in (being the world's ugliest gender-variant "thing" to come down the pike as most of you know) but this discussion is so smart & riviting. I've been around the drag world for years. It started at G.G. Barnum's in Times Square where I was a go go dancer. One day I got caught in the G.G. dressing room. The "girls" asked Miss Peter- The Sweetie of her day, "Can we keep him, Can we keep him Miss Peter?" They did. Never a tranny or a chaser I always appreciated "the...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
The last couple of posts unfortunately totallly veered away and lost this topic. Let's try to make sure our verbal masturbations are relevant to the topic at hand. Anyone care to comment, or pick the ball up where we left off. Hoping for insight and feedback about inner prejudice in the "tg" ie.... transsexual, transvestite, drag, cross dressing, gender variant world. We have had soooo much REAL sharing, it would be a shame to let this little room die. Read from page one and comment. Such...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
I first discovered Pyramid in late '87. My very first night happened to be a big benefit show, I think for Dee's teeth. Yeah, I know she didn't quite get them for a while, but that's another story. It was one of those super shows with a zillion acts! I was dazzled! In '87 the pyramid was all painted in crazy black and white trippy swirls, the shows were wild, and I was sold! It broke my heart when they painted it black. I became a regular at Hapi's party. It's what inspired me to do drag. I...
Re: Flloyd the Ripper
I haven't seen my wife so excited about a movie since "Gone With The Wind"! (Of course anything "Ripper" is sacred to her as everyone knows). I can't wait to see it. (I wa$ working an early party and mi$$ed the $creening) I was out later promoting the Anne Rice Ball and EVERYONE is talking about it. (whether they'd seen it or not). Whatever the "fork scene" is it must be mega! Go Flloyd! ( or Floyde)
I just walked by Pat Field's 8th Street store and was almost in tears. It's all empty, dark & closed up with the windows soaped. It's so sad. There is just a little sign on the door that says "SALE". So many memories in that store. Decades of memories! Punk, New Wave, Paradise Garage, Ball House, Club Kid, Rave. And who hasn't worked there at least once? I knew it was coming but to actually see her closed is a shock. I know it's not a tragedy or anything, Pat is ruling the earth now with...
Re: Pittsburgh
I agree it really is one impressive avatar. It amazed me when I first saw it. I was so glad to see it. It's far more appropriate than stock art. Quite begiling, a shout out to it's creator! Is it you Betty? I have to admit, I don't know you very well. We'll have to work on that. If so, you should really be proud. Look at the hour! Tick Tock, I've got a ball to get too ... Oh and those mint/chocolate chip cupcakes 2 Die 4! Love the Picasso on Google today, the Fly on MSN, and the Clive Barker...
Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER shows and updates
Sorry to disappoint you, Pretty and hope we can see you at the Mboards bash!
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
SLC punk has nothing on Siouxicide City Iowa (also known as Sewer City). Last night had great run in with a punk legend in these parts as well as others, long-lost cracker of my ribs in high school in the mosh pit, Pete Phillips, who actually was playing at CBGBs around the time of the Hookerball 2. Apparantly, the Jackie crowd left quite an impression on him. And this is no small feat! Saw four amazing acts last night, and forgot just how talented these kids are out here. white soul I think...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Hi my dears- Back in town and in a full frenzy of Red-Light Amsterdam preproduction for the Hooker's Ball, and glad so many friends seem to be coming for this! Some news on the Hooker's Ball- TICKETS If you'd like to purchase tickets via credit card or PayPal, you can now do it on easily on our web page. We'll be taking CASH ONLY at the door, so if you're cash-tapped do buy your tix this way, and just bring your confirmation email and ID to the door.
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Welcome to the Motherboards. Your profile and website were most enjoyable and Im sure you will make many friends here. Feel free to visit our New Kids Forum (in the "Front Door" section) and start a topic to say hello or post in the ongoing "First Post Here" topic. See you at The Ball!
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I just got back from taping the Hookers Ball segment for Naked NY. It will be on tonight 12/30 at 10 PM and midnight, Metro TV. Some of the Jackie 60 movie/Museum of Sex Footage will also be shown - I'm not sure how much. Other guests included a gay psychic and a porn portrait artist. Really had a good time and hope it brings lots of visiting Hookers to the party!
