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Tagged With "screamin' rebel angels"


Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern

Delian ·
Terence left this Earth this past month, I am deeply saddened that she is now gone from it. When I met Terence she was a very serious, striking and commanding person so I was certainly intimidated, it was obvious I was dealing with an intellectual so I needed to be at my best behavior and my most attentive in her presence. She was an accomplished writer, a luminary in the New York underground, and a maestra of an art I'd only read about; she could make the most debauched intellectual blush...

Re: I lost a tiny baggie in the bathroom about three years ago...

Cessna (Guest) ·
Don't feel so bad. Back in 1996, I thought I was buying coke from the now dearly departed drug troll Angel. Turned out to be K and after me and about six other people proceeded to hoover it up we had to be escorted from the bathroom and through the crowd by Kitty because we were so fucked up. For some reason, even though I felt fucked up at the time, I still look back on that night and smile. Ah, club life!

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

hatches ·
Yes Evie, the blue-painted mohawked stripper still emails me from Florida at odd intervals (thanks to Hapi Phace.) But did you know who his boyfriend was around that time? None other than Angel, who was to later end up dismembered in the Hudson River thanks to Michael Alig & Co. Just a little bit of lunchpail trivia for you!

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Chi Chi ·
Kitty made it home recently - they are letting people walk over the Williamsburg bridge it seems. Thanks for those who emailed to offer shelter for her. Rob, who also works way downtown, is fine. Johnny's ex DJ assistant Angel who works in WTC made it out from the 28th floor- he is totally shellshocked of course. 7 World Trade has just collapsed...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

daddy ·
I remember at Jackie everyone kept looking for Angel. He was one of the more well-loved drug dealers. Then the rumors started that Michael killed him. I never really believed it but just to be sure I asked Michael, "Did you kill Angel?" He looked me right in the eye and said "No, I didn't." I can't believe it. HE LIED TO ME!

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
This subject is always so polarizing, and we've tried to steer clear of it ... While all of it was going on, we were being good little students and getting our education at Ohio University in the middle of nowhere. Zazoo did go to Limelight and Club USA in '92 (or ˜93) and had a blast. The Little Professor bookstore on campus carried "Project X" but that was the extent of our knowledge of the scene in NYC. When Chi Chi posted Michael Wilkinson's note above, we debated for over a week. When...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

hatches ·
Oh Satori, I am glad you are contributing to the project. I just tend to see red when some one I don't even know tries to borrow things I have horded over the years and then receives "Costume Designer" credit. Maybe I am just paranoid. Not that I have a single lunchbox :-) And I am looking forward to meeting you on your visit. I can remember when Angel had vanished and the rumors were flying. The NYPD was desperately trying to produce a body so they would have a case (after all, that's one...


Rose Royalle ·
Michael's lover Gareth sent me a note that Michael died last night between 8-9PM, at Saint Vincent's of complications due to HIV/AIDS which he had been fighting bravely for years. Gareth shut off his med tubes at 8PM because Michael loved curtain time. I'm sure many of you remember the pierced and tattooed very handsome couple, Michael and Gareth who frequented Jackie 60, Click & Drag and recently Cheez Whiz. Michael was an actor/songwriter. He was one of the girls in "Cage" on Broadway...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Luxury Lex ·
"Party Monster" seems to hold promise as an interesting film. As someone who witnessed the rise and fall of the club kid movement, I'm very curious to see how they treat the subject matter - how realistic or how white washed? Also given that it's from the same company that brought us Poison, Hedwig & the Angry Inch and Velvet Goldmine, I'm sure it will be dazzling on some level. It's worth seeing for me just because Wilson Cruz (Ricky Vasquez on My So-Called Life - - one of my favorite...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Luxury Lex ·
First of all let me just say this is a FIERCE topic and one of the few on the Motherboards that left me so amazed I was stumped for an answer. Maybe that's why it's taken me so long to join it. I encourage everyone to be proud and be the best you can be in your chosen self-expression. OWN IT. I guess all I can contribute is my own perspective and experience for what it's worth. As a gender bender/androgyne, I walk through a strange middle country somewhere between the gay archetypes of...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Agent Blue ·
I am truly sad and alarmed that this film is being made. A horrible criminal act is being made into entertainment for profits. Michael Alig is in prison because in a selfish fit of rage he took someone's life. The fact that Angel sold drugs did not mean he deserved a instant death sentence. Michael will surly profit from this and it will act as a step towards his public resurrection. I think that it was parasitic for all involved to even make the documentary. The narrative film is just plain...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

