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Tagged With "life is a cabaret"


Re: Tom Murrin AKA Alien Comic

Chi Chi ·
Thank you for starting this topic Hatches.. Tom Murrin / The Alien Comic was our own Lipstick Traces from the Dadaists, a direct line from the Cabaret Voltaire to the stages of 8 BC, LaMama, Jackie 60, PS 122 and everywhere that really mattered in between. If you knew Tom or had ever seen one of his performances, you will know what a loss this is. From the entire Jackie Factory family, deepest condolences to all of his many fans, family and friends.

Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

bobby Miller ·
What a great line up. So sorry I can't be there this year. xo

Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

Chi Chi ·
Thanks darling - you will be missed!

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Poison Eve ·
Does anyone remember Michael T.'s "New York Nights" at the Pyramid around 1992? It was on Monday nights (Blacklips later replaced it) and cost $1 to get in and featured the "Cabaret of Madness" featuring early me, Michael T., Hattie and the ever-talented Countess Jessica (Hattie could delve further into this untapped resource, perhaps). I remember being locked in there one night when there was a mini squatter riot on Avenue A. What ever happened good old-fashioned riots anyway?

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Thre are a few different kinds of drag shows here. There are the gay club shows, the hooker bar shows, and the huge flashy Vegasy shows referred to as "Cabaret." The huge shows are amazing. While they don't incorporate the intentional sense of irony that we NYers love so much in a show, they are SO excessive and overdone that they don't need it. They emulate big splashy musical and music videos. Every number had over 20 dancers in huge, HUGE, costumes. The set keeps changing like on...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
I took a one day Thai cooking course. They actually cover a hell of a lot in one day! I'll soon be the green curry queen of NYC! So this guy I'm dating here in Chiang Mai, Wat, the one who had the circle jerks with the monks, he's really great to hang out with. I feel like a biker chick on the back of his motorcycle! He's entering graduate school to become a teacher. He's a bartender in a very odd location. At this three level flea market type place there is a weird long hallway on the side...


dreambot ·
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

Chi Chi ·
At the cabaret/poetry launch on Wednesday. SO many people spoke of you, asked about you, are still finding out about this topic, remarked on how strange it felt to be doing readings without you, or how much you would love the fact that we were again doing readings. Was wonderful to hear that new bit of strength in your voice when last we spoke. Love, love, love

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
This may be a lead for you, but it's in German, so perhaps, someone can interpret for us ... Perhaps see also ---------------------------------- For the rest of you I've found some new references and perspectives ... And on the Exhibition front ... check out ... "The Fales Library" at the New York University Library - Downtown Collection - David Wojnarowicz Papers And also a great 1986 mention that should not be omitted from this topic ...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

basil (Guest) ·
this is basil confirming the merlin as producer line bobby was so present at cabaret magique last-last night the scent of roses and all

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

hatches ·
Hey Tanya, unfortunately, the review is about the film Cabaret and the Brian in question is the Michael York character. Translated it might be something like this: "And thus Brian leaves Berlin which is already in the firm hand of the Nazis." Due to the "wacky" nature of this passage in German, Brian and Berlin just happen to fall side-by-side! There are a million free translation apps out there, like Alta Vista, if you get stuck.

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

daddy ·
WILL DADDY REPLACE JACKIE BIGALOW AS FISHSTICK! Last night at Cabaret Magique the world watched anxiously as too skinny "Jackie Bigalow" and the very talented "Daddy" duked it out. Fishstick "Glamnerd" looks on in horror. Bigalow insists he is looking for a... He seems to feel the others (Glamnerd and Jersey Tomata) are holding him back. He is threatening a solo career. Mr. Bigalow could not be reached for comment. (Of course I didn't ask him for one but that's neither here nor there). Most...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I've been there before. It looks like some crazy Mary westerner did that site for them. It's not really an accurate description. It's just a nice place. It's very lush. There's a courtyard bar that's just so tropical and nice. Al; the nookie happens in the cubicals. The Thai have this modesty thing. Like in the locker room they'll put on the towel before they pull their pants down. Also, if they drop the towel to get in the jacuzi (sp?), they'll cover their weenies while they step in. Last...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

Chi Chi ·
At the beginning of a stunning Incoherent Reading/wailing/chanting/masturbating set at Cabaret Magique last night, the INCOMPARABLE Paul Skiff paused and said "I'm thinking of Bobby Miller right now. Are you?" Huge affirmative applause. Missing you!

