Tagged With "presidents weekend"
Re: Blondie "Mother" has US debut with "Panic of Girls" 9/13
Ooh I like it - how did I not know they had a new CD to be released? And I think I saw Johnny in the video. I have a new video to play at the club this weekend :-). Thanks Chi Chi VJ Tre
Re: Viva Warriors: Steve Lawler, Detlef LIVE, Will Monotone 5/9
A limited amount of combo tickets are available for DJ Steve Lawler and Victor Calderone + Timo Maas this weekend at Sankeys NYC for $40 BUY THEM HERE! http://www.wantickets.com/Sank...alderoneZanettaOrtiz
Just wanted to thank Bill Brewster for sending us this note about the passing of Francis Grasso, 52, who is generally regarded as the first modern DJ. His club The Sanctuary helped define late-sixties(!) gay disco and he pioneered the whole shamanistic tradition of DJs taking the crowd on a trip.. If you don't know Bill, he wrote the amazing "Last Night A DJ Saved My Life:The History of the Disc Jockey" which is filled with amazing stories including Francis Grasso's. [This message was edited...
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
without starting a new topic or being accused of racial profiling this will fit in here. saturday night in south hampton we stopped in at the 7-11. it's lovely really, 8 or 10 indian men rushing around working. i love it so. when out from the back room comes a tall handsom man. he said hello and asked me if i wanted to go in the back room. my friend and i thought he was offering me a job. we laughed and went on with our business. sunday evening gordon stopped back in the 7-11 and he came...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
being back at my dad's house for the start of STH is just TOO perfect. AND the current news stories to boot... let's begin. when my dad remarried (the first time) i got a new stepmother and two stepbrothers. l****, the older of the two, was a year younger than me and lived at my dad's house with his mom. and it was his bedroom - the bottom bunk to be exact - that i would stay in on my "bi"-weekly visits to that house. (every other weekend, natch.) we were at a very curious age. and even...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
This past weekend, I went up to the Adirondacks to get a brief respite from war-torn Manhattan. I took Amtrak to a small town in the foothills, then a taxi to the cottage of an old friend. I had been given the keys, so I had the whole place to myself. I had forgotten that 1) It's 20 degrees colder in the mountains this time of year, and 2) hunting season is at full throttle right about now. Well, since I neglected to bring anything red, I was not going to venture into the woods at all, so I...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
my first m2m experience happened last year. My former landlord (a divorced tall 40 y/o german stud) accidently found a stack of fetish mags that I had left out one day. He was in the rental to fix the sink and I forgot. That weekend he came by and asked me not to leave my personal stuff lying around. I was so embarrrassed. He was cool though and we struck up a discussion about desires and fetishes. What I didn't realize was that he was bisexual and into kink. I was into heel worship, B/D and...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Ms. Undy, thank you so much for these postings. I am booking a flight ASAP! Especially when I heard of a popular gay club that, on the weekend, charges a $2.50 cover charge which includes two drinks !
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
From: "Noah" Subject: Paris's Bday, Reebok MAGIC Event, Valentines Day, Presidents Day at Tao, Limelight Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:20:12 -0800 If your looking for something to do or tell your friends about this weekend, check out the following events Jason and I are hosting for Presidents Day Weekend. New York: Thursday Feb 14th: "Valentines Day" at Suite 16, 127 8th Ave at 16th St. Expect: Fashion week party, lot's of pretty people in red. Friday Feb 15th: "The Last Dance" at LIMELIGHT,...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
They got here okay. We went to the Bangkok Weekend Market. It's probably the best shopping place in the world! So many interesting and colorful things. I got some green silk to have pants made. Between the silk and the tailor it'll cost about $24. How could I ever go back to buying off the rack??? I'm still a little heartbroken over the end of my 5 day relationship in Chiang Mai. At home I go very long periods of time without getting that close to anyone.
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Last weekend I went to Seattle for a visit. After seeing the usually family I went to find some late night fun. I ended up initially at a fetish modelling place called X-otic Tan. Unique and kinda pricy for me but worth it. The first night (Friday) I got a private dance and went crazy while kissing the models soft sexy feet. the next night I went back (after raiding the ATM) and had another session. While waiting in the lobby I talked with this middle aged truck driver type. He was talking...