torin ·
at least i got to be Angel in a REAL production... the Jackie 60 version... (Tina Paul documented the night, and a photo ended up in the "Last Days of Disco" book, ... but no one knows it's me!!! LOL) (hmmm... maybe i should get a publicist now? LOL)

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Miss Understood ·
Bridgette, I can totally understand why you'd be interested in the 80's/90's NY club scene. There was a lot of excitement, color, and creativity. What I find unfortunate is how much credit for this is being given to Michael Alig. The whole "Club Kid" thing was really an extension of what was first being done in small East Village Venues such as the Pyramid. Flloyd, Sister Dimension, Lahoma, Olympia, and many other freaks were doing their thing way before Disco 2000. When the small venues...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

daddy ·
When I was in 4th grade I used to draw swastikas on my books. I didn't really even know what they meant. It just felt "bad" and cool. I was so far removed from gas chambers and people suffering that it didn't really mean anything. (But it did get a reaction). It's like when people (like my wife) are obsessed with Jack The Ripper... I mean if you really knew Mary Kelly it would be different. (sorry Hattie, I know you knew her.) I think this Alig thing is a bit like that. I knew Angel. He was...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Miss Understood ·
Wow it's such a relief to know that Angel, the 3000 WTC victims, all the millions stricken with AIDS and starvation in Africa, all of the abused children of the world, and the 6 million killed in the Holocaust, all did something wrong in a past life to deserve their predestined fate. I used to feel bad about it. No sense in trying to change things.

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
I've never really understood how someone can watch "Party Monster" or have seen any of the other shows done about the murder and walk away thinking that Michael Alig is worthy of idolization or going to the extent of even almost worshiping him... I mean at the end of the documentary, James St. James even says that he's awful and has always been awful. Your dream sequences sound like how Nina Hagen speaks about her spirit inspiration Babaji. It kinda freaked me out when I read it. I don't...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Okay, it's now 8:30 PM. I'm drunk so excuse any misspellinssssezz. I love it here! My hair is tipped in blue... maybe it helps me be to be a freak magnet. There was this sexy, sort of husky guy at the bar. He had that meaty nice body that's muscley, but not too obnoxiously toned... and he had LOTS of tattoos! That's very unusual here. And when you do see it, it's not in the gay crowd. He was born in Laos and grew up in Northern Thailand. He went to college in England, so he had this weird...

Re: Diamanda Galas

Michael Madison ·
Saturday night 2/15. I've got my tix. Anyone here going? From the knitting factory site: Hell's favorite angel will rip your heart out as she wails songs of shattered love, blinding obsession and howling melancholy. With the power of a mac truck and delicacy of a broken martini glass, the ever-loving Diamanda Galas will shred classic Valentine's fare with her own Baby's Insane, Tony and Your'e Mine, Hank Williams' I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry, Tracy Nelson's Down So Low, Ornette Coleman's...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Anna Nicole ·
Alex, we are all LOVING these journals... it sort of will be sad for us when you get home (in the nicest possible way!)... its so frustrating that you can't ship all of this stuff home...don't suppose my goofy mate ALex was any help on that front eh.... I remember being in San Angel outside of Mexico City for a while and theres all these really fantastic furniture stores... huge hand crafted armoire for about $20 US!! But the shipping was a MAJOR issue... so much black market for shipping...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Luxury Lex ·
Recently I started reading a book called "Clubland: the Fabulous Rise & Murderous Fall of Club Culture" by Frank Owen, a freelance writer. The book goes into a lot about the Michael Alig/Angel murder case and the events leading up to it, but also gives extensive profiles of Peter Gatien himself as well as two other club impresarios, "Lord" Michael Caruso and South Beach club king Chris Paciello. Caruso and Paciello were both street thugs/gangsters who basically rose to the top as drug...

