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Tagged With "Connect with Wonderful Women"














Karl X.

Karl X.

harris pankin










Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

dresscode ·
my favorite jackie theme would have to be the ball at ascot 1900. to me that was the most beautiful night. i loved getting to work and seeing the entire staff dressed and ready to entertain. other highlights were walking in and not being recognized or having to ask "who is that" someother very special events would have to include, california uber alleys, please kill me, low life, men, women and drag, i'm not a coke whore; i'm a model,telemundo 60, the absinthe drinkers........ what i miss...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

hatches ·
Oh Kitty, did you get bombed too? I have a hundred favorite Jackie themes, but the one that keeps popping up in my mind lately is "Klingon Women." And Joey Arias' perfect performance in the Klingon Language. I still have the mask, by the way.

Re: Blacklips

dresscode ·
eve darling, your archives are fantastic! sorry i missed most of them. it gives me a chance to look back and wonder, what the hell was so important that caused me miss them?

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Billy Beyond ·
Just another Saturday night really.... Our theme for the month of Saturdays was Pyramid flight 101. Basically we're talking about six men in drag as stewardesses hosting an evening of dancing and stewardess type entertainment in the grand tradition. let's see, there were nuts being served on the dancefloor...I remember Sister packaging pairs of almonds in dime bag sized mini-ziplocs. There was some sort of boarding pass balderdash at the door and annoying the guests with five or ten minutes...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Luxury Lex ·
Absolutely LOVED Klingon Women ... so bizarre and inspired! And Foreskin Fiesta - - the name alone sums it up. Of course, I'm slightly partial to a largely-overlooked theme called Black Like Jackie, circa 1992 when my ex and I, at the time performing in our band Louis Quatorze, mounted the stage in blackface and sang one of our original songs, "tiger! tiger!" which was all about the adventure of Little Black Sambo whipping a tiger into pancakes. Complete with spatulas and doo-rags.

Re: Tracks NYC

Minerva ·
I wonder if there's any relation there to the Traxx club in DC back in my college days... That was big ugly fun. That and the 5th Colvmn. My first line of cock was in one of those stalls...


dresscode ·
i saw a program on Burning Man (discovery civilization) tuesday night. they followed three young women from texas to the desert. the women didn't understand the burning of the man (not sure i do either) but it looked gorgeous. i love the people and the freedom of a spiritual hippy love fest. i'm not saying that i'm fancy but i don't think i could sleep in a tent for more that one night. the RV looked so inviting. we need luxury or as much as we can bring with us. the program got me very...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

Guest ·
Everyone-Unable to fit my entire body through the partition, I simply crammed my goodyear tire and rubber grade A titties and booty through the chain slot and let the man pleasure himself. Dresscode -keep up the good work. I cannot tell you how many times various cab drivers have begged to know your whereabouts salivating at the thought of the hottest piece of action on this planet. Daddy-if you get tired of genetic women would you consider taking up with the oldest transvestite in the...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
When I was 13, my mother and father took a day trip to Ohio to see my uncle and my brother closest to me in age was suppose to keep an eye on me while they were away. He did a really good job by getting me totally stoned. Later in the evening he had his girlfriend named Andrea come over, and they went downstairs in our family room where my brothers best friend Chris and I could hear her getting the life fucked out of her from where we were upstairs in the livingroom. Well at 13 almost...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

daddy ·
I heard a real "steamy" story about you Helin. I wonder if it's the same one you wanted to tell us on the last page?

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Guest ·
my first m2m experience happened last year. My former landlord (a divorced tall 40 y/o german stud) accidently found a stack of fetish mags that I had left out one day. He was in the rental to fix the sink and I forgot. That weekend he came by and asked me not to leave my personal stuff lying around. I was so embarrrassed. He was cool though and we struck up a discussion about desires and fetishes. What I didn't realize was that he was bisexual and into kink. I was into heel worship, B/D and...

Re: Mondo Internet

Miss Understood ·
So, from what I'm told, the gay comics are "Yaoi" and the gay kiddie ones are "shota." The weirdest part is that they are mostly read by women .