Re: Provincetown
Memorial Day weekend: More dykes than you can shake a rubber dick at, Isla would wear out her rug-munching tongue. More pre-summer bleached blondes than you can shake a can of bleach at, with their also bleached mates in matching Sergio Valenti and earthshoes. Why do dykes have the most amazing hairstyles on the planet? The sequined ( head to toe) street psychic who claims that he can tell you your last name, phone number and address after he asks for some ID , but they say that he's the...
Re: Provincetown
Opening night of Provincetown Film Festival.Lots of stars in town this weekend. Saw " Elvira's Haunted Hills"..Superb, funny,very early Mel Brooks meets DQ humour. Kevin bacon and wife, Matt Damon and Megan who plays Karen on Will & Grace seen all over town Rainy and cold.High tide.Too many people in town. The town's gone gaga over movie stars and the A&P is closed this time of night Think I'll stay in and post on the Motherboards all night long.
Re: Provincetown
Fourth of July weekend.. big icky circuit muscle boys on tina all the white trash families from all over the cape that only come to problemstown once a year to watch the fireworks and gape at fags and really fierce transvarients from all over the globe. Scotty The Blue Bunny and Brandon Olson and his partner in "GoGoReal" at The UU ( Both very good shows.) * to Chi Chi and Daddy/ Merlin and I went to visit Gens and Merlin channels Gens who says to tell you to "Pay attention to the children...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Daddy, I appreciate your kind words and the community you have built here. I enter it with respect and awe at the resources and the people that are working to communicate in a complex culture. I am quiet because I have a lot to learn. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and the weather. I agree, "the bitches rock". Sierra
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Indeed, I have been thinking about this topic all week, as I too would like to see more in it (and, more of it's ilk). What I have managed to obtain from D. is a copy of the program from David's show a few years back at the above-mentioned museum in SoHo. It is about 10-pages, so I need to get text-scanning software installed). D. also has the above graphic art book mentioned, but I need to look into reprinting rights. Generally, it's pretty easy to get permission to reprint an artist's work...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
Hey Oh, I've been keeping up via Popit... just haven't had much time to post Hmm. Next trip to NYC. We'll be heading up for "Muppetfest 2003" if it indeed happens in NYC in 2003. This spring or summer they are planning so far. Jojo will be coming up with us too. Our luck has been really good and really bad lately. We've been getting 50-50 good/bad on trips. Gotta get out the tarot cards to find out what's going on and when this will end There haven't been a lot of new outfits that I have...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
AND BRING jOjO !!! actually just a funny semi-waking dream I had this morning. --actually caused, most likely, from watching the performance tape from the womb show, which I had not forced myself to sit through yet. After much pulling my hair, groaning, talking very loudly and repetitively to myself and pacing about the living room, I got through it. But what I realized is that YOU TWO twats were the ones to go into shock and hustle with tons of bustle off the floor when my audio came on!
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I'm proud to announce that Jackie Bigalow has just become the newest member of the Woodbury, TN Public Library, and was told in no uncertain terms by the librarian that she was absolutely not allowed to look at porn while using this computer. With her 1987 German Skinhead hair and sleeveless Glamour Goblins shirt, bright green pants and yellow shoes, I just don't know why they would even think they had to tell her that. So things down here are pretty magical-- I get to bathe at least once a...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
We've updated our site to include pictures from last weekend in Chicago. We saw Peaches, Chicks on Speed, W.I.T. and Tracy and The Plastics in concert and ran into Peaches, Larry Tee and W.I.T. out at Hollywood Grille. We got great pictures of their perf ormances, and a few from the sidelines. We've also started a "LiveJournal" that we update almost daily. http://www.theclubcreatures.com XXXOOO Satori [This message was edited by Zazoo and Satori on 10-28-02 at 02:27 PM.]