Re: Nina Simone

Joel ·
I am not too familiar with Nina Simone. Isn't she the one who played Tess on the shmaltzy TV show "Touched By An Angel"?

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

xnowhereboyx ·
I saw it today. I don't know what to think. It definitely wasn't bad, but I can't say it was good either. I thought MacAuley Culkin was irritating, if it was just Seth Green it would've been a much better movie. For those who know the story (or lived it), the only reason to see the movie was for the recreations of the club scene "back in the day", but as Z&S pointed out above those scenes are pretty much quick camera pans across a dark room with an indistinguishable glimpse at a few...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Anna Nicole ·
I caught the movie and found it depressing.... in the sense that it was all too camp an panto when its really a dark sad tale. Like most of Fenton and Randys stuff its on the edge of 'could be fab' but never quite makes it. They always pick the best topic but never quite fully pull it off. I think they would have been much better at making a fab movie had they cast more unknowns in the main role (but then the majors would not have been as interested), as Seth Green and macauly are just too...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Miss Understood ·
Michael Alig: Macauley Culkin Angel: Wilson Cruz Tobell Von Cartier: Todd Bridges Codie Ravioli: Leonardo DiCaprio Olympia: John Malkovich Richie Rich: Jonathan Taylor Thomas Amanda Lepore: Melanie Griffith Astro Earl: Joaquin Phoenix Michael Musto: Carrot Top Lahoma Van Zandt: Danny Bonaduce Larry Tee: Crispin Glover Princess Diandra: Chris Rock Queerdonna: Drew Carey Chuckie: Amy Sedaris Patricia Field: Elaine Stritch Kabuki Starshine: Winona Ryder Kenny Kenny: Alan Cumming

Re: DV by Diana Vreeland

sweetie ·
As much as I would love to say a fragrance topic would totally turn me out. I dare say many folks here are more the essential oil and "natural musk" types. I am amazed at how much body funk I encounter on any given night out on the town in NYC. Especially the gay boys. I think B.O. is the patchouli of the '04. BTW I do adore patchouli in summer time clinging to a hairy chested man. It makes me swoon. I posted eons ago about an isolated experience I had as a young teen with a friend of my...

Re: DV by Diana Vreeland

Night Nurse ·
How very DV, that discussion of her book led into much ado about fragrances. Sweetie, you and I have had many a discussion about the fabulousness that she was, and of course, credit to where credit is due, but I would have never heard of that book were it not for the esoteric musings of Matthew Kasten. I too have never been a fan of Angel or any of those "harder" pungent smelling ones, but I am now a Jo Malone convert, and her yummy light fragrances are now available to us downtown residents...

Re: DV by Diana Vreeland

daddy ·
Oh Sweetie... It's funny how a smell can instantly take you back. Your description of my sister Joey brought a tear to me eye. I miss her. And... You've always loved me in my "Green Irish Tweed". Thanks. It drives trannys crazy, I don't know why. Girlina drools whenever I get close to her. (At least I think its when I get close to her). It's not for everyone though. Marti Domination recently asked me NOT to hug her hello because she didn't want to smell like "Green Irish Tweed". So that...

Re: My Night of 1000 Stevies 14 review

daisy mae ·
It was my favorit NOTS too!! my 6 or 7 time + loved the new club space and the balcony for my friend her heel broke an she was glad to sit down. my favorits were the puppetshow and nicole nix and the one who did stand back in the 1st set with the new ribbon look of mikestan and boy georgew I wore white angel dress from bear with silver boottops. IT WAS VERY BELLADONNA cover too and i even got a tamborine wich im looking at now thank you everyone + see you next year pleaz keep it at knitting...


