Tagged With "Alladin Project"
Here are the drop-off locations for RAGS ARE RICHES Please bring your donations to the following drop-off locations ONLY DURING THE DATES AND TIMES LISTED DOUBLE DOWN SALOON Wednesdays April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Accepting donations from noon-8 PM 14 AVENUE A (1-2nd Street) Leave with bartender ABBY or write "ATTENTION: ABBY" on the bag(s) HOWL ARTS OFFICE Thursdays April 11 and 25 Accepting donations from 3-6 PM 636 BROADWAY (at Bleecker St.) Suite 512 (Fifth Floor) Please call (212)...
Little Pam
Crystal Lopez
in my opinion... the man is an effigy into which we project all of the attachments we have to the things we arrived there with - our art, our posessions, our egos - and then watch go up in flames. all the time, energy, money, and strife that goes into the event just burns so spectacularly. it's really powerful. (if you choose for it to be.) RVs are nice but expensive. domes are better and much, much hipper. but the US BUS is the swankienda to beat all. wishing you were cumming with me. i...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
You know, I had all sorts of ideas like that. All I think about here is how much fun I would have doing some creative buying/designing/importing. It just comes down to the lack of a system. To really make it work I'd need to deal in some amount of quantity. That involves having a shop or showroom or doing trade shows. I could not only scout really direct sources here, but I could custom things to give them a unique look. Anyone out there want to back a project? Send me an email. For a big...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
Is this the same "Party Monster" that is being produced by "Killer Films" (Hedwig, Velvet Goldmine,Stonewall, I Shot Andy Warhol,Boy's Don't Cry,Poison) And is starring Macaulay Culkin as Alig, Seth Green as James St. James and Marilyn Manson as Christina? More info on that project here: http://www.upcomingmovies.com/partymonster.html Satori
Re: New Old New Wave? 1982-->2002
The Duran Duran reunion project is still on. An album, produced by Nile Rodgers, is expected before the end of the year. Nick Rhodes, meanwhile, has been collaborating with original Duran singer Stephen Duffy. They've been re-recording some early Duran Duran demos they made together. Nick has approached Felix Da Housecat and his synthcore production mentor Tommie Sunshine to remix the singles. ---------- Synth pioneers Soft Cell and Human League have also approached Felix and Tommie to mix...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
When the umbrella term "transgender" started to encompass everyone on the Benjamin scale, from 1 to 6, I welcomed it. I remember how the NYC Drag Queens fought to not be included under that term at Stonewall 25, in order to have a separate marching contingent from Transgender. I was saddened by that at the time, but now have more understanding. There is really very little that an active transsexual (I make that distinction as I have encountered so many on the net that call themselves...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
All I can do is nod in agreement and say "so well stated." I think I know what you mean, Sweetie, about not having a focused point, but I think that there is one there somewhere. This is a difficult topic to really tie together for some reason. I obviously have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's a flaw of character on my part, but I still haven't much sympathy or patience for anyone who is scared to death to show their colors in this world. Maybe that's where support is sorely...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
At Theo's recent fete over at Don Hill's I was approached by some sissy number who called himself Theron. Claimed to be one of the associate producers of the film in focus; he displayed a digicam's snaps from that afternoon, (the first day of shooting). Gotta say, Marylin looked stellar. Within the 20 minutes he was talking to me, he'd gotten up and run off and come back at least ten times in search of blow. Before he darted off for the last time, I told him that at least he was in the right...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
This subject is always so polarizing, and we've tried to steer clear of it ... While all of it was going on, we were being good little students and getting our education at Ohio University in the middle of nowhere. Zazoo did go to Limelight and Club USA in '92 (or ˜93) and had a blast. The Little Professor bookstore on campus carried "Project X" but that was the extent of our knowledge of the scene in NYC. When Chi Chi posted Michael Wilkinson's note above, we debated for over a week. When...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
Oh Satori, I am glad you are contributing to the project. I just tend to see red when some one I don't even know tries to borrow things I have horded over the years and then receives "Costume Designer" credit. Maybe I am just paranoid. Not that I have a single lunchbox :-) And I am looking forward to meeting you on your visit. I can remember when Angel had vanished and the rumors were flying. The NYPD was desperately trying to produce a body so they would have a case (after all, that's one...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
No Daddy, it would be something like this: World Of Wonder: $.5 million + % of profit Macauley: $.5 million Everything else: $1 million The corporate octopus involved: $3 million + % of profit of film, 100% on lunchpails & other film- related merchandise. And you would think that after $5 million came in that WOW would begin to go into percentage and see some more money, right? Wrong. The "break-even point" on a film like this could be as much as $10 million, after the corporate entity...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
History Wrestles Commerce in Meatpacking District By DENNY LEE (NYT, 8/11/02) The three-year drive to confer landmark status on the meatpacking district is taking on a new urgency. What began as a low-key investigation of warehouses and blood-soaked Belgian blocks has quickened this summer into a race that pits preservationists against developers. "We're hitting a critical juncture," said Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. "Several...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Hatches -- It was impressive to meet you, such a stately figure of consequence with a wise, yet subdued kindness. I hope you like the Jackie 60 Fashion Forward shwag, I apologize for the interruption in your stage performance last night (that was not my doing, ahem, Daddy - I much prefer being on the dance floor!) ------------- As I continue to delve into NYC in the 80s, I find more and more information about DWs work and the artists he collaborated with. Just when I thought I had a...