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Another spectacular evening and show! The House of Dominantion always rocks and never fails to "titilate" Having the Amster. Red Light district theme added the perfect touch of sleaze to the festivities. Thanks again Chi Chi and Daddy. A New Years Eve Hookers Ball also happens to be a wonderful setting for an artist rendering of a peep show. Tanya did an amzing job, especially considering the amount of time she had to set it up in! And Tanya, where did you get a copy of a 1969 Playboy? Huh...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Well we meant to party hop last night but the Hookers Ball was such a high time we were afraid to go anywhere else when we left at 2:30 except for some food. There was something about that party that really hit the spot and made me actually glad to live here again and the rest of my group felt the same. Maybe it was the mix, or the music, or the place. Those bartendresses really kick ass when the bar gets busy and they always make you feel good about being there. Same for Mistress Sharon (I...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I had such a great New Years at the Hooker Ball. Thanks so much Chi Chi and Daddy!!!! It was a treat being with Betty and Mrs. Betty. And it was great meeting CollenTV. I can't wait til the next event.
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I had been believed that you guys had left before I got the ball since I arrived at 2am... but somebody said that she saw you two ! It should be your spirit of wanting to come to the ball !!! Glad that I had a start of New year by meeting up with those beautiful people*, Rose, Betty & Betty's Girl, Colleentv, Tonya(thanx for such a fascinating installation ! ) and... guess, missed speaking to others for my brain had been deeply marinated in Champagne at that time... Thank you very much...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I spent part of the New Years at dinner with my friend Yab who had been to Jackie 60 with me a few times. We lamented missing the fun and went out to seek our own at a few drinking contests with friends. Yab is an enthusiastic blogger, and reads more of these than anyone else I know. He sent me this link to a Hookers Ball report, and I think the author, Reive, is a member here (notsure.) Its very well written, regardless, and one more reminder of how small our Brave New World is. Sorry to...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I know it's taking me forever to get these up but here is a taste. Lots more to come. HOOKER's BALL 4 PICS!
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
From my mother, upon viewing the Hooker Ball picture of me you took (that is currently appearing on the MotherboardsNYC.com page ... ) PS ... thanks for the crayolas ... they will be put to good use, that shwag, is by far nutters and amazing!
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Wasn't sure where to post this as it doesn't exactly qualify under the "nightclub crackdown" forum. This little club sounds intriquing ....
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
started planting new shrubs and trees the morning of beltane/ new moon - Happy to report that the azaleas, river birch, uonymous, yew trees and the arbor vitae are all taking root fabulously! I suspected they would after turning the soil revealed hundreds of earthworms. One of these days Barbee Villa wil be ready to throw a displaced faerie ball the likes of which jersey has never seen. be afraid - be very afraid!
Re: Pepper LeBeija
was given a thoughtful send-off today on 1010 WINS - that traffic radio station! I believe they mentioned that "he" was a New York legend as on of the originators of ball culture. It was well done, although they kept pronouncing his name "la baya".
Re: Pepper LeBeija
In The Cape Cod Times: ( from The New York Times) The performer who used the stage name Pepper LaBeija as a glamourous queen of The Harlem drag balls immortilized in the 1991 documentary "Paris Is Burning" died on May 14 at Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. She, as she preferred to be called was 53. A woman who answered the telephone at her mother's home but who would not identify herself said the cause of the death was a heart attack. LaBeija ( pronounced La-BAY-zha) appeared proudly in...
Re: Pepper LeBeija
That Times piece is major. My mother (Angie Xtravaganza) would GAG to see her name in The Times like that. I hope she sees it. I also saw on the CNN clicker at the bottom of the tv screen... "Harlem Ball House legend Pepper LeBeija dead at 53 of heart attack". unbelievable. There are only a couple of the old girls left. They will be at Pepper's memorial I'm sure. I guess Candi LeBeija is the reigning queen now. I think that Miss Pepper's memorial is going to be June 12 at the Gay &...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
Tarot was such an inspired theme, and you all took it to places where I didn't know it could go! I wish I had got there in time for the 1st set. I especially liked the ladies of the Wheel of Fortune for their shambling goof-ball antics, their glitter, their costume accident & their mantra of "Repetition is a form of change." True! and it gave me insight into that card that I didn't have before. Also, Hattie Hathaway's devil routine & I didn't catch the name of the Wednesday Addamsy...