Stacy Amber ·
I knew I would be happily entertained when I went to the Bowie concert at Jones Beach on Friday night, but I didn't expect the Show of Shows that I experienced. He was so relaxed, suave and poised. Full of humor, joking and talking with the audience between every song, and totally giving of himself thoughout the evening. He was the epitome of the King of Cups in Tarot. He went everywhere with his song choices for the night, and wherever he went, he was completely into it. He had great...

Re: Swept Away part 2

daddy ·
Esther Schmester All the Kabbalah in world won't save that one. She sold her soul in 1983 and that's that.

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Stacy Amber ·
How choked up I got when I heard that Marlon Brando had died today. I felt an era coming to a close. He became such an eccentric and fodder for the tabloid mills, but he helped revolutionize screen acting in his time, marched with Martin Luther King at the March on Washington in 1963 (along with Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward and others), protested the screen misrepresentation of Native Americans, and was a pure counterculturist. And Lex, I'll second that sentiment about him having been a...

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
Just a sad note on the passing of my good friend and former boyfriend, Indian larry. He was killed doing his famous motorcycle stunt at a bike show in the south on Monday. Great obits in both the New York Times and the Daily News. Larry was a rebel and a one of a kind man. He left many friends and fans around the world and will be missed by everyone who ever knew him. I send my love and prayers to his wife Bambi. Long live Indian Larry.

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

daddy ·
I loved that dog. I'll never forget Monday nights setting up for Jackie 60 when all of a sudden the door would open and this tornado of love would jump on top of me and visciously attack me with frantic kisses. She was an angel. I'm so glad she got to spend her retirement at her country estate in Maine. She loved it there. RIP VIP

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Missy ·
Okay, I have to drive to the office now. It is 7:29 in the morning now here in Germany. But later, I will give a detailled statement, why I love this movie, and what in my opinion is well done in this film. But, consider, I live in Germany. Michael Alig was not international famous and popular. So almost nobody here knows about him or about his life and story. So, when we watch the movie, we don´t have a comparison to the "real" Michael Alig. The most of you have this comparison, because...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

daddy ·
Satori, You are wise beyond your years, perfect answer. I understand the Club Kid appeal. It's the glittery lure of the "alternative". I'm still dazzled by it. I even understand the dark appeal of murder. I mean, 2 years ago we did "A Very Jack The Ripper Christmas" as our annual Jackie 60 Christmas Paegent. I'm sure that if you actually knew Mary Kelly (as Hattie did) it wouldn't be so funny. But as Satori pointed out, Angel was a friend of mine. He was such a cute kid. Thinking of him...

Re: Adorable Marlene

hatches ·
One steamy August afternoon when I was 6 or 7, my older brother took me to a run-down movie theatre just off the Grand Concourse in The Bronx to see a showing of The Blue Angel. Little wonder that I turned out the way I did! I have read the Riva book. I don't think it portrays Marlene in a bad light at all. One thing it makes you realize is that Dietrich was a very smart cookie indeed. There is a bit about her hunting for the perfect veil for a hat that is amazing-- this woman was totally in...

Re: Kenneth Anger

Amber Ray ·
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...

Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century

Anna Nicole ·
262 I was waiting for u to pip in.... surly u have some inside info on A.C. - Not for me, but for the Empress and the rest of em creamin their knickers.... of course not for me.... but thought i would rebel rouse here since there ain't a "why doesn't Ziggy Marley and Mike Tyson shag ME" section.

