Tagged With "vampire freaks"
jo-jo baby
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
To set the record straight, I didn't even own a pair of chaps until the late '90's! But Dee Finley is indeed a happy Pyramid memory. She must've walked through those golden doors when she was 12. She was the first of all of us to have major tooth troubles. Now, thanks to Elizabeth Taylor, her smile is more perfect than it was that first day we laid eyes on her in 1982! And to think I owe my very presence at Jackie 60 to Dee (but that's another topic...) Joey Horatio, the Pyramid's amazing...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
The food here is amazing. There are many levels, but even the cheapest stuff you get on a streetcorner amazing. See, everything's cheap for what it is. If you eat in a cute cozy place that has an atmosphere, you can get a great meal, and I mean with seafood and all, from $3-$5. If you want to go for luxury, which I really don't do, You can pay up to like $20, I guess maybe even more, and eat in some palatial gourmet restaurant that would cost $100 back home. But on a streetcorner, well,...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Have you ever noticed how bad travel articles in magazines an newspapers are? They are all formatted around overpriced packages. Even here, if you pick up a free (advertiser funded) tourist guide or map, it is full of listings for things that are absurdly overpriced for what things cost here. This place is so gorgeous that there's not much more the pricey places can offer you. You don't need a pool with a crystal clear ocean in front of you! A simple, lovely, Gilliganesque bungalow is about...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I took a one day Thai cooking course. They actually cover a hell of a lot in one day! I'll soon be the green curry queen of NYC! So this guy I'm dating here in Chiang Mai, Wat, the one who had the circle jerks with the monks, he's really great to hang out with. I feel like a biker chick on the back of his motorcycle! He's entering graduate school to become a teacher. He's a bartender in a very odd location. At this three level flea market type place there is a weird long hallway on the side...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Hi girls, Jade, I didn't mean to be harsh, it's just that I'm an old control freak who, and as Daddy suggested get frustrated when I fear that no one is taking my input seriously. (Need that validation!) I'm very happy that you are rediscovering your activist side and will keep you posted of activities coming up. In my experience it is empowering to take actions of my own behalf. Not only does it keep me from validating my victimhood but also builds self esteem through esteemabe acts.
Re: Adam Ant
Hey what about me? I'm a washed-up-80's-icon too you know! I was the opening act for WHAM! And yes, the rumors about me and Jason from Dead or Alive are TRUE! (I believe Anna Nicole may have even been a fly-on-the-wall @ Jackie one night). And as for Billy... He's a freak but not into boys.
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
Then there was that one time that we all made the super-duper-super-freak enema out of our camping matress and a garden hose and gave Silky Jumbo a good dose of Red Bull up her... Oh wait... That never happened. nevermind. Whoo. Yeah. Whoo. Yeah. Whoo. Yeah. XXXOOO Satori
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
oh my! breaking the ice on a new year can always be a tricky proposition unless... one has the Mother community to rally around and let your freak flag fly with fellow banner wavers!!! wow - possibly the most fun my lady and i have had in quite a long time. Colleen - just magnificent to meet you and better yet hang out for most of the evening. what a lovely spirit you are, let's do it again, yes? Tonya - beautiful installation and a lovely way to plant the ArtMaker banner firmly in the...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Okay, it's now 8:30 PM. I'm drunk so excuse any misspellinssssezz. I love it here! My hair is tipped in blue... maybe it helps me be to be a freak magnet. There was this sexy, sort of husky guy at the bar. He had that meaty nice body that's muscley, but not too obnoxiously toned... and he had LOTS of tattoos! That's very unusual here. And when you do see it, it's not in the gay crowd. He was born in Laos and grew up in Northern Thailand. He went to college in England, so he had this weird...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
I didn't know who Zete was, I just found his dancegoth cover of "Le Freak" in a bin somewhere. I ALWAYS play it when I DJ. I'd love to email him.
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Beautiful Zette. I think he's in LA.No one deserves that fate. Especially after living life in NYC in the 70's. He was the first freak gender bender I ever saw who wasn't trying to pass as a GG. And so tiny, maybe 5'1 or 2
Re: Zette, The Topic
Zette is interviewed along with others in the current issue of Radar in an article about Area. Years ago I acquired his 12" single, a spooky gothdace version of "Le Freak", I didn't know who he was but I loved the son and I always played it while DJing.
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
yup one of my kids.....very very crazy....when he gets into make-up it changes you....sal-e just turns up the volume.like when i get into make-up it changes me . i'm alot more out going and alot freeer with my toung .not afraid of what the world brings you...its like putting the shelds up.i can be anyone or anything.a sceen stealer as chi-chi says .....give me a freak anyday of the week ....mirror mirror on the wall who the biggest freak of all.