daddy, thanks for leaving it up. i couldn't deal with the loss yet either. have you spoken to pat? i got a call from molly but haven't had a chat with pat. i'm sure she is on to the next project. never looking back.
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
DH --- article in UK telegraph newspaper heralding Ms Harry as the Queen of all CARS (!?) Her legend goes on... while Madonnas slides turd like..further down the pan...........read on.... Car culture: A feast fit for the man from Mars (Filed: 05/04/2003) The Subaru Forester might be an ugly beast that breaks all the rules, but it is also among the best cars in the world, says Stephen Bayley Blondie's great album, Autoamerican, was recorded at Hollywood's United Western Studios in 1980. One...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.
Re: Michael Moore
The important thing I think we seem to be forgetting is that if everyone else who received an award acted like Mr. Moore, seizing every potential opportunity to browbeat us with their personal political views, wouldn't it eventually erode and demean the purpose of the event and the achievements of all involved? Will we go away from this remembering which actor/director put a year or two of their life into some project or that Mr. Big Mouth got into a shouting contest with his peers? Sure...
Re: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(c'mon! you knew i would eventually make this thread)
for those intrested, there's a book that came out late last year(around november/december) called "Pure Imagination" by Mel Stuart. it's the only recorded publication of the making of "Willy Wonka..". ...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! ..& a bit of a tidbit: i just found out that Tim Burton will be directing the remake of "Willy Wonka..", so, it IS going to happen, unfortunately. ..i wonder if Marilyn Manson will still be on to play Willy? i'd figure if Burton's helming the project, then he...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
On the top of my thank-you list are the names Jade, Mia and Derrick "” who put up with me week after week, let me be bossy on occassion, but always kept the momentum going, especially during those few dark hours when I found myself pulling my hair out! Chi Chi, thank-you so much for putting your confidence in me, when we started, you probably thought I could do anything, and (while I'm not saying that's not true) I know I may have shocked you with just what minor setbacks proved to show what...
Re: Nina Simone
Daddy, I ran Baba's business with him for about nine years in the 90's. It really transformed my life in many many ways. I have endless stories about that adventure. He 'went over to the great majority' -as they say- April 6. The cause was terminal stages of diabetes. Drums of Passion was recorded in 1958/9. Everyone from Dylan to Santanna had their musical heads whacked by it. Closer to home, Nina, Coltrane, Abbey Lincoln, Max Roach, Joan Baez, Mickey Hart, Jerry Garcia, -all fell under the...
>thought this needed to be added to the sector<<BR> from the archival crypts @nytimes: Edith Bouvier Beale, 84, 'Little Edie,' Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (2002) Edith Bouvier Beale, once a successful model and aspiring actress who later lived a gothic life in Grey Gardens, a dilapidated 28-room house in East Hampton, N.Y., with her mother and dozens of cats, raccoons and opossums, was found dead in her small apartment in Bal Harbour, Fla., on Jan. 14. She was 84. Her nephew, Bouvier...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
I saw it today. I don't know what to think. It definitely wasn't bad, but I can't say it was good either. I thought MacAuley Culkin was irritating, if it was just Seth Green it would've been a much better movie. For those who know the story (or lived it), the only reason to see the movie was for the recreations of the club scene "back in the day", but as Z&S pointed out above those scenes are pretty much quick camera pans across a dark room with an indistinguishable glimpse at a few...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The Meatpacking District has now been granted offical landmark status by the powers that be. But with everything that once made that neighborhood interesting either gone completely or stifled by the tidal wave of bottle service assholes, does the title really matter?