Re: My own private East Village

seven ·
When I lived on 11 and B I was in the park a lot more often than now when I'm on 2nd. I used to see the young boys baiting their pbulls in the park by putting a rag up in a tree branch just out of jump range and just commanding the dog to go for it for, like, an hour. Those maulers would never even get winded even though the task was futile. But one trick if a pit gets your dog in their jaws is to throw your cup of coffee or your soda right on their face. It shocks them and they freak out...

Re: Greece & Turkey: Athens, Istanbul, Mykonos, et al

seven ·
Daddy, I always wondered why Angel calls you Nairlip.

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

hatches ·
Why, thank you, kelly! Jim Dale is amazing to work with-- and the stories he tells! Just a note: one of the dances he does (after "The Song Of The Inadequacy Of Human Striving", when Carlos, me and Tiger Brown and his mugs on stage right glide off) is a version of a dance that Jim's father taught him and was, in turn, taught by his father. Jim worked with Aszure Barton to incorporate it into the song. So, what you are seeing is a dance that has roots in the 1830's-- or even earlier! A dance...

Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985

Papa Kap ·
hey aleta , your home like the rest here. i said almost the same thing when i 1st got here many months ago. .... welcome and so you know ... sometimes, it seems that people are again very busy being fabulous and don't post right away. David was "David Crocker" /mc/lights and stagemanand yes ... he and i were very good friends and were very much like brothers. he died in 1992 or around then and i heard about it a week later while i was still a street junkie .... his passing has made think so...

Re: My own private East Village

Chi Chi ·
Major Hell's Angel's dish on 3rd Street yesterday.

Re: Pets in the City

HelinRhiannon ·
Ok I couldnt resist this is Perky Angel, my little beast,, we are by the Flatiron dog run

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

S'tan ·
Special Note to Dale aka Dominick! I want to thank you for posting all those gorgeous and *scurrilous* insider details (on page 5 of this thread) all about Dean-the-Master-Red, Dean-the-Escort... As I said before, I was only getting to know Dean-the-Writer, as a major, major talent... and "Angel Stern" was also looking forward to knowing "Master Dean." To know he bloodie CARED about his johns like that... that he gave his all in session, that he considered at times 'not charging.' From my...

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

1980's at the dirty sleezy sexy Metropolitan porn palace on 14th St. I saw Dean Johnson in the balcony. I was wearing my Guardian Angel drag of a red beret with a T-shirt, levis and hightop sneakers. Dean sat down in one of the movie seats with his long legs spread wide. I think he had on light colored pants. Any way I was nervous about approaching him as one never knows what kind of reaction you will get in these places. But I knelt down between those legs and together we took out his big...

Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend

T-bone wabbit ·
DEAN! Wednesday was amazing. Harmony in extremes, sadness, loss, comedy, joy and communion. I really needed that night and all of you. I've registered on this site to post photos because I have so damn many. It seems a common experience. I saw Mondo New York. i lived in Baltimore. A friend had the single with the awful cover. We got stoned and learned all the words. Dean became a hero to me... FFWD: 97 or 98 when I found myself sitting across from him breaking...


seven ·
The Skinny, totally neighborhood. Inexpensive drinks. Dive atmosphere. Used to be Angel and before that Kush, if you remember that far back. DJs can't really win there because there is no cabaret license, but they like to pump out the way they wouldn't be able to at a club where they inevitably have to go pop or commercial for a facebook crowd.

Oh! You Pretty Things: KILLER QUEENS! - The Ultimate Glam Rock Tribute

Shien Lee ·
Michael T, Benjamin Ickies, Shien Lee & Twig the Wonderkid Present: Oh! You Pretty Things "Killer Queens" A musical homage to the brilliant talents of Queen, Roxy Music and David Bowie + Fashion Shows, Burlesque & Live DJs in a Fab Rock and Roll Dance Party! Sunday, May 30th [Memorial Day Weekend] @ Highline Ballroom - 431 W 16th St Doors: 8pm/18 +/I.D. Required Tickets: $15 @ MC: NC Shuva LIVE MUSIC By: This Ambitious Orchestra (12:30 &...