Re: Liquid Sky
I was almost in it too! I auditioned for the part of the girlfriend. You know, the one who wears the sleep mask on her head. Ann Magnuson suggested that these people call me to read for the part. So, I went to Ann Carlysle's loft on 14th Street at 10:30 in the morning and was greeted by her wearing that same wacky makeup she wears in the movie. She was in a wheelchair with her ankles bandaged up and wearing platform shoes. She said she had sprained her ankles falling off the shoes and that...
Re: boy george
wow - that pic really takes me back. it isnt the makeup that fascinates me - the hair! the whole thing screams "do you really want to hurt me?". answer - no, we love you! (ps - is that a japanese "Miss me blind' scarf??) I found an old paperback a few years a ago called "like punk never happened" indicting culture club and other new wave cohorts with crimes against music and culture. a definate subway read! I loved Boy George in my youth - he pushed everybodys buttons. He had the balls to be...
Re: boy george
Boy George was one of my biggest heroes as a teen. As a child I had already seen Elton John, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, KISS and so on, but Boy George was My Generation and hit the scene as a huge star when I was in high school. I was so captivated, it was like he had beat all the odds and was being celebrated for being a freak. Of course his whole androgyny slant was a huge inspiration to me as an artist. But he was not just an image. He had real talent, and the band had serious musical...
Re: My own private East Village
Yikes! This is on my street!!!! January 18, 2004 -- The East Village woman killed in a freak electrical accident while walking her dogs was clasping one of her pets in her arms when she realized her fate and uttered her final words, a witness said yesterday. "I get what this is now," said Jodie Lane, 30, before she collapsed on East 11th Street and hit her head on a metal curb at 6:20 p.m. Friday, witness Bonnie Slifkin told The Post http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/16032.htm
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
She is messy enough as it is. Boy George was asking how you were doing and if you got the Taboo stuff he sent. I told him that you did and thanked him. You know that latex drip thing was from his head. He pulled it off his head after opening night for you. She's a big freak like you! Thought you would like it. Hang in there for those treatments. Knowing you, you'll turn it all into some beautiful art piece.
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
In his personal life legend has it that Brando was a complete sexual freak who tried everything, including man-on-man action. Somewhere I used to have an infamous photo from the 50s, supposedly of him, in profile sucking a big dick. When I saw it I was convinced. If it wasn't him it was an exact replica-clone. (one can dream, right?) "A Streetcar Named Desire" is one of my favorite films. But you MUST see Brando in John Huston's 60s cult classic "Reflections in a Golden Eye" in which he...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
OMG Double Wreck!!! David you were ( are ) such a freak. New York needs more people like you. I forgot about Burt. Where is he? Here or there ?
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
Oh, and we're starting to get some collaborations going too... This guy Derrik who is a one man electro act called: One Man Shooter approached us to perform... Possibly in March. Read his bio, It had me laughing so hard I was in tears. He's such a freak, and has a wicked sense of humor. XXXOOO Satori
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
Suzie, I am here with you soror, this is a terrible loss for us all. Let us stand together to not only make sure he is not just remembered, but that future generations of vampyre know who he was and what he ment to us and the world wide vampyre commmunity. Not only through his amazing artifacts, but him as a person. Eternally, Sebastian Sabretooth / Long Black Veil
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
It is with great sorrow too that I read this, Madame Forsythia. D'Drennan was indeed a good and wonderfully creative soul and I send him light on his journey. Please do keep us posted as to any memorial gathering planned.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
Last night I was out in the snow in Union Square with the puppy - the city was quiet and dusted with white glitter and as I was leaving the park I thought - you see, there is still magic here. Returning home I got the messages about D'Drennan, one of the most magical souls I have ever known in this lifetime. His enormous gifts and big heart added immeasurably to the entire MOTHER era - who else would we have called upon to craft Merlin's sword for the turn of the century Click + Drag? As so...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Aspen Times article: http://at.us.publicus.com/article/20050221/NEWS/102210014 Hunter Thompson dead Seminal gonzo journalist kills himself By Eben Harrell and Chad Abraham February 21, 2005 Hunter S. Thompson, legendary author, political commentator and "gonzo" journalist, died Sunday night after shooting himself in the head with a handgun at his home in Woody Creek. He was 67. Thompson's son, Juan, found his father's body in the kitchen around 6 p.m. By 6:30 p.m., Thompson's home at 1278...