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
Party Monster debuts this weekend at Sundance. There is glossy, half-page article in "V" Nov/Dec issue. Their facts aren't 100% correct... (I'm mentioned as an "original club kid" which I've never claimed to be for the record) but the promo shots that they used are sharp. XXXOO Satori
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Man, I just have to share this really fun experience I had last weekend. I went to Tigard to help a friend with an errand. She stayed there and I decided (before hand) to "meet up" with a couple from there. We had met in a Feet Chat room and they had kept in touch a few times via e-mail. They are an older D/s couple with the the wife as DOMME and the hubby, bill, as sub. They liked our cyber(s) and had sent me pics as well. We agreed to meeting and talking. They are members of Janus(?) and...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
My friend Brian went to Ptown for this weekend, he said that he did not know you, but maybe you will eventually meet him, he's a regular visitor! Hope you are well, LAD
Re: New Old New Wave? 1982-->2002
Saw Fischerspooner in Chicago this weekend. Wow. Very fun. Very tounge-in-cheek. Very well dressed fun crowd. Bloody Mess Backlit Flexing Beam & Fan Confetti Crowd
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
After talking with Chi Chi this weekend, and getting the needs for the Monday the 26th Press Day, we realized that we really needed some great pictures of the costumes executed by setup on the 25th... So, I ended up talking with the local photographer who shoots most of our models for the global skin care brands I work on, showed her our site, and she's all pumped up to shoot us Her name is Annette McCall, and she's fabulous. Even better, she's letting us use the pictures however we want.
Re: Provincetown
I went to Provincetown once, many years ago. It was a hellish bus ride with long changes. Is there a direct way to get there? It might be nice to take off one weekend this year and go. Is it hard to get a room? Last time I went off season.
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
hi!! remember me?? just wanted to letcha'll know i'm off to texas for a lil' bit. my grandma sage is in her last weeks and i want some time with her while she's still alert and alive. also, saw *bob* and dirty martini in nashvegas last weekend. they stole the show! such pros!! the nashvillains were standing and screaming at the end of their numbers. so proud of my girlfriends!! things are swell on the mountain. but i need a break. so... here i go on the road again. hope all is well in new york.
Re: International Chrysis
Wow...that is an incredible resemblance. I have to rent split and possibly queen. I say possibly queen, because Miss Flawless told me she was going to be having a screening, but that was a while ago. I was away for the weekend and didn't get a chance to get online after starting the post. Needless to say, when I got back, was pleased by the response and your insights. Thank you and of course if there are any more...keep em comin!
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
Does JT live in NYC now??? I remember it was such a big deal when he moved to San Francisco. Well, it was a big deal for about a week. It seemed like an interview with him was in every magazine, and he would always refused to be photographed for the interviews. And he would show up for the interview wearing a wig and a disguise, so people were wondering if it was really him every time. He would go on and on in the interviews about how he's a very self-secluded person, but would go into...
Re: Swept Away part 2
Madonna will usher in the Jewish New Year at an exclusive kabbala retreat in the city this weekend. The Material Girl will be getting spiritual at a private Rosh Hashanah gathering at the Marriott Hotel. I loved this..... nice to think while we are all having a cocktail tonight that madge is at some Marriott hotel being a Jewess....
I can't believe he's gone to his grave and I'm still owing him big time. Desperation never fails to iluminate. George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 By RICHARD SEVERO Published: September 26, 2003 copy from NYTimes Web obit page Associated Press George Plimpton, the self-deprecating author of "Paper Lion" and a patron to Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac has died. He was 76. George Plimpton, the New York aristocrat and literary journalist whose exploits in editing and writing...
Re: boy george
ATTENTION TABOO FANS IN NEW YORK CITY BECOME PART OF THE TABOO STREET TEAM EARN FREE STUFF INCLUDING TICKETS TO TABOO! Help us paint NYC with TABOO. Going to a club this weekend? Give away some stickers. Going to the theatre - hand some key chains out to the TKTS line. Hand stuff out wherever you go. Make the city Everything Taboo! To be a part of this, drop a line to the webmaster at webmaster@doyoutaboo.com with your name and e-mail address and we'll be in touch with the details.
Re: Swept Away part 2
Have to say, Madonna's snagged herself another brilliant partner: Mount Sims, the LA-based electro outfit has remixed her new single, Nobody Knows Me. Super great and best cut yet from American Life. Tho did read sad item over the weekend about new madoodoo EP to be released later this month: "Madonna: Remixed and Remade" or something. Includes previously unreleased track from ...Bedtime Sories album, of all things. Calls to mind those nice old Morrissey lyrics...reissue, repackage,...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
Schwarzenegger urged to arrest S.F. mayor Group says Newsom should face prison for false marriage licenses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: February 17, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com A Christian legal group wants California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to arrest the mayor of San Francisco for issuing nearly 2,000 marriage licenses to homosexual couples in defiance of state law. The American Family Association Center for...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
just keeping up with the news in the hood.... was the manager who was murdered at Pop restaurant this weekend...was this the same Tim I used to know from Cafe Tabac??(back about 5yrs ago).. have a feeling it was???
