Tagged With "occupy wall street"
Re: Occupy Wall Street
I most highly recommend everyone at least go down and take a walk through the park, even though with all the people and chaos that isn't too easy to do. It just FEELS really good. You will not regret your time there. Here is a direct link to a map of the park, including closest train stops (use the map zoom in for more detail ), since it is not a well known site to most:...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Originally Posted by Darla Diamond: Protesting capitalism while tweeting on their iPhones. What morons. Hi Darla! I don't get this - why is an Iphone pro or con capitalism? Or Twitter for that matter?
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Darla, are you suggesting everyone to use pigeons as a method of communication?
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Tomorrow's Schedule: October 15th International Day of Action Occupy Wall Street's October 15th - Day of Actions have actions targeting banks throughout the day around specific themes: jobs, education, housing, environment, and war. It will culminate with a mass convergence at Times Square, 5pm. Thousands will be participating throughout the day. Don't miss Occupy Wall Street's biggest day! Complete Schedule for NYC 11AM - March on the Banks ... From Liberty Square to Chase We will then...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
This is my favorite sub-story of OWS so far..the HIPSTER COP The Hipster Cop on Gothamist
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Originally Posted by MaKi+: Darla, are you suggesting everyone to use pigeons as a method of communication? Absolutely, capitalism brought you the iPhone, without capitalism you would certainly have no iPhone but plenty of pigeons.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Thank you for the video... I hope all of those psychopath cops eat "BK Ultimate Breakfast Platter" every morning and become sick very soon then they might get a clue of how corrupted our society is. Somehow, it is legal to sell a breakfast platter that contains 2,490mg of sodium though it is exceeding gov. suggested daily value of sodium. By selling such poisonous product at their over 7,000 stores in the U.S., BK's CEO has been receiving the total compensation of over $15 million. Darla,...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
http://biggovernment.com/jjmno...he-rap-sheet-so-far/ The rap sheet so far...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Damn those corporations who brought you hygienic conditions and paid for the sewers!!!
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Scratching your head?Originally Posted by Darla Diamond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5ypeLuKnLg
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Now that the adolescent Drudge Report view of the world (delusionally preoccupied with thoughts of scabies, defecation, deviant sex crimes) has been exposed irrevocably as lies, it is interesting to see Bloomberg now expose himself as being completely unmayoral.He's fine when he's chaperoneing a multi-billion dollar mega development of the west side rail yards in Chelsea or cutting massive tax breaks for his cronies on Wall Streeet. But when he has to deal with a social dilemma he outs...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Seven, AMAZING! Darla, I think most people except the writer of the article & other fools know "I%" is a meaphor and not about exact statistical data. Why such a gorgeous blond like you spent time reading an article in "fool.com" on Halloween night, BTW?? You missed amazing "Ghostlight"!
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Just back from Occupy Union Square after a most moving late afternoon - above all the sight of the OCCUPY LIBRARY being pushed about in carts by guerilla librarians. Fantastic to see the high school kids out en masse and THOUSANDS in Union Square. Inspiring, wonderful.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iNmMPVP49I You know he's done when someone as mainstream as this gets so inspired to rant with so much intelligence, coherence and......truth.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
If your employer thinks you're bullshit, perhaps you are. If you don't like your employer, work for another or start your own business. Or you could have a centralized economy where you have none of the above choices.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Cyber stalking and cyber bullying may be punishable by up to five years in prison.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
I guess everytime the chant went up in the park that "FOX NEWS LIES!", there was a latent apprehension of a fact, people who watch Fox News have been statistically proven to know less than people who do not watch any news at all ! http://publicmind.fdu.edu/2011/knowless/ http://slatest.slate.com/posts...or_news_stories.html So now that we have a nation running on debt instead of capital, we have a news company that instaed of informing people keeps them dumb.
Re: Occupy Wall Street
I believe that, Seven. I used to date a guy whose all of his relatives were R. He warned me about it but, anyway I attended his American-Catholic Family Xmas Eve gathering for the first time expecting to see things I watched in the movies. Then what I saw in their nice traditional house were the scenes from John Waters movies. The most insane one was the comment his sister in law made during the after dinner family chat time in front of a fire place. She said we (U.S.) should drop an atomic...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Seven, We have a nation running on debt because of transfer payments, quite the progressive liberal agenda, don't you think? Perhaps people should be encouraged to contribute rather than be entitled? Or is that too radical an idea? And yes Maki, Fox News openly supports dropping nukes on Iraq. Go back to sleep now. Love, DD
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Join the OWS Maid Brigade for more anti-capitalist street theater! As corporate powers externalize their costs, ordinary people are forced to clean up the mess. From oil spills to bank bailouts, corporate money-making schemes have us working as round-the-clock maids picking up after criminal profiteers… NO MORE NICE On MAY DAY , we will take the streets in classic maid costumes—modified however we see fit—and spread the message that we are sick of cleaning up after capitalism and corporate...