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
It is truely sad to have lost such an amazing artist. He was such a gentleman.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
I remember meeting him for the first time at Mother. Admiring his works. Handling his canes. And eventually requesting him to make me one of my own. A talent like his shall be sorely missed.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
D'Drennan was an icon. He shaped his visions and ideas into incredible works of art. He was a friend, a role model, and an inspiration. I was shocked and deeply saddened by the news of his death. My heartfelt sympathies go out to all of his friends and family and to a community who has lost such an important and respected member.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
I agree Arabella, he was a true gentleman. As an ancient vampyre myself I was always so impressed by his social grace and joie de vivre. Centuries beyond his human age.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
This is truly sad. Though our friendship was sporadic I remember him very clearly and vividly. I was amazed how whenever we met he always seemed to be so much more interest in my interest then his own. At least that vividness survives.
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Re: JT LeRoy
JT LEROY LIVES!!! The moral of the story is in the very last lines of this article: the actual writer does not believe it is a hoax. She IS JT Leroy. She is obviously mad, and obviously talented -- otherwise the illusion could not have continued. Talent will always out. It is not enough to be weird. You have to also be able to write a hell of a sentence. That a therapist was tricked and extended the illusion exposes the poor practice some therapists have of doing therapy over the telephone.
Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985
Hi Dana, sorry, I don't know anyone from 75st. I moved around a lot in those days but I never knew anyone from 75st area. At the time I was hanging out with this guy who was a new wave freak, so I followed his lead to the clubs, so that's why I am influenced by new wave, although I do like the other music that was played in the clubs. I did like the shows that Pyramid put on, you probably know the names. I really liked John Sex with his hair that would touch the ceiling. The show I liked was...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
I liked it BUT ... I'm a "bible freak". I LOVE the historical/archeolicical aspects etc. It's definitely NOT worth the $30 or whatever it was I paid and would be close to the bottom of my "must read" pile. The only good thing is you can read it in 1 or 2 days. It's not much of an investment.
Re: My own private East Village
When I lived on 11 and B I was in the park a lot more often than now when I'm on 2nd. I used to see the young boys baiting their pbulls in the park by putting a rag up in a tree branch just out of jump range and just commanding the dog to go for it for, like, an hour. Those maulers would never even get winded even though the task was futile. But one trick if a pit gets your dog in their jaws is to throw your cup of coffee or your soda right on their face. It shocks them and they freak out...
Re: Puritan Watch
You are right, Stacy. Pizza anywhere else pretty much sucks, especially the west coast. Figures the founder is a catholic freak - the pizza is godawful. Pizza Hut must be southern baptist. There's no excuse for that shit...
Re: PICTURES from The Love-In
The gang was led by a leather clad freak named "Miss Guy" who took over the music.
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
A new article about Kevin today: The New York Times June 12, 2006 Fourth Man Is Arrested After Attack on a Dance Recording Artist in the East Village By KAREEM FAHIM and SARAH GARLAND A fourth man was arrested yesterday in connection with the beating of a Manhattan singer who the police said was attacked by a gang of young men who kicked him, screamed anti-gay slurs at him and broke his jaw as the singer walked through the East Village early Saturday. The man arrested by the police yesterday...
Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.
and yes music genres too segregated, and its really the media's fault. let the different genres merge and co-habitate together and get their freak on you know?
Re: Nico
As much as I am a freak for Alain Delon I never heard this one. I just googled "Ari Delon" and got stuff for "Ari Boulogne" ... the name he uses. Apparently Delon never acknowledged he was the father. Pics of the now 38-year-old photographer however very much resemble Delon. But no one's as gorgeous as that sacred monster.
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
It comes as no suprise that Madonna is a control freak of the highest order, regardless I'm sure this book will be HUGE because there has never really been a true inside view of the private world of Madonna, only speculation. As a newcomer to the boards I have to comment that this forum is simply fascinating. I've just read some of the pages and I am forced to reevaluate my adoration of Madonna. I have never blindly worshiped her, but I have overlooked many shortcomings. Maybe I will jump...
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
Oooh, I want to shop a tell all book about being the weekend office gwen at Mother. The stories I could tell about that glamourous couple who ran it, especially that control freak DJ... (hee hee hee)
Re: New and News, Part 6
I don't think it's a reflection of a double-standard. I think it'a finally a reaction AGAINST the double-standard going on there since forever. It's an 'election year' and Imus has interviewed alot of big names. Probably everyone he's interviewed is going to have to answer questions about their racism now. There were THREE articles about the nappy-head ho comment in the Times on Thursday. The most interesting one was about Imus' side-kick, a freak named McGuirk, who apparently is there to...
Re: Craigslist !!!
i want to get down and dirty like the girl in the pics. i'm a guy seeking a guy who would get off making me do the same nasty things the girls are doing in his own nasty toilet, a hotel room toilet or even better a public restroom, if you had after hours access to one. i also have some trailers available that you can view to give you a better idea of the kind of treatment i desire. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO HOST in your nasty bathroom, a hotel toilet or public restroom where no one will walk in on...