Tagged With "bobby miller"
Re: Todd Tomarrow
The gorgeous Lulu ( Todd Tomorrow) Photo Bobby Miller / " Wigstock in Black & white"
Re: Bobby Miller/ new Book
" Fetish" book coming spring 2011. Photo by Bobby Miller copyright 2011
Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern
Open me up and find the perfect place to get lost. I offer you vicious beauty of my voice before the humans wanted it to make sense. Your voice, lit cigarette against pyramid on the dollar bill of my coronary muscle. My spirit runs along the ridges above the Gila River threading lightening strikes, laughing like cum you sweetly frightened. I blessblame that Miller girl for introducing us the way scar is seduced back beneath skin. A blame made of the scent of leather and pale pink roots of...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Sweetie, HOW DARE YOU! YOU FUCKIN' BITCH! How dare you put me in the same age group as Bobby Miller! The nerve! Also please save that truss, they are really expensive. Gotta go do my roots.
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
tell a steamy sex story but I am becoming a kept woman, and I dont wanna display my bliss just yet... and about you older girls(including Sweatie) well I'll be nice this time... invest in Mark Traynors they apparently work, and Booby Miller is old at all he is as young as he feels..
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Well, my mind expanding Sweetie, this drop the bomb topic has been running around my already busy brain for days. I'm very happy to see people expressing themselves and shedding their experiences. (Stacy, welcome home honey, I've often wondered how you were doing.) A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman! A transgendered woman is not a man! A transgendered woman is not a woman! (Repeat chorus) Bobby Miller and I are friends. I love him as a human being and as...
Re: Provincetown
I just arrived in P-Town a couple of hours ago, its so fabulous here, Im staying in The BeaconLight B&B and its a wonderful place. Just wanted to say hi, Im with the Fabulous Joan who we all know and adore. Wish you were all here, getting together with Bobby Miller tommorrow. Kisses everyone
Re: Provincetown
Hey Mr. Fabulous in Ptown (Bobby Miller of course!) Are you helping to save those poor whales or are you smoking doobies on the beach?
Re: Provincetown
From Brandon Ohlson (as dictated to me): Am happy to be back in New York after a wonderful month in Provicetown. Daddy's birthday party was a delightful welcome home. Performed Go-Go Real, communed with Bobby Miller, Scotty the Blue Bunny, Edie (dynamic transvestite hoofer from NYC) and the lovely Varla Jean Merman. Soaked in the sun, sand and surf. Met lots of town characters, had a good time doing the show, and enjoyed the much needed respite from NYC. Glad to be back in the swing of...
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
There is an empty room. Photographs, magnetic poetry, and a jar of pickles. Kermit is in jail, he notices. I smell your Captains hat, and I wonder, "Where is Bobby Miller?" I love you
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
am heading to Ptown for New Years Eve! just made reservations! have spoken to Bobby almost everyday while out in Santa fe, sending him some rays. Hoping he got a sun tan from it, LOL. while thinking on Mr. Miller, it's not just Bobby that is seen, all our smiling faces surround him as one big loving heart. in the worst of times -- the best possible things do happen. love loving you Bobby.