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
Gorgeous! My fave term this weekend: Mouse Bloc: "If one mouse can scare an elephant, what can thousands do?" Referring specifically to an illegal action planned for the Disney-fied Theatre District later on Sunday...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Boo! How sad, S'tan. If it's any consolation, we can say Farewell Insipid New New York, too! Last week New York Magazine proclaimed the "end" of the Meatpacking District in a poorly researched chapter of its year-end "It Happened This Year: A Guide to 2004." In addition to citing Pastis as the beginning of the end of the neighborhood, among the gems given us by reporter Jay McInerney: He is, like, so on the pulse! Oh, and watch out for those ghosts of trannie prostitutes. Ugh. The...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Hatches/ All of that is so familair to me. I arrivied in 1973 to live here but I started visiting on my own in 1969. I remember 42nd Street between Times Square and 8th Ave had male hustlers between the ages of 12 and 50 with their meat shoved down their tight jeans ( in those days tight jeans were the way to go) on both sides of 42nd st. As I walked by at 15 they'd make offers for me to "work" for them. I didn't know what they were talking about. Work? I was on a weekend trip to the big...
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
This weekend we're spinning another one of Dawn's brainchildren: Oh, and it's an 18 AND OVER event. XXXOOO Satori
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
scuse me for bein naive, but is this the bash to go to this weekend?
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
A BIG thank you to all who came out to celebrate Fathers Day with us Thank you to - World Famous *BOB*, Bambi, Jo Boobs, Cat, Delirium Tremons, Little Brooklyn, Mz Saturn, Hate In The Box, DJ Madame Dollhaus and Empress Chi Chi Valenti for pulling out all the BadAss stops last weekend. Thank You! We couldn't rock with out you!
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Re: Provincetown
Okay, if anyone one finds themselves here on Labor day weekend: One Night Only! Bobby Miller LIVE in an all spoken word marathon. September 2, Friday, 8pm at The Whalers Wharf, Art Cinema Cafe, Commercial Street, Provincetown, Ma. $5 at the door, BYOB.
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
Unfortunately, I was bedridden all weekend with a bad case of flu. Maybe next time.
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
Yesterday The NEW YORK OBSERVER published a feature encouraging gay men to seek out new places for public sex!! Here's an excerpt:
Re: My own private East Village
Then I assume you would have loved the little ceremony held right in the middle of E.3rd Street at the corner of Ave. B last weekend. The block of 3rd between C and B has been renamed. Reverend Pedro Pietri Way. Such a beautiful occurance. With his partner in poem Miguel Algarin -both were co-founders of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe where Ginsberg was an infrequent declaimer- presiding over the street ceremony at which a 12 year old spoke a wild, astonishing poem about the late reverend just as...
Re: NOTS 16 - STEVIE IN WONDERLAND - May 19, 2006
No we are not yet sold out, though we are steadily getting there - so if you are coming (especially from so far away) please buy them in the next few days - we are not sure there will be any left after the weekend. Regardless, after the advance tickets sell out we do always leave 100 for sale at the door - but you must come early to take advantage of these, they are first come, first served. Thanks for your overwhelming support of this show, and we hope to live up to your tremendous ...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
Im in LA right now. but i saw the news before i left and a young man was killed by 3 guys after he walked home from a club in Chelsea this weekend. They have surveilance footage of the suspects and 2 of them really seem like the ones i was talking about. It really shocked me. They bashed the boy so badly that he died a few hours later in the hospital. I suspect that he was hanging out in gay bar , but cant be sure since the news didnt say. Really sad. So be warned to really watch whats going...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
There were two separate attacks in Astoria that weekend. Found this on astorians.com message board ... anyone knows more about this? March and Rally this Saturday Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods When: Saturday, June 17 Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets) Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents...