Tagged With "Wild Heart"
Re: Danny Tenaglia's Debut @ District 36 [Sat 10.22]
District 36 Presents Danny Tenaglia Oct. 22nd Danny Tenaglia fans, you're in luck! The Grammy nominated producer is coming to none other than District 36 on Saturday, October 22nd. Danny will be spinning his bold, internationally recognized beats within a 14,000 square foot systemized sound space - the nightclub heart of the Garment District. Step inside District 36 today, it's almost impossible to believe this chic and gorgeous dance club was once a clothing factory. The transformation is...
Re: 718 Sessions w/ Danny Krivit & DJ Spinna 02/19
Voted "THE BEST PLACE TO DANCE YOUR HEART OUT" in Best Of New York City -Time Out... So come out and dance your heart out on Sunday! http://newyork.timeout.com/thi...2011?package=2166823
Re: Danny Krivit's Bday Bash ~ 718 Sessions @ Santos 04/15
THIS SUNDAY!!! Voted "THE BEST PLACE TO DANCE YOUR HEART OUT" in Best Of New York City -Time Out http://newyork.timeout.com/thi...2011?package=2166823
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
THE JACKIE FACTORY NYC PRESENTS NIGHT OF A THOUSAND STEVIES 21: THE WILD HEART FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011 THE HIGHLINE BALLROOM 431 WEST 16TH STREET NYC DOORS OPEN 9 PM - 4 AM $20 TILL FEBRUARY 6, $25 THEREAFTER 18 AND OVER, 21 TO DRINK Box Office http://www.highlineballroom.com/bio.php?id=1814 More Info http://www.mothernyc.com/stevie/index.html JACKIE FACTORY Producers CHI CHI VALENTI, JOHNNY DYNELL and HATTIE HATHAWAY are delighted to announce the 21st annual NIGHT OF 1000 STEVIES, back for the...
Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern
She was a woman who understood the ways of men. She knew the proper way to light a cigar. She ruled with a firm leather gloved hand. She cried at true beauty. She wrote words on paper that could make you shiver. She knew when enough was enough. She was fearless in the face of intellect. She had a tender heart behind her harshest barb. She was loved by everyone who waited patiently to see behind the veil. She knew she was part illuminati and part pagan. I will love and miss her forever. Rest...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Who could forget the ill-fated Cuchofritos? I remember going to The Pyramid one Sunday night in the early 90's - just as "Fuck!" was about to end. Being an NYU suck-in-your-cheeks gender-performance snob then (then?), I was anticipating a memorable show. Having read about the legendary likes of Ethyl and the Pyramid ilk, I wanted to be astounded. We were treated to a rather shoddy amatuer strip contest instead. But there was one redeeming factor...Hattie Hathaway and Richard Move MCing the...
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
I missed that! You know I am practically on the floor laughing as I read your description of it! Those plantation scenarios! You know I have a gay male Jewish friend who's totally NOT involved in the club world and he LIVES for black and latino studs, she even bought a brownstone in HARLEM. I try to explain sometimes to him all the Jackie themes and gatherings and why I love it so much, but he's kind of uncreative and doesn't really get it. But WAIT until I tell him all you've just told me!
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
a rose by any other name... follow your heart... be all that you can be.. I am what I am. I didn't know that there were so many rules, I thought we could all just live as we please and be who we wanna be. And even during the years with tits and make up and long waistlength hair.. I always had the meat. But meat alone does not make the man I guess.
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Speaking as a butch queen (I paint with that term more broadly than most, clearly I think there are obviously lines where we dont intersect with one another - lines that must be recognized and respected (which btw is part of the reason why the term "transgender" is of limited usefulness, except as a description of behavior). So, I for one can only imagine the magic a full-time shemale must have to conjure to get through the day! The stories Stacy tells me about her walks home or her trips on...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Oh my god, this is why I luv you all so much, Sweetie as always you touch my heart with the things you say, I will adore you forever, and Johnny what can I say, your such a cutie!!!
Re: Page
Page died this morning. I am glad that we had this week to honor her before her heart finally stopped beating. Page was a really great star for a lot of us in NYC and I am one among many who will miss her. [This message was edited by antony on 08-29-02 at 02:48 AM.]
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
I first discovered Pyramid in late '87. My very first night happened to be a big benefit show, I think for Dee's teeth. Yeah, I know she didn't quite get them for a while, but that's another story. It was one of those super shows with a zillion acts! I was dazzled! In '87 the pyramid was all painted in crazy black and white trippy swirls, the shows were wild, and I was sold! It broke my heart when they painted it black. I became a regular at Hapi's party. It's what inspired me to do drag. I...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
D3.12.1-3. flesh We were locked in an underground cavern. There was some sort of starlet leading our decent. She had long brown hair. Straight, silky, thick, red highlights and parted in the middle, it was very seventies -- it was very seductive. She would stop sometimes and turn to see if we were still following her. Then she'd giggle. I'd have been scared I think if I'd been alone. But, although I could see no one else, I felt the presence of others. It was like that 'watching' you feeling...
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...
From: uravampire@mindspring.com Subject: [queerleft] Fwd: Harry Hay obituary - New York Times Is there going to be a NYC (or in other cities) memorial for Harry Hay, and more than mourning, as doing what Harry Hay had often done, which way forward for the queer movement? In May 2003 there will be a gathering of queer lefties in NYC at the Brecht Forum, to put the issue of queer liberation back in the heart of the socialist/anarchist/left movments and reconnect the queer community to the...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
They say one can't live on love alone but once again "they" are wrong! Many thoughts have been swooshing around my cranium since Thanksgiving night when I returned home after a lovely dinner at dear friends house to find I didn't really have an apartment left. The place was trashed (most likely electrical fire, no report yet) and my dear feline companion of nine years, Mr. Peebles, was dead. Since I lived alone I practically considered Mr. Peebles my hairy husband. If he was a person he...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
I'm not sure if we've ever formally met or not... I'm sure we've probably bumped into eachother somewhere though... Anyway, reading your story reminds me of how much I love my doggie, Barney (Retriever/Shepherd mix) and how I don't think I could breathe with out him. Your loss must be hard for some people to truly understand unless they've owned a pet themselves, especially a cat or dog. On top of it all, you've lost almost all of your personal belongings. Sitting here with my thoughts,...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Hectic hi and thanks to everyone for your gooey genourosity. I am trying to get back to everyone as fast as I can Kevin - thanks for the offer unfortunately I can't take in any furniture till I get my new place. And welcome to the boards - as you can see there aint a finer bunch of glamourosity and heart in all of cyberspace! Shane I just might raid your closet if that offer is still good! I think I may have met you at Nina hagen - I was all in green body paint and peacock feathers. Ryan I...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Hey all - I am posting here hoping that Miss Webb gets this - Dear heart, My friend Angela has just done some major cleaning out of her apt - she was going to have The Salv. Army come get BAGS of clothes and coats....etc as well as a nice couch that she just does not want any more...I do not know if you even have a space yet...but if you are interested in seeing all the stuff she's clearing out call me. Also I have some wigs I want to give you and some costumey stuff. Angela is uptown (west...
In Loving Tribute To Lt. Cmdr. Teresa Ellison 1971-2002 of the U.S.S. Northstar, N.C.C.- 10462 Whenever something happens to one of our own, we feel sympathy. Rarely do we realize until they are no longer with us, just how much of an impact, a single being can have on our ives....... Lieutenant Commander Teresa Ellison was a very special individual. She had a beautiful heart. A very humble and proud New Yorker with lots of attitude. She was truly a Diva with a conscience. Teresa was an...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
am heading to Ptown for New Years Eve! just made reservations! have spoken to Bobby almost everyday while out in Santa fe, sending him some rays. Hoping he got a sun tan from it, LOL. while thinking on Mr. Miller, it's not just Bobby that is seen, all our smiling faces surround him as one big loving heart. in the worst of times -- the best possible things do happen. love loving you Bobby.
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
It's 8am, Monday Morning, no one that would read this will be up for hours...... Arrived in Ptown, Saturday Evening, to the smells of Mr. Miller's cooking. Yep, he is watching the Food Channel and cooking up a storm-- the diner was delicious, Risoto and marinated chicken! Kinda weird to be here when John is not around, miss him. Please take care of him while he is in nyc. He has a big unconditionally loving heart. Daddy, Bobby is still gonna need help with that wig. HONEY! Hoping, this...
Re: Diamanda Galas
Saturday night 2/15. I've got my tix. Anyone here going? From the knitting factory site: Hell's favorite angel will rip your heart out as she wails songs of shattered love, blinding obsession and howling melancholy. With the power of a mac truck and delicacy of a broken martini glass, the ever-loving Diamanda Galas will shred classic Valentine's fare with her own Baby's Insane, Tony and Your'e Mine, Hank Williams' I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry, Tracy Nelson's Down So Low, Ornette Coleman's...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
My nellie little heart is a-skippin' and a-grinnin'. Welcome back Bobby!
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.
Re: Pepper LeBeija
In The Cape Cod Times: ( from The New York Times) The performer who used the stage name Pepper LaBeija as a glamourous queen of The Harlem drag balls immortilized in the 1991 documentary "Paris Is Burning" died on May 14 at Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. She, as she preferred to be called was 53. A woman who answered the telephone at her mother's home but who would not identify herself said the cause of the death was a heart attack. LaBeija ( pronounced La-BAY-zha) appeared proudly in...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
white curls, whispy satin and my heart aflutter ... Good luck to all the artists performing tonight and a thank-you to all those who participated in the hanging this week. CBGBs 313 is decked with an onslaught of amazing pieces and tonight I do believe there is magic on the rise ...