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Hey Bobby! I'm thinking about you, and all these posts filled w/ healing and fierceness. I've been burning a candle all month in my window for you, and it's so comforting to feel like I have you right there in that flame looking out for me. Looking forward to my Miller Time this evening, as I will be with loved ones before the countdown. I'm wishing ABUNDANCE for you for this year: abundance of health, love and peace - even though it looks like you already have a lot of this covered! peace...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
At 10pm, Bobby turned to John and said, 'It's 10 O'Clock, isn't it?' He knew it from the waves of love and energy that came over him. It was so strong last nigh none of us could sleep. We spent hours talking, sharing, laughing while trying to wear Mr. Miller out so he could sleep. Yes, he is talking again. LOL. Bobby Miller Time is a powerful thing, family. We also sat around the kitchen table yesterday making plans for the future! It's a long road ahead, with many new possibilies, and we...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
thank g-d we got new year's out of the way and we can get back to real life! the news is good? the news is bad? i don't know. they're filming an episode of "law and order" outside my window and i'm hoping to see jerry orbach. no matter what is going on in the world, i focus on the important things. especially important is BARBARA JEAN MILLER! keep goin' on, my love, things can only get better!! i think of you all the time but especially when i walk by your doorway. lots of love coming your...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
I had the craziest dream about you last night Barbara Jean. I just figured out why. I was walking by your doorway yesterday and of course I wanted to bang on the window to see if you would pop your head out. (I didn't though don't worry). But last night I had this dream... I was talking to Sammy Jo. He and I were going camping. (Don't ask, it was a dream) We were of course talking about the latest records and I said, "Wait till you hear Bobby Miller's new record. He did a re-make of "French...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Just wanted to check in miz miller and hope you are doing well. I'm going to be in Seattle next week and thought I'd try beaming you from the top of that Sky Needle thing. If you get a sudden urge for Starbucs next week then you know its working. Best, Colleentv
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Johnny-Cum-Lately here, but just had to thank Bobby for inspiring abovementioned dream: Sammy Jo, "French Kiss", G-Spot's shag--such a brilliant mix!!!!! Talk about LOL!!!!! And all thanks to BOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the hijinks coming Mr(s). Miller!
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
dear daddy, wow, your dream captures the moment clearly. love that you and sammy jo, go cacooning to find your dj inspiration -- if only in your dreams. (as a confirmation) when Bobby was waking up in the hospital after having been 'out' for a couple of days........ he turned to Basil and said, 'Yes, I know, Merlin is my producer and he owes me a check, where is it?' '"Should we tell her"? He said, "No, let's not".' 'Honey, she knows and does it anyway! Yah, can't stop her.' Mr. Miller is...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
sitting here with Faux Pas and reminiscing about our introduction to the fierce Miss Barbara Jean Miller. It was in the basement of Pyramid. and you said we needed to wear biger lashes. HA HA. Well we took heed, and the rest is herstory. Missing you, and soooo happy that 10:00 o'clock BOBBY TIME is warming your bones. So much love to you Bobby and cant wait to give you a good hug. Faux Pas sends her affection and best regards. Love Sweetie
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
At the beginning of a stunning Incoherent Reading/wailing/chanting/masturbating set at Cabaret Magique last night, the INCOMPARABLE Paul Skiff paused and said "I'm thinking of Bobby Miller right now. Are you?" Huge affirmative applause. Missing you!
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
It's 8am, Monday Morning, no one that would read this will be up for hours...... Arrived in Ptown, Saturday Evening, to the smells of Mr. Miller's cooking. Yep, he is watching the Food Channel and cooking up a storm-- the diner was delicious, Risoto and marinated chicken! Kinda weird to be here when John is not around, miss him. Please take care of him while he is in nyc. He has a big unconditionally loving heart. Daddy, Bobby is still gonna need help with that wig. HONEY! Hoping, this...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Cannot wait to see you at Magique on the 12th, Ms. Miller, hot damn!
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
I have been feeling the swell of energy (well, you know Ms. Miller, I'm partial to those kinds of metaphors) emanating from the day of 3/12 for over a month now, so recieving the bless of your appearance at Magique may have me -most suitably- incoherent. Being alive is not anyone's choice in the beginning, so it is, to say the least, sometimes hard to hold on to the universe out of which we all have come while on this planet. Wild fortune has me in Tokyo today (a long story, which like all...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
I'm really sure that's EXACTLY what "you was gonna write". Don't mind her Seven, she's just clearing a blockage. Anyway, tonight is the night! Can't wait to see you Mrs. Miller. here is the info if anyone needs it. CABARET MAGIQUE! Ass Master, Bobby Miller by Jamie Casertano
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Crackers? Merlinator don't serve crackers, honey! lol. Gonna have to get some new party receipe books, seems we served the same thing more than once to the same crowd. need a new chef around here;-) In light of the goodness Mr. Miller, is now feeling, and the love that so sweetly surrounds him and helps in the healing process; Mr Miller looked around while sitting at the Cafe, and asked with a quizical face what's all the fuss about? 'Maybe I am wrong,' he said, 'but, it just doesn't seem...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
I recieved your phone message my pet. It was wonderful hearing your voice. You sound like a 14 year old girl, fine lady! I think before you consider performing at HIGH LIFE, you should check the place out. It is it's own brilliant animal, but it is a Saturday night affair, and has 500 fags with the attention span of a house fly. 15 minutes of colorful, high energy razzle dazzle in a show is about as long as they can hold on before they start fidgeting. I have a very hard time booking talent,...
