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Tagged With "Imagine Ireland"


Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City

Anna Nicole ·
Lets face it... for anyone who remembers the days after 9-11 here in NYC.. they sealed off ALL bridges and tunnels and we were all just 'sitting targets' here in Manhattan. I think - like EVERYTHING - in this country ... the media like to whip everyone up into a frenzy and its SO easy to get caught up in this particular issue .. while we as Manhattanites laughed off the Janet Jackson tit media madness, or the Sniper killer shooter fears of the south... this particular frenzy triggers our...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

S'tan ·
Aspen Times article: Hunter Thompson dead Seminal gonzo journalist kills himself By Eben Harrell and Chad Abraham February 21, 2005 Hunter S. Thompson, legendary author, political commentator and "gonzo" journalist, died Sunday night after shooting himself in the head with a handgun at his home in Woody Creek. He was 67. Thompson's son, Juan, found his father's body in the kitchen around 6 p.m. By 6:30 p.m., Thompson's home at 1278...

James X

Culture Project ·
James X from Farcry Productions Ireland Written and Performed by Gerard Mannix Flynn Directed by Gabriel Byrne Evening performances at 7:30pm Matinee performances at 2:00pm An Irish government tribunal of inquiry into institutions responsible for cruel and inhumane treatment of children is in session. In the foyer, James X , one of those children, now a man anxiously prepares to offer the testimony which he hopes will unshackle him from the past. As he waits, James is confronted with the...

Sedation Thursdays with David Berrie

saxe83 ·
Biohazard Promotions presents...  Sedation Thursdays Just a tiny pinch and in goes the stuff. Nothing happens for several seconds and you start to feel a little tipsy. Then instantly several hours of magic take place and you will enter a state...

Re: Politically Incorrect VI

Lily of the Valley ·
I know the Thatcher quote. I know most of the quotes you keep putting up as evidence of what I'm not sure. Thatcher was despised when she left office, thrown out by her own party. She never once won close to a majority of the popular vote in the UK. You made two assertions you cannot back up. One, that Obama is recycling a 150 year old failed philosophy (Marxism I presume since the manifesto was published in 1848). And that all socialist systems degenerate into Stalinism. You can't answer...

Re: London terror attacks 7/7/05

Anna Nicole ·
So terrible.. but again, nothing that us Brits are not used to with constant IRA attacks (i myself have lost 13 relations in total in Ireland.. an ya wonder why i don't have a 'religion' !)... but the Brits soldier on.. the ole stowic war spirit.. i do think that its allot in part to the media coverage.. sensationalist as we are in the press about people and celeb.. the terrorist coverage is very thought out... even the data on how many fatalities was NOT reported in the UK until these folks...

Re: Being a HO... the new aspiration for women.

Anna Nicole ·
I thought this article in todays UK press The Independent was interesting West is accused of double standards on female circumcision By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor Published: 17 July 2006 A leading doctor has accused Western plastic surgeons who perform cosmetic surgery on the vagina of undermining the battle against female circumcision in other parts of the world. Writing in the British Medical Journal, Ronan Conroy, senior lecturer at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, says the...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York: Part 3

S'tan ·
Hie, Romy and Foxy just stayed here at Fingernails for a while on their way back East! I heard alot about the bad new changes. I was horrified to hear they cut down all the trees around Grace Church, Broadway at 10th they are building a new gym there. She said there were posters saying that the trees had 'lived out their full cycle' or something like that... to justify cutting them down. HOW HIDEOUS. And that "they" tried to tear down (or have continued to tear down) St. Brigid's...

Re: 2008 Presidential Elections: Who Will Lead America Next?

bobby ·
Keep your eyes open regarding Baracks associations. Gospel Preacher's Anti-Gay 'Rant' at Obama Concert By: DOUG IRELAND 11/01/2007 The controversy over what Mother Jones magazine called Senator Barack Obama's "pander-to-black-hatred tour" featuring homophobic "ex-gay" preacher-singer Donnie McClurkin continued this past week. An Obama gospel concert was held on Sunday, October 28, in Columbia, South Carolina as the final stage in what the presidential candidate billed as a "Forty Days of...

Re: Brüno

seven ·
Lucky. Just like when you impersonated Messy Bonnie Raitt and ended up in Julian Schnabel's lap. Now you can't tell me that wasn't A-1 comedy. Here's a hilarious but super recommendation for Bruno that is actually the recorded phone line advisory about the flic from a theater in Ireland: it will offend every prejudice

Re: Black and white in America

Yumako Yamagata ·
i read the initial posts on here when they were first put up. i chose not to respond. it wasn't a matter of ambivalence. it was a matter of finding it difficult to participate in a conversation built on so many vast generalizations. the united states it, without question, a racist nation. this nation was built with the blood of bigotry as fuel. it fought wars over states rights (namely the right to practice slavery), and to this day, battles over desegregation are fought in this nation's...

Re: Prince Harry vs. Prince William

Luxury Lex ·
PRINCE WILLIAM IN WET SWIMSUIT CONTEST !! Beats any of that tripe on the cover of Sports Illustrated, hands down. I admire his form.