Re: Pepper LeBeija
That Times piece is major. My mother (Angie Xtravaganza) would GAG to see her name in The Times like that. I hope she sees it. I also saw on the CNN clicker at the bottom of the tv screen... "Harlem Ball House legend Pepper LeBeija dead at 53 of heart attack". unbelievable. There are only a couple of the old girls left. They will be at Pepper's memorial I'm sure. I guess Candi LeBeija is the reigning queen now. I think that Miss Pepper's memorial is going to be June 12 at the Gay &...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
Congrats on birthing that baby Tonya! I thought it was one of the smoothest running eves I have ever took part in. All the performers were tip top notch - SPECIALLY Needles Jones and Hattie who each claimed a roomful of devoted fans (if they were not converts already!). Vulgaris won my heart as she cleaned herself and sullied the stage singing like Diamanda meets Nina... and Sarah was so hypnotic she me proud as she strutted or rather strapped her stuff on stage. Props to Jade (boy you NEED...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
On Andy's Chest http://www.andyschest.com/weblog/index.shtml
Bob, who first called us about this, asked me to let people know that this is a sober memorial - no alcohol.
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
In the UK the student accomodations are normally in the worst/cheapest part of town.... Why is this not so here in NYC (i know $$$). But it would really make sense... If they stuck all the students out in the Bronx or even converted a row of brownstones that are now derelect up on Lennox or smth.. it would i think improve that area around cos students spend $ etc. It still breaks my heart when i pass The Palladium- DORMS! Why that building/club before was not a listed building is beyond...
>thought this needed to be added to the sector<<BR> from the archival crypts @nytimes: Edith Bouvier Beale, 84, 'Little Edie,' Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (2002) Edith Bouvier Beale, once a successful model and aspiring actress who later lived a gothic life in Grey Gardens, a dilapidated 28-room house in East Hampton, N.Y., with her mother and dozens of cats, raccoons and opossums, was found dead in her small apartment in Bal Harbour, Fla., on Jan. 14. She was 84. Her nephew, Bouvier...
John Ritter is dead at 55. As with the recent death of Gregory Hines, I was shocked to hear about this one. A versatile and funny talent.
I can't believe he's gone to his grave and I'm still owing him big time. Desperation never fails to iluminate. George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 By RICHARD SEVERO Published: September 26, 2003 copy from NYTimes Web obit page Associated Press George Plimpton, the self-deprecating author of "Paper Lion" and a patron to Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac has died. He was 76. George Plimpton, the New York aristocrat and literary journalist whose exploits in editing and writing...
Re: boy george
Did anyone see Leno last night with Rosie and George on it (we interrupted our cocktails and UNO cardgame to watch)? George seemed subdued (and a bit puffy, like he was on steroids for asthma or something) though his outfit was very fashionating, and well Rosie has never been known for being svelte or fashionable. However, the show should be something to see, and with the student discount (one benefit of matriculation) the tickets are 50% off. Mark Dendy is the choreographer, Perfidia is...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
S'tan-- Just catching up on this topic, and I very much enjoyed your analysis of the book on 9/20. It's one of the best I've read yet, and I really am keen on your feeling that the book has a "fermentive" effect. It's a great descriptor... Because, though I've read the book just once, I've played so many parts of it over and over in my mind (in a way somehow different than any other book I've read)...I do feel that the acrid sights, sounds, tastes and odors have, and continue to, ferment in...
Re: Swept Away part 2
SEPTEMBER 30--Madonna's new "Hollywood" video is a blatant visual rip-off of the work of a late French fashion photographer, according to a federal copyright lawsuit just filed against the pop superstar. The son of photographer Guy Bourdin alleges that Madonna's video is filled almost entirely with reenactments of his father's distinctively racy images (Bourdin died in 1991 at age 62). "It's one thing to draw inspiration; it's quite another to simply plagiarize the heart and soul of my...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
Msr. SELLERS: Beginning Heart/Deceitful for second read tonight. We'll have much to discuss on your return. Bon Voyage! And Joyeux Anniversaire!
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
Dear Handsome, I just got Heart/Deceitful in the mail from faithful #166, but should I configure Paris under the toils of LeRoy? Standing out on the sidewalks of St-Denis, will be enjoying my own slew of tricks. Why read about it when you can live it. Empress told me when she was unhappily at JT's last reading, someone tried to lay a racoon penis bone necklace on her! And it wasn't from Pimp Daddy Glad, though, but a publicist! Oh sorry same thing. How can you take an image like that, and...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
Okay, I confess. I've been meaning to read J.T. Leroy for some time now and I'd just never gotten around to it. When this forum started however, it became critical! Yes, yes, 'tis true ... J.T. had never popped my cherry! Go figure. So I rushed out to St. Marks Books. They were sold out of Sarah but I picked up The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things. Harrowing. Brilliantly written, but really horrible stuff. The abuse of this boy never ends. I really wanted to kill that bitch mother of his,...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
I agree it is painful to read. But his style is the triumph, don't you think... Apparently the subject matter of Heart/Deceitful is much less stylized. (Now I am definitely not taking it on my trip...!) On a related note, I rec'd the film "The Piano Teacher" for my birthday, and it's enough to put any tourist off S&M... Total candor - that being a 'true sadomasochist' is not actually much fun, OR glamourous. No pop cool there at all, no groovy fashions, or spooky techno equipment. Just...