Re: Provincetown
For any Provincetown or Boston-based Motherlovers, or any fellow vacationers don't miss this rare bit of New York.. THE NY SHOW Sunday, June 8 at 11 PM Bubbala's Commercial Street, Ptown. Readings and performances by John Kelly, Bobby Miller, Chi Chi Valenti, Andy Horowitz, Matthew Benedict and Kim Rogers. Suggested donation $5. And Jackie Legend Billy Rene is bartending. Whoo-whoo! Should be lots of fun. Hope to see you there..
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
On Andy's Chest http://www.andyschest.com/weblog/index.shtml
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
We kicked your butts, Bobby Miller, and we'll do it again, if you'd get your sorry asses off the floor.
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
i went to the doctor 5 months ago because i had a pain in my left testical and they gave me a test for clamidia, negative....so then just month my testical grew to the size of an avacado....then they tested me and tested me ....i'm all black and blue from all the blood they took.... i have cancer and they have to remove my balls....well it will be easier to tuck now...thank you bobby miller and satori and zazzoo for all the love you gave me as i was in the hospital....surgery is on...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
No, I think JT is a real kid, unless she's Bobby Miller in astral projection. [This message was edited by S'tan on 10-21-03 at 09:03 PM.]
and i just heard that Ann Miller died too...leg up to the ole showgirl! she was a broad in the best sense of the word- sassy, ballsy and in a razzmataz kinda way, and always with her hair done ...cheers to her!
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
Gay men are marrying gay men and lesbians are marrying lesbians in San Francisco. Gay couples in Massachusetts will have the right to marry in a few short months. The mayor of Chicago has spoken out loudly in favor of same-sex marriage. WHERE IS THE MAYOR OF THE CITY WITH THE LARGEST GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY IN THE COUNTRY ON THIS ISSUE? While the mayors of San Francisco and Chicago have courageously stood up for our community's freedom to marry, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has steadfastly...
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
Friday, March 19, 6 to 9 p.m. CAC members or purchase of a Fringe Festival Pass admission free; all others $8. The Contemporary Arts Center kicks off the Cincinnati Fringe Festival two months early with a live dj, the Late Circuit Spinning hours of suspense-filled grooves, Downtempo/Trip-Hop/Hip-Hop/BrokenBeat, providing the music and improvisational movers providing the visuals. Be the first on your block to purchase a pass to the Festival, the exciting, non-stop festival of theater and...
Re: Puritan Watch
This is a long two page article from the NYTIMES but it is spot on target regarding some aspects of the mass delusion being incubated by the Little Bush Idiocracy. And it took some backbone for Rich to write it. Curious as hell though that the Times put it in the Arts section and perhaps it is a little delusionally symptomatic that an article about censorship in the news is written about for a cultural context. The main point though, that the political administration in power proclaims that...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Ah Merlin, I remember that storefront, though not its name. And the club that was an entire empty loft building, completely unfinished, called the Toilet. I mean they just set up a bar on an old table and opened the doors of an abandoned building! And what was the bar on 17th & Tenth that had a long row of heavy clanking chains that separated the bar area from the backroom? I can never remember the name. The Hotel Diplomat... I was friendly with the desk clerk and took many johns there,...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Was the Park Miller where someone threw the SLEAZE PARTY, in the mid 70's? Merlin came to town as a Member of the Everyman Players. We were doing John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, in medeival ensemble style, at the Rockafella Church on 125th Street and Riverside Drive. It was the first such performance in the main naive of the sanctuary. While staying at the Picadilli Hotel on West 44th Street and fresh to the city, Merlin enjoyed the great location. Just up the block to Jack Demsi's where...
Re: SEX in Jackie 60
Betty, Bobby and Merlin... Don't get me started on YOUR sexploits!!!! (May I remind everyone that it was BOBBY MILLER who first introduced Jonah Falcon to Jackie).