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

bobby ·
Suddenly I feel a bit feverish...Did I ever tell you about the time I was in Miami and all oiled up and sashayin' down the beach in that gayish zone around 20th street and two Cuban mamis snatched me up right off the beach. I was 21 at the time and I had just imbibed an organic ciggerette and had washed down a mandrax or two with a shaker full of Martini juice and I'm bare foot and in only a skimpy speedo headed towards the ocean for a dip... Well these two young ( 18?) hot cubano girls who...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Have you ever noticed how bad travel articles in magazines an newspapers are? They are all formatted around overpriced packages. Even here, if you pick up a free (advertiser funded) tourist guide or map, it is full of listings for things that are absurdly overpriced for what things cost here. This place is so gorgeous that there's not much more the pricey places can offer you. You don't need a pool with a crystal clear ocean in front of you! A simple, lovely, Gilliganesque bungalow is about...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

goblin73 ·
your travelogues are incredible, missy. they remind me of my trip to thailand and point out to me all the great things i missed. keep on rockin' in the "kinda" free world. when you head up into chang mai, you'll be wooed into hill treks to see these tribal people in their native environs. they're really just human zoos. i was grossly (and i do mean GROSS) disappointed... the akha women were hostile to us when we didn't wanna spend money on their crappy trinkets. they would yank their kids...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood · they slice open this lizard, squeeze out the oil, and rub it on "make dick grow big". You can also buy the stuff from an herbal medicine guy. I wonder if they have that in Chinatown? Well, I guess if any of the girls go off the 'mones and they want to restore their trade, they can try lizard oil. Chiang Mai is full of Euro-hippie types. Lot's of health food, yoga classes, etc. It's like the Thai San Francisco. There are these stoes full of beads, beautiful fabrics, silver, pottery,...

Re: Brown Couch memories

yazzz ·
I was sitting on a twin of the old J60 brown couch at CBGB's Lounge for Betty Page. No wonder the place is getting such raves from Jackie Legends....It is full of brown couches.

Re: Greer Lankton

Rose Royalle ·
I saw her big titted sculpture at a Whitney Annual which included more G&L artists than ever before, curated by an exceptional gay artworld celeb, Klaus Kertess, and was delightfully surprised that a trans-artist was included in the show, especially in an art climate that was and still is, although administered by art fags and women, in many ways predominantly macho,(compare prices of male artist's work with that of females-- even after women's lib!) I was anxious to see more of her work...

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
Memorial Day weekend: More dykes than you can shake a rubber dick at, Isla would wear out her rug-munching tongue. More pre-summer bleached blondes than you can shake a can of bleach at, with their also bleached mates in matching Sergio Valenti and earthshoes. Why do dykes have the most amazing hairstyles on the planet? The sequined ( head to toe) street psychic who claims that he can tell you your last name, phone number and address after he asks for some ID , but they say that he's the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Jade ·
Sweetie - I love you - you always say the darndest things and I often find myself nodding 'uh-huh' with my mouth open. You also wouldnt be the first to wonder why 'we' cant find some common ground to stand on - at least one or two nights of the week anyway. Rose - that was a caustic little note - but I agree with the spirit, if not the letter of it - No one likes a hint of Male Privilidge - like "Liz is back in Bloomingdales" musking up the TG landscape. HOWever - as a 'transgendered' person...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

bobby ·
Lemme start over as it were.. I am a man. I have lived as a "woman". I have been on hormones and have had breasts. I always had a dick ( my own I mean) I have had moments when I felt like a "woman" but I knew I was not. People have a right to believe anything they like about themselves as far as I'm concerned and anyone who doesn't like it can kiss the proverbial ass ( Jim Fouratt). However I think that many people are confused about their gender even if they are born with one particular set...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
I think so much of the discussion above really has to do more with grades of comfortability within oneself. Stacy you made a re-mark I found intresting about cross dressers only risking discrimination when they are dressed and in public. A good girlfriend of mine (str8 cross dresser) has shared with me the CONSTANT axe that hangs over her head in terms of family members and a wife finding out about this "double life" It is fear that keeps alot of these people so stuffed in there...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
All I can do is nod in agreement and say "so well stated." I think I know what you mean, Sweetie, about not having a focused point, but I think that there is one there somewhere. This is a difficult topic to really tie together for some reason. I obviously have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's a flaw of character on my part, but I still haven't much sympathy or patience for anyone who is scared to death to show their colors in this world. Maybe that's where support is sorely...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
" I guess for me, my freedom to live as I please was a higher priority than it is for some. " That may be it in a nutshell, Miss Understood. Sometimes the desire may be growing and latent and its a matter of timing. I remember what a quiet, shy kid I was until in 8th grade, the boy behind me in class would not leave me alone. He was always whispering funny things to me and singing songs to me really low until he finally won me over and in a big way. Suddenly I was transformed, which really...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