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
I just talked with Jojo. He's in good spirits. He's making jokes and stuff like that, trying to keep it light, and keeping his head up. He's in some pain, but coping He goes in for the operation tomorrow at 6:30 am, It will take about an hour. They keep him for about an hour after for observation. He'll then be going to stay with his friend Ron for a week while he heals (We'll have the number if people want to call) and then will go in on the 20th to talk about starting some new meds. He may...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Erasing Charas/El Bohio is one of the most overt racist acts by the city in recent years, regarding real estate. No one in the current administration probably is old enough to even remember that E. 9th Street was totally burnt out, a no man's land in the 1970's. It was the people behind El Bohio along with other homesteaders who actually took over the block and began to redevelop it. And it was Charas' commitment to keeping the building as a community center without big money backing that...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Mao tse Tung did the five C's and then some. It is just another subterfuge to call NWO a management system. As originally instituted as a pragmatic social system it was just called Totalitarianism. The key component is as Comte wrote but in later studies was more specifically called "a closed inner world (of the individual mind)." There in effect is no such thing as an individual anymore. The highest crime is to have a 'private thought.' But the huge difference between the original...
Re: Provincetown
Well, babs, it's now tomorrow, and still snowing like there was no yesterday. Hopefully a lot of people are out ("higher ground, anyone?")...I'm in and staying warm. Btw, still at work on "the project." Kiss and tell!
Re: Provincetown
I just woke up and can't see out of the windows or doors. The drifts are about 6 to 8 feet and it looks like there's about 20 inchs so far and it's still snowing. The wind here is like a hurricaine and the high tide is arriving now. I am a big block from the ocean so I hope we don't float away. If so I'll be sure to post from "Elsewhere". Joe/ Glad to hear that the project is still on. Good luck.
Re: Internet Radio
Question.... Am haunted by this amazing video that RasKassa did for Damaim Marley - Jamrock.... anyone know of any website that has new release videos on it.. am hunting via google and getting nowt.. want to show it to some folks re a project we are working on.
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Bobby, look for a thin woman with huge expressive eyes done in black kohl-- kind of a cross between Alice Cooper and Nefertiti. Her hair was always done up in a large and loose Gibson Girl meets Geisha coiffure. She always wore black but would find some costume fragment, usually on the floor of the dressing room-- some discarded feathers, a beaded or glittering thing-- that she would work into a stunning and unique shawl. That's Ann. As I remember her now, she was somewhat older than the...
Hmmm... I think I was misunderstood. ACT UP meetings on Mondays used to draw 200 or more. Now the actual "meetings" of the "official ACT UP" are small. That's all I meant in response to the question. But, yes, soooo many ACT UPers have gone to continue the work, most often with other groups, including direct action. Many were at the screening of the ACT UP oral history project last night. (It was like a "reunion!") --Check out the interviews on the website, and you'll see just how many could...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
HOPE IN NEBRASKA? May 13, 2005 Judge Voids Same-Sex Marriage Ban in Nebraska By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LINCOLN, Neb., May 12 (AP) - A federal judge on Thursday struck down Nebraska's ban on same-sex marriage, saying the measure interfered not only with the rights of gay couples but also with those of foster parents, adopted children and people in a variety of other living arrangements. The amendment to the state's Constitution, which defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman, was...
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza
I have posted in other areas of this site, which I think inspired this thread, but I'll repost the note here: "An NYC-based documentary company is currently conducting research for a project about the cultural impact of the film Grey Gardens since its release in 1976. If you, your friends, or anyone in your community has ever created performances or events inspired by this film, and are interested in having these efforts included in the project, please contact us at gardentastic@yahoo.com."...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Did New Orleans Catastrophe Have to Happen? 'Times-Picayune' Had Repeatedly Raised Federal Spending Issues By Will Bunch Published: August 30, 2005 9:00 PM ET PHILADELPHIA Even though Hurricane Katrina has moved well north of the city, the waters may still keep rising in New Orleans late on Tuesday. That's because Lake Pontchartrain continues to pour through a two-block-long break in the main levee, near the city's 17th Street Canal. With much of the Crescent City some 10 feet below sea...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
There actually were plans for strengthening the levees by the Army Corps of Engineers and they were ready to do it, but bush cut funds to the project and diverted them to Iraq, where significant numbers of Louisanna National Guradsman were also diverted. Everybody is criticizing the administration, the MSNBC crowd, the conservatives on CNN, even the FOX Cable News. Today I read that even Newt Gingrich was yelling about how if this is an example of how the Homeland Security reacts to homeland...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
The below is an update from the head of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau. It is a city government agency, (virtually all US cities have a CVB) in charge of all tourism and business-tourism matters pertaining to the city. As such it coordinates and acts as a central clearing house for information and arrangements in an in-depth network of all hotel, convention, public transportation, restaurant, nightlife, cultural, religious and civic organizations, in both the for profit and...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
from the article, "Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq. "Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs...
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
Thanks ...but we can't take credit for the zipper graphic... We recycled (stole) that from the cover of a Dead or Alive side project. LOL Satori