Re: SEX in Jackie 60
Here she is! A Jackie 60 snapshot of the sexy one herself by Bobby Miller
Re: Provincetown
If you find yourself in Ptown this summer I am producing a great event: "The Big Country Music Jamboree" with live music, two step dancing and a silent auction of Celebrity items. To benefit The Aids Support Group Of Cape Cod. July 29 7:30 - Midnight Town Hall $15 at the door / $3.00 off if in western attire Starring: Peter Donnelly Laura Cappello Ellen Greene Ryan Landry Tammy Faye Starlight Zoe Lewis Electric Milk Machine Hedda Lettuce Thirsty Burlington Gays For Patsy dance troupe And...
Re: Provincetown
Okay, if anyone one finds themselves here on Labor day weekend: One Night Only! Bobby Miller LIVE in an all spoken word marathon. September 2, Friday, 8pm at The Whalers Wharf, Art Cinema Cafe, Commercial Street, Provincetown, Ma. $5 at the door, BYOB.
Re: Beams to New Orleans
MILLER BEER SENDING WATER http://www.nola.com/newslogs/breakingtp/index.ssf?/mtlo.../2005_08.html#075426 I talked to Diego and he is here in NYC. Has no one to go check on his house... last he heard there was three feet of water around it. Collection of art books valued at $1M ... and all that other art! We hope ALL the art, all the history, all the ghosts can be saved. Meanwhile, in the bank, on CNN: looters broke into the local Walmart gun store and got all the goodies... Total mayhem is...
Re: New York 1980's Stars
Gorgeous! "I'll buy that for a dollar!" Matthew was very influential at JACKIE 60 (1990-2000). He helped with our shows MANY times. It's no coincidence that the staff of BOY BAR also worked at JACKIE 60. Or that JACKIE was very drag and show oriented. BOY BAR and THE PYRAMID CLUB were both sort of JACKIE's aunts. Matthew Kastin from BOY BAR and of course JACKIE partner Hattie Hathaway from THE PYRAMID CLUB (The MOTHERBOARD'S Hatches) were both pillars of JACKIE 60. And so was Bobby Miller by...
Re: boy george
First of all, let me describe George's house... It's a VERY creative place. Lots of people coming and going -and it's an artistic mess! Clothes, art, silk screens, paint, glitter, feathers, beads... you name it. And his desk, where his computer lives, is a complete gorgeous disaster. It's piled to the ceiling with CDs, records, print outs, photos, magazines, make-up... you name it. (And apparently a little cocaine). Stan asked, "Why would you leave drugs out 'in plain view'?" If you could...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
a HUGE Thank You goes out to the following nightlife superstarz for making a killing at our Samhain affair, that I will remember for a long time to come - Editrix Abby Ehmann For hosting the show with madcap panache & verve. World Famous *BOB* that black toothed 2001 opener that hit the ground running! Julie Atlas Muz the vicious vamp that stole the show! Amber Ray the most dashing fireball we've ever seen! Rose Wood what can I say but ... damn! you sure know how to work that Jack...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
Time to give thanxxx to all of those who created the adventurous unity and powerful vibe last Anniversary !BadAss! 11/19. Thanks to everyone who came out to support & share our 1st year Anniversary Experience! A big thanxxx to the World Famous *BOB* who gave her ALL hosting and her infamous *BOB* number, honoring our 1st anniversary! Thank you to DJ's Madame Dollhaus & GothicHangman for giving us all music to jump & grind to with inovation & zeal! Super thanks to the staff at...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
Here's a peek at last months XXX-mas !BadAss! Tomorrow will be a hoot! SATURDAY JANUARY 14th MIDNITE! !BadAss! is having a FULL MOON !BadAss! Party! At the Bowery Poetry Club 308 Bowery @ Bleeker V & F train to 2nd Ave. 6 train to Bleeker 212-614-0505 15 dollhairs Stage Mistress - The World Famous *BOB* Your DJ's - Madame Dollhaus - spinning Vinyl! & Gothichangman - delivering Mac! Your Intoxicant Tapster - Moonshine Stage Manager - Goddess Diana !BadAss! Burlesquers this month are-...