Re: Provincetown
NYC Legend Lisa Jackson has taken Ptown by storm. Three shows at The Vixen and the winner of Showgirls last night to the tune of a $500 cash prize. Now the bitch can afford some decent shoes. Having a ball with madame rockstar. Missing everyone in NYC. Love and kisses. Bobby
Re: Liquid Sky
Whadda ya mean EARLY Seventies?!!! I got 'em in a thrift store. Yeah, that's right. A thrift store. Why I oughta... And Adele Bertei, What a holy terror! She was my bud. She lives in London now. She came to Magique one night though. I went over to her table. It was like being on The Isle Of Lesbos! Some things never change. AND A WARNING!!!! If anyone starts posting stills from my famous "Ping Pong Ball scene" in BACK DOOR LAMBADA I'm outa here! (and I actually did get those jeans at The...
Re: Liquid Sky
Oh wow, when I read that daddy was also in Backdoor Lambada, I just had to go pull out my copy and see if I could find him. It was a little more difficult than finding him in Liquid Sky, but I think I found him. I took this picture with my digital camera of the TV screen: (_|_) @ It was a little more difficult trying to recognize him from behind, but the ping pong ball gave him away.... I lost my gag reflex and all you got was this lousy message board posting.
Re: My Night of 1000 Stevies 14 review
Hey Nanners, Where ya been? Ya big ol' rug munchin' ho! I'm with you hon. Ain't nuthin' like stayin' home with the old ball an' chain and lightin' up a couple a big ones. But you got to try this "White Wing Dove" thing that Apollonia showed me an' Jackie. Right up your alley hon. That's where it goes... Right up your alley.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
More history on the Oak Room in the Plaza, due to close at the end of January. The Ballroom (where Truman Capote's famous Black & White ball took place) is also slated for "retail..." http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/16/opinion/opinionspecial/16gathje.html The writer thinks these spaces can still be saved.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
S'tan-- Sorry for resuscitating this thread, but (from today's Daily News) it appears there're only a few nails left for this coffin. What a long, sad, death. Why don't they just bring out the wrecking ball already?
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
Suzie, I am here with you soror, this is a terrible loss for us all. Let us stand together to not only make sure he is not just remembered, but that future generations of vampyre know who he was and what he ment to us and the world wide vampyre commmunity. Not only through his amazing artifacts, but him as a person. Eternally, Sebastian Sabretooth / Long Black Veil
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
It is with great sorrow too that I read this, Madame Forsythia. D'Drennan was indeed a good and wonderfully creative soul and I send him light on his journey. Please do keep us posted as to any memorial gathering planned.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
Last night I was out in the snow in Union Square with the puppy - the city was quiet and dusted with white glitter and as I was leaving the park I thought - you see, there is still magic here. Returning home I got the messages about D'Drennan, one of the most magical souls I have ever known in this lifetime. His enormous gifts and big heart added immeasurably to the entire MOTHER era - who else would we have called upon to craft Merlin's sword for the turn of the century Click + Drag? As so...
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
It is truely sad to have lost such an amazing artist. He was such a gentleman.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
I remember meeting him for the first time at Mother. Admiring his works. Handling his canes. And eventually requesting him to make me one of my own. A talent like his shall be sorely missed.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
D'Drennan was an icon. He shaped his visions and ideas into incredible works of art. He was a friend, a role model, and an inspiration. I was shocked and deeply saddened by the news of his death. My heartfelt sympathies go out to all of his friends and family and to a community who has lost such an important and respected member.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
I agree Arabella, he was a true gentleman. As an ancient vampyre myself I was always so impressed by his social grace and joie de vivre. Centuries beyond his human age.