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Tomorrow is going to be historic! Here is full May Day NYC info and schedules attached below, or visit Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/OccupyWallSt
Re: Tom Murrin AKA Alien Comic
Before ever knowing of Tom's contribution to performance art, I first met him as my neighbor when I lived on Ridge street with Faux Pas yeargo ago. Always smiling, always encouraging, always making the effort to support our fledgling careers. A wonderful man. Thru the years I learned of his performances and had a great conversation with Penny Arcade about him and what he gave to the downtown performance scene that soon travelled all across university campuses and was soon called "performance...
Re: Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC
Okay, here we go http://www.aspca.org/Blog/08-2...hurricane-irene.aspx and searchable map with complete street addresses for all shelters http://bit.ly/pxHlbb
Re: Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC
Seems the wind action here on the Westside was minimal; I have seen many pics of broken trees in the EV and Tompkins Square Park. Now the issue of flooding and tidal surges remains for this neighborhood. I look out the window and see joggers. Nothing will stop them, apparently. I can also see about 3 feet of water on (the now closed?) Don Hill's roof. Not good. Somebody should have cleaned out those drains! In this area the sea wall by the river is new and sturdy. Down at BPC and over in the...
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
THE JACKIE FACTORY NYC PRESENTS NIGHT OF A THOUSAND STEVIES 21: THE WILD HEART FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011 THE HIGHLINE BALLROOM 431 WEST 16TH STREET NYC DOORS OPEN 9 PM - 4 AM $20 TILL FEBRUARY 6, $25 THEREAFTER 18 AND OVER, 21 TO DRINK Box Office http://www.highlineballroom.com/bio.php?id=1814 More Info http://www.mothernyc.com/stevie/index.html JACKIE FACTORY Producers CHI CHI VALENTI, JOHNNY DYNELL and HATTIE HATHAWAY are delighted to announce the 21st annual NIGHT OF 1000 STEVIES, back for the...
Here are the drop-off locations for RAGS ARE RICHES Please bring your donations to the following drop-off locations ONLY DURING THE DATES AND TIMES LISTED DOUBLE DOWN SALOON Wednesdays April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Accepting donations from noon-8 PM 14 AVENUE A (1-2nd Street) Leave with bartender ABBY or write "ATTENTION: ABBY" on the bag(s) HOWL ARTS OFFICE Thursdays April 11 and 25 Accepting donations from 3-6 PM 636 BROADWAY (at Bleecker St.) Suite 512 (Fifth Floor) Please call (212)...
Abby Stract
Peaches Christ
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
Yes, we do think about leaving, although the idea of leaving absolutely is scary too. There is some lovely decay still left, but not much. Where are the pawn shops? I remember when dogs were allowed everywhere, for instance, which is important for Pilar, to be allowed. There was a great dog from East 7th Street, who used to be all over the place on his own. His name was Hank. Does anyone remember him? He was coolness itself. Where are the cities which have both grime and grace?
Re: Blacklips
Dearest Hattie : You were lucky recieving the salamamis as a doorprize - other "lucky guests" got an assortment of antique crackpipes, Depeche Mode records studded with nails and some kind of mobile made out of canned peas, a dry-cleaning hanger and dental floss. Not to mention the $1 pink & black 14th Street undies that one unsuspecting patron got! PS to Bobby - I'd love the pic of you as Joey. I'll contact you via e-mail! Thanks, hon.
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Just another Saturday night really.... Our theme for the month of Saturdays was Pyramid flight 101. Basically we're talking about six men in drag as stewardesses hosting an evening of dancing and stewardess type entertainment in the grand tradition. let's see, there were nuts being served on the dancefloor...I remember Sister packaging pairs of almonds in dime bag sized mini-ziplocs. There was some sort of boarding pass balderdash at the door and annoying the guests with five or ten minutes...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Tabboo on the go go bar, Baby Gregory on the street outside selling handmade"dolls" or painted tiles or little drawings or whatever else he could think of that week to get some more crack money but God how I miss his Janis. My parties there called 101 Varieties, short lived but debuted with Miss Harry reciting her poetry on my birthday night, that big skinny junkie looking man in chaps with a sourpuss face rushing to and from, Greer Lankton and Costa Pappas, DJ's Dany Johnson, Sister...
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
oh honey, didn't mean to jump down your throat - you are certainly welcome to your opinion and certainly don't need to apologize for it. I guess I was just surprised, that's all. I guess another thing I really hate about Fla. is the overt racism. In South Beach every time Johnny went down to DJ he would be wined and dined and put up somewhere like the Delano (or in happier times, The Raleigh) - the star treatment, right? But then at least once on every visit he'd be stopped and asked for...