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

jessica rabbit ·
Hey Bobby I just resently joinedthe Mother board soI don't know if I'm even doing this right.I just resently found out your news and have been keeping you in my prayers. I also cameabout a photo of us from the Christmas show we did together.I would like to send it to you but I need to learn to use my scanner.I hope your feeling better getting some strenghth back. Kitty made me some great costumes for cabaret Now I just need some hair.I ILove you and really miss you and your cute butt. Love ...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Anna Nicole ·
Wow.... amazing.... PS Have you ever been out to Brighton Beach to Rasputins ....the OTT Russian/Vegas cabaret... now those costumes are amazing too!!! But nothing like this..... reeeeaaaaly enjoying your reports... jealous too! Enjoy!

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I had a real health nut spa breakfast: fresh pappaya with goat yogurt topped with bee pollen. We're supposed to stick to raw fruits and veggies for a few days before eating rice, bread, eggs, meat, etc. I cheated. I biked to another beach, smelled that thai cooking, and had some chicken curry with rice. I'll do salad for dinner though. I do feel really good and clean. I'll post a photo of my sparkling colon! I visited Anna's friend Alex today. His little hut is so cute. It is literally steps...

Re: Nightclub Disasters

Luxury Lex ·
Interesting. The loss of life in both instances was TERRIBLE. We watched the Long Island nightclub fire story on the TV outside last night at Webster Hall when the news was on. Here in NYC I remember the Happyland incident of years ago too, and how that marked the beginning of the "crackdown" era in some respects. And the Chicago matter -- the idea of actually being trampled to death is really horrifying. An additional sad result of these tragedies (albeit less important than the loss of...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

daddy ·
I'm really sure that's EXACTLY what "you was gonna write". Don't mind her Seven, she's just clearing a blockage. Anyway, tonight is the night! Can't wait to see you Mrs. Miller. here is the info if anyone needs it. CABARET MAGIQUE! Ass Master, Bobby Miller by Jamie Casertano

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Me and Vu at the "Tiffany" cabaret. Yes, folks, THAT'S a drag venue. Three shows a night, 7 days a week. When will NY ever catch up?

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

B. Domination ·
I'd like to reiterate something that might be lacking from my posts: I REALLY do not look for things to knock. I know most of you get it, but for those that don't, well, there it is. I'd like to explain why I usually am one of the first to be obnoxious. I'm all for a new fun party, but when the party has to push the fact that they want only the trendy and famous to come, and we SHOULD come because there are those people, they blanket the fact that the party needs more OOMPH. If the party is...

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

Chi Chi ·
Its great to have all that talent in town - In case you haven't met them yet, I'm sure you will this week, between Cabaret Magique, Cheez reunion, multiple Nina shows and of course Arcadia! Here's a sneak preview of Z & S design for the Aeon card, which they will be wearing at Arcadia and then is on display at the Gallery..

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

Chi Chi ·
On Andy's Chest

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

Zazoo and Satori ·
Here's our NYC Trip in Snapshots: 5-23-03 Area 10009 @ Opaline 5-24-03 Nina Hagen @ The Marquee and Berliniamsburg @ Luxx 5-25-03 Motherfucker 3rd Aniversary @ The Roxy 5-27-03 Page Powell's Soiree and Beige @ B Bar 5-28-03 Cabaret Magique @ Chez Es Saada 5-29-03 Granite's "Popcorn" Opening Night and Afterparty 5-30-03 ARCADIA! Opening - Debut show for I think over half the boards are in there somewhere XXXOOO Satori

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

Johnny Gato · I hope some of these turn up @ Cabaret M. this summer!

Re: Wayland and Madame.

Chi Chi ·
Thanks Missy! Tim and Dusty Floors will be doing a midnight show at tonight's Cabaret Magique at Tapis Rouge. Full info in the Cabaret Magique topic in NYC Nightclubs and Events forum.

Re: Wayland and Madame.

Merlinator ·
can't wait. remember when madame used to do talent night on the uws in the early 70's at a local cabaret on west 71st street. can't remember the name.

Re: International Chrysis

Night Nurse ·
While still living in DC in the early 90s, Split: Portrait of a Drag Queen played at the American Film Institute at the Kennedy Center, and I went to see the film, but not knowing much about it other than it was about a drag queen, I dragged my friends to come with me. Well, we all loved the movie, and I was fascinated with her oh-so-glamorous life (or so it appeared on celluloid), yet throughout the story the theme was her rising up and above any perceived pain or misery. Being a showgirl,...

Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER shows and updates

Chi Chi ·
For those of you who don't read in Elsewhere, here are the details for our London show this Saturday September 20 at RETURN TO NY. We are doing some fab stuff using the CABARET MAGIQUE as the theme, and will time-travel from the 1880s to 1930s.. If you are a Jackie legend, email me for possible guest list. Here's the details: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 JACKIE 60 FURTHER IN LONDON Arthur Baker, Sean McLusky & Culturecide Promotions present RETURN TO NEW YORK @ THE GREAT EASTERN HOTEL,...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Jackie Bigalow ·
Well, kids, after finally meeting Mrs. Plop tonight at Cabaret Magique, I must flee once again to the mountains of Tennessee to regain my sense of self. After the realization of Mrs. Plop, what is there for the rest of us? I'll keep you posted from the faerie trenches.

Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)

S'tan ·
Yes Michael let's... Now go check up on what wig JT is wearing this week so we can dress like ha for next Cabaret... or for the "Wonder Bra" party? That sounds suitably demented... "The park ranger turned and ran...." HA! Lex, I did smirk over that, you can imagine what a total sleaze she must be! Did you like that use of the word 'cast' and 'casting' though, for how she describes her pickups... "She's casting". It's a mixture of throwing out a line for fishing, and hiring someone to be in...

Re: Karen Black

daddy ·
Her cabaret act in "Gypsy 83" was mind blowing! I can't imagine it in real life.

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

hatches ·
And, of course Cabaret and Chicago, not to mention "Liza With A Z" 'Wiedersehen, Fred!

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Ann's Brother ·
Dear friends, I am so delighted and moved to be hearing from you about my sister, Ann Craig! I'm scanning some photos from our mother's archives to share with you --- and perhaps shake loose more memories! I'll put them up before the week's out. Meantime, I just heard from Eleanor -- our mom, the author of "The Moon is Broken," her memoir about Annie (it's on Amazon) -- that someone took movies/video of some of Ann's peroformances at La Mama. She was doing skits that had originated at the...


seven ·
False disappearance. A media phenomenon. As if when the media turns its spotlight somewhere else then you do not actually exist anymore. It raises the interesting question of whether a direct action requires the media attention to be effective at all. The media never could put its spotlight on all the FAX barrages ACTUP orchestrated, but did that prevent those actions from being highly efffective? No. Take a lesson, would-be militants. Those who are still operating as ACTUP, and those who...

Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza

punkaturenyc ·
I have a GREY GARDENS memory..... I was there one night,dancing to Daddy's house mix, when he started playing the song "Love and Happiness" by "India",which was a HUGE club hit at the time. I was caught up in my groove,dancing,when i looked up and there,up on the stage w/daddy was India,singing the song!Totally unannounced! that was an amazing moment! She has such a beautiful voice! Besides that,the place alway's looked great. the film loops were amazing and there was nice touches such as...

Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza

daddy ·
OK, I'll try. "Grey Gardens" was basically Hattie Hathaway (Hatches) and my thing. Hattie thought of the name (Hattie also named "Mother" BTW, it came to her in a wet dream about Jimi Hendrix but that's another story) It was every Saturday night at Irving Plaza, after the rock shows ended. The Irving Plaza staff (who were incredible) cleared out the drunk college kids faster than one of Messy Bonnie's farts. And in about 20 minutes we (about 15 people) transformed the theater into this eery,...

Re: Grey Gardens

Drama Queen ·
This from ( ) Playwrights Horizons Will Stage Musical Grey Gardens, With Two Broadway Divas Among the Ruins By Kenneth Jones 02 Jun 2005 Tony winner Christine Ebersole will star in Grey Gardens photo by Aubrey Reuben Grey Gardens: A New Musical, by librettist Doug Wright, composer Scott Frankel and lyricist Michael Korie, will be one of four world premieres in the 2005-06 season of Playwrights Horizons, the Off-Broadway company...

Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!

seven ·
I like HX too. Especially all the ads in the back that remind me of you, Daddy. I've liked HX since one of their photogs clandestinely shot me from a roof down the block, while I was on the roof of my building one summer night playing drums. He ambushed me at Cabaret Magique, when it was at Boys Room on A, and shoved some snaps at me. Ambitious and on it. HX is militant without even trying to be.

Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!

S'tan ·
A new article about Kevin today: The New York Times June 12, 2006 Fourth Man Is Arrested After Attack on a Dance Recording Artist in the East Village By KAREEM FAHIM and SARAH GARLAND A fourth man was arrested yesterday in connection with the beating of a Manhattan singer who the police said was attacked by a gang of young men who kicked him, screamed anti-gay slurs at him and broke his jaw as the singer walked through the East Village early Saturday. The man arrested by the police yesterday...

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

andreabicsotti ·
1954! The Age Of McCarthyism! I was also reading the liner notes of the Blitzstein version, and they had to alter some of the lyrics that he translated. Another example of censorship, and I bet that they wouldn't have got played on the radio as much as they did. The "Mack the Knife" that was made popular through the like of Bobby Darin, Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald was Blitzstein's. I love Lenya too... and she also did Cabaret in the original cast, she played Fraulien Schnider! And there are...

Re: Nina Simone

daddy ·
2) "Everybody's Gone To The Moon" The MESSY MESSY MESSSY Messy Bonnie Raitt used this Nina Simone song as the music to her stunning "Outer Space Christmas Number" at Cabaret Magique. A sad drunken Bonnie crawls through the stunned crowd as Nina sings, "Everybody's Gone To The Moon". (It's always "stunning" to see how bad Messy Bonnie is. I know it's suppposed to be bad but... it really is bad. Actually, it's more sad).

Re: berlin ist kunst

andreabicsotti ·
I am obsessed with Berlin and Germany, Weill , Brecht, Bowie and Iggy at Hansa studios, Depeche's Some Great Reward album, the cabaret in the thirties, Dietrich, U2's Achtung, Baby album....have to go there sometime in my life!

Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2

andreabicsotti ·
DAS IST GUT: iPod in hand, music endless going round, revolving like discs in a jukebox technology is fun, if it works properly music non-stop, and emails sent computer world in motion message board in cyberspace fascism in inner space and outer space censorship on the arts in an artist's space censorship on art in high places and fascist states funky cold medina, I say jazz and techno, rock 'n' roll house rhythms and tribal drums industrial kling-kling on sampled steal pipes punk-like...

Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")

Chi Chi ·
BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for that brought a much-needed laugh. I have just finished editing the tribute video for NOTS of the legends past..That reminded me to mention that the original concept for NOTS actually was presaged in 1981 when Gennaro Palermo staged a Stevie lip-synch performance of mine for Haoui Montaug's cabaret. Talk about people being appalled, they really were at the time. Yes, amazingly, I never heard about your famous Pyramid show till the very early years of...

Re: NYC 1st Ever Dance Parade!!!

Chi Chi ·
Congrats to all involved with this - the dance parade was great energy and fun, the type of thing it is so hard to launch in NY these days. The dancers and floats came down a rainy Fifth Avenue into Wash. Square Park in the most amazing procession, in groups wearing uniforms or identical costumes.. A samba school A young cheerleader contingent House of Ninja voguers in black ninja suits Zydeco peeps from New Orleans in their kelly green cowboy hats Caribbean dance troupe bringing up the rear...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Christmas Day ·
Rob, your work is beautiful. So is the song. A picture from Cabaret Magique....

Re: Farewell Charming Olde New York, part 4

Luxury Lex ·
Mo, we hardly knew ya! One of the few burlesque/cabaret venues to open in the last few years is up for sale. Mo Pitkin's for Sale


seven ·
The Skinny, totally neighborhood. Inexpensive drinks. Dive atmosphere. Used to be Angel and before that Kush, if you remember that far back. DJs can't really win there because there is no cabaret license, but they like to pump out the way they wouldn't be able to at a club where they inevitably have to go pop or commercial for a facebook crowd.

Sex Crimes Cabaret - Feb 17th at Galapagos

St. Eve ·
Thursday, February 17 · 8:00pm - 9:30pm SEX CRIMES CABARET Written by L. Gabrielle Penabaz Directed by Katherine Valentine http://www.SexCrimesCabare Galapagos Art Space 16 Main Street in DUMBO Brooklyn, NY This is the only NYC Sex Crimes Cabaret show - The other performance will be at Asbury Lanes in NJ on Feb 12th Feel like being/feeling/coming to New Jersey on that Saturday? NBC NEW YORK says Sex Crimes Cabaret is “… a theatrical cavalcade of smart-yet-titillating art-utainment...