daddy ·
I can't easily jump in (being the world's ugliest gender-variant "thing" to come down the pike as most of you know) but this discussion is so smart & riviting. I've been around the drag world for years. It started at G.G. Barnum's in Times Square where I was a go go dancer. One day I got caught in the G.G. dressing room. The "girls" asked Miss Peter- The Sweetie of her day, "Can we keep him, Can we keep him Miss Peter?" They did. Never a tranny or a chaser I always appreciated "the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Rose Royalle ·
Well, my mind expanding Sweetie, this drop the bomb topic has been running around my already busy brain for days. I'm very happy to see people expressing themselves and shedding their experiences. (Stacy, welcome home honey, I've often wondered how you were doing.) A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman! A transgendered woman is not a man! A transgendered woman is not a woman! (Repeat chorus) Bobby Miller and I are friends. I love him as a human being and as...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Lisa Jackson ·
I have been out in the world as Lisa for about two years now but only a few times have I stepped into daylight. I know that the courage to do this will have to come from myself just like the courage it will take for the trans communite to be a real part of the world will have to come from the trans persons themselves. I am still alittle scared to get involved with a TG support group becuase that just puts me one step closer to my truth and that can be scarry, but I need that support and I...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
I have been reading everyones posts with such enthusiasm and interest. I would like to share a few things with several of you: April: I know something of the feelings that you are going through about family and transitioning. I remember how much angst and fear that caused me. Once I knew there was no turning back for me any longer, I actually remember having thoughts of wishing my family dead so that I would be able to live. As insane as that sounds (and is) that's a good example of the...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Jade ·
I must say its a shame their sorry lives will be the focus of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of film, talent and energy. There seems so much more worth showing the world than troubled souls trying so desperately to have a good time. Maybe its what people need to see, I dont know. It certainly has fascination - in a 'how low can you go' kind of way. One thing's for sure, its definately a New York story. I wonder if this film will reveal the disconnection, the desperation...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

daddy ·
World of Wonder $3 million Macaulay Culkin $1 million everything else $1 million ---------------------------- $5 million "Sorry, I guess there is no budget for costumes. Can you do it for free? It will be good for you." By any chance did the conversation go anything like that?

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
It probably went a lot like that... We were thinking "small budget" and $5 million didn't really belong in the same sentence either. Of course we've never produced a movie so... Hattie we are very much lookig forward to meeting you too On the topic of too many bodies, we had a similar incident here. A police officer fell off of a bridge into the Ohio River, they searched for his body, and never found it. Instead they found three other bodies, all women. This disturbed a lot of people.

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

hatches ·
No Daddy, it would be something like this: World Of Wonder: $.5 million + % of profit Macauley: $.5 million Everything else: $1 million The corporate octopus involved: $3 million + % of profit of film, 100% on lunchpails & other film- related merchandise. And you would think that after $5 million came in that WOW would begin to go into percentage and see some more money, right? Wrong. The "break-even point" on a film like this could be as much as $10 million, after the corporate entity...

Re: Provincetown

daddy ·
Alot of those "men" are women.

Re: Provincetown

colleentv ·
....and alot of those "women" are men.

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

colleentv ·
You bring up some interesting points about transharassment by males. They are usually the most vocal and sometimes violent. And that's the irony!... Discrimination is usually spawned by fear. People who discriminate usually feel threatened in some kind of way and it can sometimes cause them to act out. In our case men think that we challenge their sexuality, if for only a second they think we're real or are attracted to us sexually. The reality is that if the're attracted to women and we...

Re: Mondo Internet

Zazoo and Satori ·
We want one! I wonder if they have a bunch of lights on them at night?